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  1. #1
    Dream Vet

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    May 2014
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    Not sure where to ask not TTC

    Atomic hopefully you will see this!
    It has definitely been a while.
    I am not TTC, my cycles have been MIA for over a year, I'm quite certain. I have not been charting but haven't had it. Figured I was entering menopause . Wasn't ready but that's out of my control. Now to my question/concern. Last month in in March I had really really sore breasts and lots of cm. Didn't seem fertile but definitely lots. I had started a keto diet so I assumed it was from those changes. Then about 3 weeks later, AF showed up! Ha.
    At least I think it was. Almost normal but not super duper heavy like I had. It was kind of relieving to me that 1 maybe I could still ovulate, I know 🤪 crazy, and 2 I wasn't ready for menopause at 48. My Almost 8 year old daughter prays for a baby sister every night. She's precious.

    So fast forward, I went to the Dr yesterday for a sinus infection and somehow discussed my cycles and she was very concerned that I had bleeding after a year because if you have not had a cycle in a year it's considered menopause and any bleeding after is abnormal and could be a symptom of uterine cancer....freakout mode!
    I'm sure I have not had any cycles before this one in a year, can't rule out spotting because I just don't remember.
    So anyway, my question normal is Orr isn't it to have a cycle start after a year or more if nothing??

    Thanks for any responses and Atomic, sure hope you and your family are doing well.
    We are great and in the midst of teenagers and all that comes along with that and my two younger ones. Blessed. Trying to enjoy every moment because it goes by too fast.

  2. #2
    Dream Vet

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    Bump ��

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, I recall reading this at the time and kept it open on my browser to research and get back to you. At some point after you bumped it, the window must have gotten closed on me and I never replied. The site hasn't been working well for some time now and so when I miss something I often don't see it for a while.

    While I'm sure you have gotten this worked out, I did want to let you know that both a good friend of mine, and me myself, have had this exact same thing happen. My friend (who had a history of PCOS) went a year, assumed menopause, and had a period. I went fifteen months (during which time due to acid reflux, I completely changed my eating and lost 20 pounds) and then had a period. And we were much older than you at that time.

    Without bloodwork I can't know for sure of course, but my guess is you weren't ovulating due to some sort of diet/hormone reason and the keto diet helped kick things into gear again. This may last for a while or it may be you won't have another cycle.

    Doctors rightfully treat this as in need of investigation, but if it is like a normal period, and it takes place in a reasonable time frame, particularly when there are symptoms that seem familiar that happen a couple weeks prior that indicate ovulation (which was true in my case too - signs of ovulation, sore BBs, insomnia right before, etc) I would not be concerned about it. Yes, get checked just on the safest side, but OBGYN do see this fairly regularly from what I understand.

    My family and I are doing well and I am so happy to hear yours is too!!
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