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22 Visitor Messages

  1. HI Atomic, thank you for helping me with the accesss to become a dream member. They always ask for a password i donīt have jet, when I try to got to private IFV.
    I did sent a lot of messages to, but there was no answer.. Best regards Anna
  2. Hi Atomic!! I don't get much time to post these days but I did send you a pm! Just wanted to say Hi and that I love the new profile pic!! She is a doll, looks to be a bit fiesty too!
  3. pastelpicnic, thanks so much! Glad to "see" you!!! Good luck!!
  4. View Conversation
    Hey Atomic! I haven't been around in about a year. I originally came over from in-gender. I swayed over with the girls on that site for about a year on and off. Then came to gender dreaming for about 6mos. and then got pg with my first DD. She is 8mos. now. I left because I ended up having a ton of marital problems after getting pregnant with DD. Anyway I just wanted to say congrats on your DD! Take Care!
  5. View Conversation
    Hey, check HT
  6. Hi and welcome achelo! I'm glad you found us and that you like the site!!! Please let me know if you have any questions!!
  7. Hello AS :-) I'm new here, and in complete awe of this site. DH and I are ttc pink and felt hopeless about it, until stumbling onto all of your astounding research (holy essays!!) and the support we've seen displayed here! Thank you so much for all of the hard work and time you put into it all for countless swaying couples. We feel renewed and ready
  8. Three Men, most people plan/sway for 3 months and then TTC for 3 months, so I'd get it 3 months before you want to start TTC.
  9. View Conversation
    Hello Atomic. When do you think I should get the plan for $75 to start my sway? I'm ttc in Nov. I'm still nursing my ds and plan to stop in the next few weeks.
  10. Thank you so much Hope and Dream! That made my day a lot brighter!!
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About atomic sagebrush

Basic Information

About atomic sagebrush
HI! I"m a mom of 4 boys with a passion for swaying and science, hoping to add another prince to my kingdom.
Eastern Washington State, USA
Reading, science, movies, cooking, cartoons
Full-time Dreamer!!


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April 27th, 2018 07:20 AM
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December 2nd, 2024 11:02 AM
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December 20th, 2010

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