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  1. Hi
    1) I took only prenatals like folicacid, DHA and natuaraly smart vitamins recommented by Dr. Potter and Lori.
    2) I could not use Microsort!
    3) We did 24-GSN recommented by Dr. Potter.
    4) I had 15 eggs, 9 went to GSN and only one was normal and it was a XX Hatchingblast. I was 38 1/2 years old when I cycled.
    5) We transferd one, we had only one normal XX.

    Hope this helps and good luck
  2. View Conversation
    Hi lara2011

    Hope you don't mind me contacting you but I'm new on here. I've come from IG as thier forum is down...I'm cycling at HRC in February and getting so nervous...I'd love some advice from you as I know you were successful. I have 4 questions I'm desperate to know what you think

    Did you take any supplements in the few months before cycling?
    We're you offered Microsort as dr p doesn't anymore and I'm worried?
    Did you go with a 5 probe or the new 24? I'm worried aboout the 24 as many have no transfers, I'm thinking I should do a 5 probe, wha did yu do?
    Did you transfer 1 or 2 embies?

    Thanks so much for any help in advance, I really could do with a friend right now!!

    Are your little girl/girls here yet? So happy for you that it worked xx
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    Thanks Dreambig thanked for this post
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    Lara, ich hab gerade erst deine visitor message gesehen, du warst also auch bei Dr. Zech in Pilsen? Oh bitte berichte, wie du die gesamte Planung von Dr. Potter gemacht hast!!!! und vor allem was es dich insgesamt gekostet hat. ich rechne immer in euro, aber wenn du es in dollar schreiben kannst, waer auch super. Dr Zech sollte mit med 7200 kosten.
  4. Hi Amelie, do you speak German? I am from Switzerland and my English is not the best! Yes I cycled with the Zech clinic (Hana Visnova). I think she is not any more there. We payed about CHF 10'000 incl. the meds, but had to buy some meds by myself. We did also ask about a shared risk (they said no) and we also had the possibility to do batching more cycles.
    I don't know, after my two cycles, I would not go back to the clinic in Czech. The clinic in Czech is modern and I think they are good for normal IVF and donor eggs but not PGD. My monitoring in the US was much much better, the protocol was much much better, the information was much much better and I had full trust in Lori and Dr. Potter.
    I know this is a very difficult decision.
  5. View Conversation
    Hi Lara, just wondering, since this Czech stuff is a little under the table (YKWIM).... it was Dr. Zech where I went and the doctor surprisingly mentioned a low responder problem like that... I asked him if he could give me any guarantee package deal like Potter... he said the only thing he can offer is collect several times for example each time 6 and freeze ( that is free) and then do the pgd at the end.... does that make sence?
    Would love to hear from you again....
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