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  1. #11
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by boyswayhere View Post
    Thank you so much for taking the time to get back to me �� I had a look at the supplement list, is it the one on the last page? So recommended is DH to take Mens one a day 50+? (He's 29 ��) and I take the orange womens one a day? On top of this do I take an amount of folic acid and fish oil?
    I have a link to a fish oil from Holland and Barratt: it is coated so I am not sure if it is the one. How much folic acid would you recommend?

    Thanks again
    Can you link me to the supplements list you're looking at?

    Yes I like hubby to take Men's One a Day over 50 and fish oil (500 mg is fine) and for you to take the orange Women's One a Day and fish oil or DHA (250-500 mg for you)

    Yes please take folic acid or folate to total up to 2000 mcg (that's MICROgrams not MILLIgrams) including the amount in your One a Day, all thru the first trimester of pregnancy. Once you're 12 weeks along, start weaning off it gradually by spacing doses futher and further out till down to the prenatal. Hubby does not need any more than the amount in the Men's Over 50.
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  2. #12
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by boyswayhere View Post
    Thank you so much for taking the time to get back to me 😃 I had a look at the supplement list, is it the one on the last page? So recommended is DH to take Mens one a day 50+? (He's 29 &#128585 and I take the orange womens one a day? On top of this do I take an amount of folic acid and fish oil?
    I have a link to a fish oil from Holland and Barratt: Holland & Barrett Enteric Coated Omega 3 Fish Oil 60 Capsules - Holland & Barrett it is coated so I am not sure if it is the one. How much folic acid would you recommend?

    Thanks again
    Can you link me to the supplements list you're looking at?

    Yes I like hubby to take Men's One a Day over 50 and fish oil (500 mg is fine) and for you to take the orange Women's One a Day and fish oil or DHA (250-500 mg for you)

    Yes please take folic acid or folate to total up to 2000 mcg (that's MICROgrams not MILLIgrams) including the amount in your One a Day, all thru the first trimester of pregnancy. Once you're 12 weeks along, start weaning off it gradually by spacing doses futher and further out till down to the prenatal. Hubby does not need any more than the amount in the Men's Over 50.
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  3. #13
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    The H and B fish oil is fine.
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