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  1. #1
    Dream Vet

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    Wink Looking for advice, not in a hurry :)

    Hi I've been looking at this site for a few weeks....I think it's great there's somewhere people can chat without judgment as obviously it's an evocative subject for a lot of people, understandably. We plan to TTC in about a year form now, so not in a major hurry and have time to gather information about making changes safely. We are lucky enough to have a healthy boy and girl. We do have a slight "preference" for a girl next time though will be happy either way and mainly just want a 3rd child, so no major pressure on a sway though would like to feel I gave it a go. We are both willing to make minor changes to our diet and lifestyle but I have a tendency to obsess, so definitely don't want to go in that direction. I am vegan (actually went vegan when I conceived my son; was eating dairy with daughter!) and have PCOS tendencies (hormones have tested fine but have longer and unpredictable cycles even before breastfeeding). Husband eats meat but we don't have it in the house, so he doesn't get ahold of it too often :P
    I am currently breastfeeding and we are both co-sleeping with our 16 month old son (and don't see that changing in the next year!). I drink A LOT of coffee--had given it up to TTC daughter but not son...just looking for a bit of advice on sustainable, gentle changes that we might make to sway pink. I don't want to count grams and calories but happy to cut things out, estimate, etc...though we are planning a trip to NYC right about when we will start so can only do the best we can do while away. My main questions are--is gradual or sudden the way to go? Do I need to give up my coffee/when? I know with my daughter we were...trying...very actively (every day, if not more...!) and, with my son (due to already having a toddler!)..not so much. Do these things make a difference? I also live on Soya...tofu...milk...yogurt..soya everything, and things like flax seed and chia seed, so wondering if--and how--that sways. I'll be 35 when we start, so not in a major hurry but also don't want a massive gap between number 2 and 3

    Thanks in advance for any advice, and nice to "meet" you all--everyone seems really friendly x
    Last edited by PinkSabra101; February 26th, 2018 at 09:30 AM.

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  3. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    With PCOS + vegan diet we have to be careful for you not to get too many carbs. Vegan diets can sometimes aggravate PCO-tendencies which can raise testosterone and blood sugar sway blue (even though overall, vegans do have more daughters.) So I want you at 50-60 g protein and fat every day and then focus your carb intake more on healthier carbs like whole grain, fruit and veg which are better tolerated. I understand you don't intend to count grams and that's totally up to you, point being eat more protein/fat, fewer carbs, and focus on better tolerated carbs.

    We have found coffee to be a solid pink sway (even though you got a boy while drinking it before) it's been a strong swayer for us. I would not have you give it up but that's of course at your discretion.

    RE number of attempts, we have found that having one attempt in the fertile window does tend to sway pink, BUT hubby releasing many days in a row before your attempt may sway pink. So I would have you do FR and one attempt to start with...have hubby release daily for 7-10 days before having one attempt.
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  4. #3
    Dream Vet

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    Thank you so much for such a quick response; would you say that soya and chia/flax are ok to keep? Also, would you start this early or wait til closer to TTC?
    Thanks again

  5. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    I prefer you guys do soy 2-3 days a week because ~some~ people believe it may sway blue (I don't, but I figure it's a good compromise)

    Chia seeds are fine but I'd still keep them to 2-3 servings per week. We don't have a big body of data to know if they sway or not.

    I can't recommend anyone do flaxseed or flaxseed oil while TTC. Not only has it been rumored to sway blue, but additionally more than occasional dietary amounts of flax (like 1-2 days per week) may be harmful in pregnancy and since no one is really quite sure how it works and how long the effects last, I feel it's best to avoid it when pregnant and TTC.
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  6. #5
    Dream Vet

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    Thanks again; I will be looking into purchasing a specific plan closer to the time, but in the meantime this is useful information and thanks again for fast response.

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  8. #6
    Dream Vet

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    ...would you combine this with LE diet and exercise? I currently exercise 1-2 times a week (formally...I would say pushing a double buggy up a hill daily is no small feat...) and am 5 foot tall and relatively thin (110 ish pounds, small frame but gain and lose weight easily), snack constantly. Hope this thread is helpful to any other sort-of-PCOs vegans

  9. #7
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yes sure - LE Diet in terms of not eating a bunch of heavily fortified foods, keeping to 2-3 meals a day instead of grazing all day, trying to keep fat and protein in the 50-60 g range if you can, limiting cals to 1500-1800 (you may need more, at least to start out, since you are already petite)

    Exercise absolutely completely and totally 100% endorsed. It's among the best sway tactics there is and additionally it will really help with the PCOS as well. All PCOSers or even those with tendencies that way should do exercise, and while the 60 6-7 recommendation is most reliable, PCOSers need to exercise even if you can't get that much exercise in. The benefits for blood sugar control are so huge that you should exercise even moderately (but more is better.)

    Glad to be of help!
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  10. #8
    Dream Vet

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    Thanks husband is willing to make a few tweaks as well, dietary but not supplements. Does him going veggie or even vegan while ttc help at all? I was also wondering, with the LE diet, is there any effect of the distribution of calories? Would someone who chooses to sit down and eat 1500 cals in one sitting likely have a different outcome (all being equal) from someone who chooses to eat tiny amounts all day long but doesn't exceed cal limits? (I'm more like option B by nature). While I don't want to overhaul my life entirely, I am willing to do a bit more of an intense sway than originally thought, so getting my research in way in advance When ttc my daughter, I was taking loads of herbs...shatavari, black cohosh, rhodiola...all for unpredictable periods rather than ttc per se (didn't help, though I felt the best energy-wise I ever have in my life...probably more an effect of being younger and pre-kids to be honest)...with my son I wasn't taking anything as was breastfeeding and also saw that late ovulation wasn't an obstacle to conception for us...both were conceived well after cycle day 40. With both, I had accupuncture twice a month (again, not sure it helped anything but did feel good). Any advice on that? Aware there are loads of questions snuck in there, so take your time and thanks in advance!

  11. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yes, hubby going veg/vegan may help as may increasing soy milk/soy food intake for him.

    There is a LOT of room between eating one meal of 1500 cals and eating constantly the whole day. Please do either 2 or 3 meals a day, if you can. Go to 4 or 5 if you MUST, but 2-3 is best. Snacking all day is not so good for your sway, and one 1500 cal meal a day, I'm not sure why anyone would do that. That makes no sense for a sway or for your ability to stick to diet (could also delay or stop ovulation) and no one is doing or has ever done that.

    I don't recommend any of those herbs. None of the pink sway herbs worked when we tested them in our results and while I haven't tested those per se (black cohosh is bad juju - please stay away from that!) I can't recommend any of them since even the things that people once strongly believed in for swaying, have not panned out.

    To control your irregular cycles, diet and exercise can really help considerably. So like we discussed I'd def. want you on the alt. diet with very great care taken not to get too many carbs. Exercise is a must.

    Acupuncture at your discretion. It may sway blue.
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  12. #10
    Dream Vet

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    Thanks No idea why someone would eat 1500 cals in a go, just wondering if it's the pattern of eating that sways or the total intake itself...?
    I think the best thing for me is to sort of gather all the info and then implement what I can and forget the you think the best/most efficient way to do this is to buy a plan a bit nearer the time? We're thinking of starting this time next year so maybe start the plan around Christmas time? Or, in your opinion, is it best to start some of the things now, in a gradual way? I am trying to stay clear of obsessiveness and also I think that if I were to do anything I would resent too much, including giving it heaps of thought and energy, I would end up being more disappointed :/

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