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  1. #21
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    Hi! So I have switched to folate. I think somehow maybe we're missing our window. Or every four days this last month was the day before my positive OPK and then didn't BD until 5 days later because of a trip and AF arrived and just ended. I used a fertility monitor this past month as well and only had high days no peak days but had a positive on my sticks from Amazon past 3 months around day 14 or 15. Do you think DHs sperm could be not living g long enough since we have BD always the day before the positive OPK but have not gotten Prego. Also the past few weeks have been out at the pool a ton with my boys swimming and am worried about a ton of Vitamin D swaying boy instead of girl. Should I wait until Fall or winter to continue trying? Or does it not matter all that much you think? My 36 year old DH also works outside. He has been taking OLE in pill form for the past few months (he does miss some days by accident) we have lowered red meat I now drink coffee wait until at least 11 to eat but have some days where I get more calleries then I should. I have cut out a lot of red meat but we sometimes still eat it. I do drink at least 1 or 2 diet drinks a day now a days and have lost weight. I'm doing at least 4 days of excercise a week. Past two weeks I have done Barre classes, yoga, high fit or just used our excersice bike I have been using at home past few months. Thanks

  2. #22
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    Well, some months just aren't THE month and it takes fully fertile couples doing nothing to sway and BD like bunnies an average of 3-6 months to conceive. So you can't always or even usually look at your BD pattern and say "ah-ha, here's the reason" because for all we know you had a perfectly timed attempt and then it just wasn't the month. Somethign wasn't right with sperm or egg or they didn't find each other or whatever.

    If you would like, you can do e4d and then add in another attempt at positive OPK. BD before positive OPK is not the best chance of conception; normally with e4d though you'll end up from random chance having it fall on different days. So go ahead and add in the attempt at pos OPK to up odds of conception.

    No I do not want you to skip months. Vit. D through sunlight works different than supplements. Your body only absorbs a little and then shuts down the Vit. D makers LOL..
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  3. #23
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    Just wanted to come on and update. We are pregnant 12 weeks this coming Friday and I had NIPT done. We are having a baby girl! I can't thank you enough for all of your help! We are over the moon! Having a gender reveal this sat to announce to our boys and families about the first granddaughter in the family! 🎀💝💗🦄🧚*♀️🧜🌸

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    Hugest congrats! Thanks for updating us!!!
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  6. #25
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    Which is better?

    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Hi and welcome!

    With lupus in the picture we have to put your health first because if you get into a flare, you're not going to be able to get pregnant. Have they given you any advice at all about how to proceed with TTC??

    Were you taking baby aspirin under the advice of a doc?

    I do want to be sure you have weaned off both the prenatal and the aspirin rather than having just dropped them cold turkey?

    I would have you stay far away from artificial sweetener with your AI situation. It doesn't work and some believe they may aggravate autoimmune diseases.

    I wouldn't have you add in alcohol. While alcohol is believed ok in moderation the daily tippling is off limits for you.

    Coffee is believed ok with lupus.

    If you want a swaying lube you can use ANY lube with the exception of things marked "sperm safe, conception friendly" Avoid those for now. Sylk and Acijel have mystical reputations (although have appeared neutral for us, not helpping or hurting a sway)

    While I can approve and disapprove supplements for you I can't give blanket recommendations without a sway plan. Just don't ahve enough info. I will say that for you I would stay far, far away from ANY supplements as none of them work and all of which may have elements to them that could possibly aggravate the lupus. you WILL need to take folic acid or better yet folate. Most people take folate and fiber for them, and OLE and soy milk for their husband, but I need more info before I can say those things are right for you guys.

    PLEASE do not BD daily. That is a recipe for another boy for the reasons I"ve spelled out in this thread. It is a really, really bad idea regardless of how you got your boy(s) in the past. It's been quite obvious in our results that one attempt is a great sway tactic. It is NOT 100%, but I can promise the reason you got your first boy was not because of one attempt, but in spite of it.

    When doing the opposite, you need to be very, very cautious that you only do the opposite on things that actually even swayed blue for you! To put hypothetical numbers on this, let's imagine that everything you did in your life in the past was about 80% blue friendly. And then doing one attempt, dropped you down to 60% blue friendly (which would still be a huge pink sway - 20%!) that would still have made you more blue friendly overall, due to all the other things in your life. So now let's say coming into this sway, you are at 60% blue friendly overall. But now you start BD daily instead of having one attempt, and that 60% goes back up to 80% again!! You have actually made your situation substantially worse by doing the opposite. If you did one attempt, that might have put you to 50-50 or even 60% likely to have a girl. So please just do what has worked for most people most of the time instead of trying to "do the opposite" of things you don't even know had anything to do with why you got boys.

    DH going vegetarian/vegan may help. Even for him just cutting back on meat may help.

    Diet is one of the best sway tactics for you. If you want a girl, you need to make at least some dietary changes. Many people have a misunderstanding of what LE Diet even is, and think it's some kind of hard to stick to, starvation diet when it is the furthest thing from that. Please let me know what you think is so difficult about the LE Diet and I'll help however I can.

    What is your BMI?

    Almond milk has seemed to be fairly pink friendly so I'd continue with that.

    (Atomic) I see you say that sylk and aci-jel don't seem to help or hurt a sway so my question is which is best rephresh, aci-jel or replens? Thank you so much for all the advice you share.

  7. #26
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    None of them have worked at all, getting the same number of girls with and without them.
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  8. #27
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    So what actually sways

    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    None of them have worked at all, getting the same number of girls with and without them.

    So in a nut shell what sways?
    - low sperm count FR, CR, abstain
    -One attempt
    -OLE for him to lower testosterone?
    Last edited by Kazzz; March 1st, 2020 at 03:18 PM.

  9. #28
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    LE Diet longer than 12 weeks plus fiber, coffee, alcohol, and dropping fortified foods, vitamins, and probiotics

    Cardio exercise 60 minutes a day, 4-7 days a week (but 6-7 days is more reliable)

    One attempt in fertile window

    Clomid or Femara if you can get them.

    For hubby - jogging/biking and smoking has been shown in studies and our experiences to sway pink.

    OLE ~might~ sway but it's appearing to be roughly neutral in our results. BTW, OLE does nothing for testosterone, we aren't too sure why it sways if it even does (the recommendation was based on research from a doctor who said they would publish a study explaining it, and then never did)

    Soy milk might sway by lowering testosterone. DO NOT use licorice root though, that got horrible results.

    Nothing else works. The "lowering sperm count" stuff has not seemed to help.

    We have a couple things that are for PCOSers only - do you have PCOS, insulin resistance, or more thn 30 lbs to spare?
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  10. #29
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    So no lowering sperm count

    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    LE Diet longer than 12 weeks plus fiber, coffee, alcohol, and dropping fortified foods, vitamins, and probiotics

    Cardio exercise 60 minutes a day, 4-7 days a week (but 6-7 days is more reliable)

    One attempt in fertile window

    Clomid or Femara if you can get them.

    For hubby - jogging/biking and smoking has been shown in studies and our experiences to sway pink.

    OLE ~might~ sway but it's appearing to be roughly neutral in our results. BTW, OLE does nothing for testosterone, we aren't too sure why it sways if it even does (the recommendation was based on research from a doctor who said they would publish a study explaining it, and then never did)

    Soy milk might sway by lowering testosterone. DO NOT use licorice root though, that got horrible results.

    Nothing else works. The "lowering sperm count" stuff has not seemed to help.

    We have a couple things that are for PCOSers only - do you have PCOS, insulin resistance, or more thn 30 lbs to spare?

    The lowering sperm count is an oldie. So no fr, CR or abstaining anymore.

    I mite just have to buy a personalised diet plan from you. I'm so shocked how many things have been tried over the years. You did good and for that you helped thousands make their dreams come true. I've been reading your posts for about 6 years. I have two boys my dh smokes but doesn't workout he's overweight. I've been pretty much a vegetarian for a year and over the last 5 weeks I've started le well my le haha low protein and fat I'm losing weight. I'll do just a single attempt in the fertile window without missing around with jels and cr. My fertile window is in a few days.

    I don't have pcos, insulin resistance but I'm more fat then muscle but I'm 171cm and weigh 62kgs. If I don't conceive this cycle I'll start running everyday. How long do I need to jog/run each day?

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  12. #30
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    I really do feel we have it pretty well dialed in now, and have focused in on what is actually working while dropping the stuff that doesn't and are getting good results that way (best ever the last two years!!)

    DH smoking does seem to sway pink, so you have that working for you!

    I would just start off walking. Walking is good too and I find when people try running weight flies off.

    You don't need the PCOS-type supplements given your build. You might want to up protein and fat to 50-60 g and limit sugar though. I don't want you to get too heavy in carbs, that may undermine your sway.
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