November 19th, 2019, 08:47 PM
Possible Pregnancy Loss After 13 Months TTC (Possible TMI)
Around 6 weeks pregnant I sensed I was losing my pregnancy as my symptoms began to decrease.
Doctor couldn't fit me in for ultrasound but let me come in for around round of blood tests.
My first round of blood tests at 5 weeks I was doubling HCG ever 33 hours.
This round, at 6 weeks, I am doubling every 82 hours. (Highest number was just over 36,000.)
My pregnancy symptoms starting fading at 6 weeks more and more with each day.
At 7 weeks 2 days, I woke up at 4am to bright red blood with mucous. It tapered off to brown spotting with mucus plug that same day. As for pregnancy symptoms fading, this is also the first day (day of suspected miscarriage) I felt ZERO pregnancy symptoms.
Doctor still can't see me until Monday. No one can see me, I've called around. I could go to ER, but it's not like they can do anything.
I'd really like Doctor to see me sooner though to rule out ectopic pregnancy so it doesn't *turn into* a situation where I need to go to ER. But their response is basically if bad pain starts, go to ER, which is not the preventative measures I had hoped they would take.
Doctor seems to think there's a change I didn't lose the pregnancy. I feel pretty sure I did.
Really I just have a few questions, if anyone is included to answer.
1. Is there anything that can rule out ectopic? Like would my HCG have tapered off lower, or is HCG around 36,000 still within the realm of ectopic?
2. Has anyone else has short term, bright red bleeding *and* a loss of *all* pregnancy symptoms in the first trimester and still had a successful pregnancy? I feel like the the bleed could be an SCH or something else - but when paired with now complete loss of symptoms, I feel like this is it, and I'm really out.
It is like being in purgatory that they can't just see me for a visit and give me answers instead of making me wait a week.
November 20th, 2019, 04:57 AM
Sending hugs, hoping you have not lost the baby. I am not sure about the HCG numbers and an ectopic but i had bright red bleeding at 5w3 days with DS1, this bleeding continued on and off til 14 weeks (ds1 healthy 4 yr old now). With DS2 i had bright red bleeding at 8w was sure i had lost him, bleeding on and off til 13weeks (he’s now a healthy 2 yr old). Bleeding and symptoms or lack of dont necessarily equal loss of pregnancy. Try to stay calm, distract yourself as best you can (easier said than done I know) but stressing wont change the situation. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do but wait and time will tell what is happening. Sending hugs and strength as I know how hard this must be x
November 20th, 2019, 12:14 PM
Swaying Advice Coach
I'm going to try to reassure you here because your doctor is right, there's a decent chance you didn't lose the pregnancy.
It's normal for your HCG to take longer to double between 5 to 6 weeks. Your doubling time is normal for 6 weeks. Nothing about your HCG levels so far indicate anything wrong and we can't tell about an ectopic. Some people have high HCG with an ectopic, others have low HCG with other losses, there's just not really a pattern there we can rely on.
It is not unusual for people to have less pregnancy symptoms for a time and then they come back with a vengeance. It's also a very common pattern for symptoms to come on strong in the early days and then taper off at 6-8 weeks. I have both these incarnations of pregnancy symptoms reported to me regularly. I understand it's alarming to have both bleeding and a loss of pregnancy symptoms simultaneously and that is of course more concerning than one or the other. But YES people have had bleeding and a loss of pregnancy symptoms and came out of it with a healthy baby. I had a 5 day period with no symptoms and came out of it with a baby 9 months later. People have SCH and also placenta previa, and it's also possible to have been pregnant with twins and one baby is lost. This can absolutely coincide with a totally coincidental decline in symptoms.
There is not a big visible mucus plug at 7 weeks. It only just starts to form at that stage and there is nothing there to come out. So whatever you saw was not a mucus plug coming out. Losing what appears to be a mucus plug is only a troubling sign later on in pregnancy.
I really don't think you should go to the ER for this. What will happen is that they're going to make you wait around, you'll be exposed to all kinds of germs, and then oftentimes they can't see an ectopic with ultrasound anyway and they'll just tell you to follow up with your doc on Monday. Ectopic is just not that likely and so you shouldn't take action till you know there's a problem because many times the invasiveness required to check things (which again, may not even help because they can't always see) are worse than doing nothing.
The only exception to this is if you have reason to believe that you're more prone to ectopic than the average person?
November 20th, 2019, 08:17 PM
So you guys are right. My midwife got me in for imaging at a local imaging center. The baby is there. Measuring just a tad behind despite my early BFP (6dpo) and tucked WAY to the left side of my uterus.
They cannot see a reason for the bleed. No SCH. No evidence of a vanishing twin. They just don't know what caused it.
The only thing they said is my uterus seems to have two parts. They asked if I'd ever been told I had a septate? uterus before, and said that would explain the bleed if I bled from one side of my uterus but not the other, and would explain the baby being so far to one side of my uterus. But I've had 5 kids and was never told that before, so they aren't use what's causing it to look that way on the imaging.
Baby's heartrate was 161 so not low to indicate weakness or impending miscarriage. I have another US on Monday at my midwife's office and I guess we'll be able to see if growth is continuing as it should then.
Thanks for being there for me.
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November 21st, 2019, 12:50 PM
Swaying Advice Coach
There's also a very real likelihood of bleeding from the cervix that is not pregnancy threatening. The cervix is very soft and easily injured at this stage (even things like sneezing and pooping can cause bleeding) and it's possible to have bleediing from it that mixes with the leukorrhea and ends up looking like a shocking amount of blood but really it's from a tiny injury or a kind of cervical cyst which many of us have and are not medically troubling.
Are you taking anything that might thin the blood?? Fish oil, DHA supps, eating a lot of garlic or walnuts??
I have had several people over the past couple years suddenly being told they had a septate uterus even after having kid(s) when it wasn't mentioned before. I don't know what is up with that, if they have better imaging and can see more or have changed the diagnostic procedures or something, but that's sure been reported to me a lot lately.
Please keep us posted - hoping all is well with baby.
November 22nd, 2019, 03:07 AM
So glad to hear all going ok for now. Hoping next imaging shows good growth and you can relax just a bit x
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Gosh, that makes me so sad for you and for your boys, too. I hope your pregnancy continues to progress in a healthy way. Please keep us posted about how your little one is doing and I hope the...
3rd failed sway :/