Jeffrey Joseph Braverman's Obituary - Woodbury, NY, USA | Ever Loved


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Jeffrey's obituary

Dr. Jeffrey J. Braverman, MD, 59, of Woodbury, NY, passed away peacefully on Monday, April 29th, 2019 at Mt Sinai Hospital in NYC. He was born on June 27th, 1959 to Morris Braverman and Lucille (Young) Braverman. He attended New York University where he was honored as the youngest graduate at age 19 in 1979. He was a 1983 graduate of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai and completed a residency in OB/GYN at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Montefiore in Bronx, NY. He went on to practice OB/GYN for many years before specializing in infertility, where he has been a pioneer in the field of reproductive immunology. He ultimately founded his practice, Braverman Reproductive Immunology, where he would consult on and treat patients from all over the world struggling with infertility. He was a world-renowned physician in the field of recurrent pregnancy loss, speaking at international meetings and even creating a research grant, the Braverman Grant, through the America Society of Reproductive Immunology to support further research in the field. He was passionate about his research and about his patients, but nowhere was his devotion greater than to his family. He was a father, a grandfather, a brother, an uncle, and a friend to many. He is survived by his children Joshua Braverman, Erica Braverman, Hillary Braverman, Matthew Braverman and their mother Mindy Braverman, and his son Isaac Braverman, his mother Jodi Servetah, and her daughters, Alexandra Pitta and Danielle Pitta. He is also survived by his grandson Jonah Braverman-Betit, as well as his sister, Janice Barandes, and his brother, Norman Braverman. Funeral services will be held at 10AM on Thursday, May 2nd, at Gutterman’s Funeral Home in Woodbury NY.

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Jeffrey Braverman