
Type: Posts; User: atomic sagebrush

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  1. Replies

    June Security Glitch is Coming

    I just wanted to let you guys know in advance that historically, we have had a glitch in June where the site goes down. Sometimes it comes back quickly, but other times it takes longer.

    If you...
  2. Yep, the Babydust and Lunar methods are both not...

    Yep, the Babydust and Lunar methods are both not based in reality, unfortunately. We have had a lot of people on here who have opposites with both of them, and a LOT of people who just couldn't get...
  3. Of course, anyone who is in need of help or has a...

    Of course, anyone who is in need of help or has a question can always message me at I just don't want anyone to buy something on the site when I can't be certain that I...
  4. For now, please stop buying things on Gender Dreaming.

    I am so very sorry to have to post this message, but this situation obviously just cannot continue.

    Please stop buying things on Gender Dreaming for the time being. Until the technical issues are...
  5. After a couple of my children were born I had a...

    After a couple of my children were born I had a long stretch of bleeding after I had them. At least twice (and maybe more that I don't remember, it's been a while!) I had a period or two then it...
  6. I had that happen to me a couple of times when I...

    I had that happen to me a couple of times when I was nursing. My cycle came back for a month or two then went missing again. It is very common. If you're worried you can always talk to a doctor...
  7. Hi, my email is

    Hi, my email is
  8. That is wonderful news, thanks so much for...

    That is wonderful news, thanks so much for sharing that with us! Best of luck! Enjoy every moment - it all goes by too quickly!
  9. Replies

    Message me at

    Message me at
  10. Perfect!!

  11. Yes I remember that! Supplemental lard is a...

    Yes I remember that! Supplemental lard is a bridge too far unless you use it in cooking anyway! But that is why we up fat intake overall - at least in animals, it does seemt o make a difference.
  12. study - high fat diet vs. high carb diet sways blue

    REGARDLESS of the maternal body weight, the diet composition mattered...

    In female mammals, it remains controversial whether maternal diet and particularly the source and availability of energy...
  13. study - stressful environment sways pink but is negated by high fat intake

    Adaptive theory predicts that mothers would be advantaged by adjusting the sex ratio of their offspring in relation to their offspring's future reproductive success. In the present study,...
  14. study - low calcium diet sways PINK in mice

    The production of offspring typically requires investment of resources derived from both the environment and maternal somatic reserves. As such, the availability of either of these types of resources...
  15. study - no, gender does NOT run in families genetically

    In a sample comprising 4 753 269 offspring of 3 543 243 Swedes, we detected no significant genetic influence on offspring sex ratio. In fact, our heritability estimate was zero, with an upper 95% CI...
  16. study - intense athletic training in men made more daughters

    Total offspring was 122 children (52 males (42.6%), 70 females (57.4%)). Analysis revealed that increase in either the volume (P < 0.001) or intensity (P < 0.001) of training by the players shifted...
  17. Message me at and I...

    Message me at and I will get your plan to you.
  18. Replies

    Message me at and I...

    Message me at and I will get your plan to you.
  19. Please message me at so...

    Please message me at so we can proceed.
  20. Replies

    It is an entirely misleading article in which...

    It is an entirely misleading article in which they confuse nerve damage from pernicious anemia (which is something that affects older people and not women in childbearing age, not to mention it's...
  21. How are you getting along now, BGW??

    How are you getting along now, BGW??
  22. Replies

    Oh gosh yes I'm sorry but that just cannot work. ...

    Oh gosh yes I'm sorry but that just cannot work. That will make you stop ovulating and is not at all good for your health (nor is it conducive to your milk supply that's for sure). While you do...
  23. Replies

    Oh gosh, what an ordeal! I am so glad to hear...

    Oh gosh, what an ordeal! I am so glad to hear your little man is doing well now!

    Do you happen to have totals on fat, protein, and calories?? it's tough for me to sign off on diets without...
  24. Replies

    I would go ahead and buy it now. I have special...

    I would go ahead and buy it now. I have special guidelines with the diet to help people's cycles come back faster, so you can still start making small changes and then adjust over time.
  25. We'll never know for sure, but I don't see any...

    We'll never know for sure, but I don't see any motivation for her to tell that tidbit of info to the world if it wasn't true.
Results 1 to 25 of 5000
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