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Thread: HE DIET FAQ!

  1. #11
    Dream Vet
    yogi&booboo's Avatar
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    Hi Hana,
    I am currently swaying blue and atomic says to do it once in the morning at your first peak and night as well as the following morning which would be your second peak day. You might also want to buy some cheapy opks online because it will help catch your surge earlier, this way you will know for sure 24 hours earlier and you can prepare your self. I have a cfbm as well and I have had some months where I only have highs and no peak and to be honest with you the cheapy opks work better. Good luck with your sway.

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  2. #12
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hana View Post
    Hi ,can someone help using clearblue monitor to see my ovulation day,after being on this forum I've read that timing doesn't count really but as my ph is very acidic so was thinking it might be a good idea to dtd on or before the monitor shows 2 high fertility and 2peak fertility days and it says that the 2nd peak day is suppose to be the ovulation day so what times are the best to dtd to sway blue as i don't want to just dtd at once.thanks to all for reading and all comments are welcome:-)
    I had answered this question in PM and on a couple other threads so I guess I never updated this one.

    For TTC a boy, have 3-5 attempts in the fertile window at or around pos OPK (first day of peak). High and peak fertility are all good for having attempts.
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  3. #13
    Dream Newbie

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    This sticky is great! Very I've got to put this to work!

  4. #14
    Dream Newbie

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    Might I suggest a section that explains why HE works (unless I missed it)?

  5. #15
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

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  6. #16
    Dream Newbie

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    Really deep FAQ, thanks!

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  8. #17

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    Awesome thread! Excited to start the HE diet when we ttc blue ! Just a question atomic-

    dtd or make sure DH releases from AF-O every 2-4 days- is this protected or unprotected if you dtd?

    And as soon as you get a positive OPK get in 3-5 attempts unprotected for sure.
    I.E day of peak OPK (or day and night)
    Dtd day after peak
    Dtd 2 days after peak
    Is 3 in a row ok for blue?
    DD 2017

    Successful blue sway May 2019:

    Successful blue sway December 2021

  9. #18

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    Hi Atomic. Thanks so much for this thread. In short I am already on this diet. I eat lots of protein and healthy carbs (sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oatmeal), lots of healthy fats (avocado, peanut butter, etc)... I eat eggs daily, I mostly eat full fat yogurt and some dairy (I do stay away from milk) I use high quality organic foods, cook everything myself in healthy oils, I mostly avoid soy, eat dark chocolate, etc etc. I never have candy or cake, almost never. I may grab a KitKat (or three) on holloween, and I may have a slice of cake on my birthday, but mostly I stay away from empty calories. I do eat sweet things but in form of chocolate, coconut ice cream, or full fat yogurt with reduced sugar preserve. In the last year I have become quite disciplined and it's easy for me to say no to things I couldn't stay away from before. I don't plan to attempt my blue sway until January. My question is... is it possible to harm my sway by staying on this diet too long? I know it doesn't sound reasonable but you do mention 6 weeks. I would love to continue with my eating habits (with some additions and subtractions that you mention in this thread) from now until January, possibly gaining a few lbs six weeks prior to attempt. Would that be ok? Any reason it would harm me to stay on this diet too long? (It has become a lifestyle for me)
    Last edited by Katie.Z; September 5th, 2017 at 09:53 PM.

  10. #19
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katie.Z View Post
    Hi Atomic. Thanks so much for this thread. In short I am already on this diet. I eat lots of protein and healthy carbs (sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oatmeal), lots of healthy fats (avocado, peanut butter, etc)... I eat eggs daily, I mostly eat full fat yogurt and some dairy (I do stay away from milk) I use high quality organic foods, cook everything myself in healthy oils, I mostly avoid soy, eat dark chocolate, etc etc. I never have candy or cake, almost never. I may grab a KitKat (or three) on holloween, and I may have a slice of cake on my birthday, but mostly I stay away from empty calories. I do eat sweet things but in form of chocolate, coconut ice cream, or full fat yogurt with reduced sugar preserve. In the last year I have become quite disciplined and it's easy for me to say no to things I couldn't stay away from before. I don't plan to attempt my blue sway until January. My question is... is it possible to harm my sway by staying on this diet too long? I know it doesn't sound reasonable but you do mention 6 weeks. I would love to continue with my eating habits (with some additions and subtractions that you mention in this thread) from now until January, possibly gaining a few lbs six weeks prior to attempt. Would that be ok? Any reason it would harm me to stay on this diet too long? (It has become a lifestyle for me)
    I've asked the same thing -- as long as you're not gaining more than 3-5 lbs total on HE (or more if you're underweight), the HE diet is very healthy. The idea that dietary fats from meat, eggs and dairy are bad has been debunked pretty thoroughly!

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  12. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tali.kah View Post
    Awesome thread! Excited to start the HE diet when we ttc blue ! Just a question atomic-

    dtd or make sure DH releases from AF-O every 2-4 days- is this protected or unprotected if you dtd?

    And as soon as you get a positive OPK get in 3-5 attempts unprotected for sure.
    I.E day of peak OPK (or day and night)
    Dtd day after peak
    Dtd 2 days after peak
    Is 3 in a row ok for blue?
    If you believe in timing, you will want to BD protected. But I can promise you, those of us with all boys did NOT do that, I had unprotected sex always always in the early part of my cycle and then stopped when I wasn't trying to conceive, when I was trying to conceive I just kept going!! We believe something about the exposure to your partner's semen sways blue so it's actually beneficial to BD unprotected. But follow your heart on that, if you can't live without trying timing use a non-spermicide condom or pullout.

    Yes, 3 in a row in the fertile window is great for blue and that is how many of us with all boys got our boys. But you should try to have the attempts more like this - day of pos OPK, then again the next morning if possible, and then again the following night (so two times in one day if you can.) Don't wait 2 days after peak for that 3rd attempt, try to squeeze them into those 2 days following the positive OPK! And if you've done that (or even if you haven't) it is fine to try 2 days after peak, but that is an add on to the 3 attempts, not instead of them.
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