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  1. #31
    Dream Vet
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    I had been crazy about sugar when I conceived my DD , I skipped breakfast every day , when I swayed , I first did a healthy diet with protein and no carbs , I lost a lot of weight, then I started to ttc and eat and snack every 2-3 hours , I was never hungry for 2 months ( the first month I was slightly swaying) I stopped the sugar of any sort or at anything and I over salted everything , like too much salt !! And I had my DS

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    DD in 2010
    a successful Boy sway at 2015

    Swaying for another boy

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  3. #32
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    i just dont know. Soda for me yes....its a weakness. Lots of sugar in that. But until blue diet i hated juices, so i didnt get excess sugar there..i am not a big sweets eater...currently snacking on some mike and ikes but i just really freaking wanted them right now and im already pregnant so not sure it matters...but i was literally bored to death with my HE diet because i was so careful. i ate and drank the nastiest things to me..a few things i puked on like the healthy bread i was just so gross and only came frozen so i had to warm it up and it just felt soggy because of the mixture of cold and hot...yuck..thats all. I havent been a big chocolate eater in years...didnt eat many sandwhiches before blue and still kept them to a minimum...

    i was only drinking a soda a day IF that when i conceived in july. i had been on only one soda since june. I talk a fair game of all these things it could have been to me but it definitely wasnt diet. I have been a literal couch potato since i was 16 though. Atomic and i did discuss if some women especially depending on how long they have been in a certain life style need a much longer time on diets to alter their bodies so to speak...maybe 4 months just wasnt enough to eradicate my life style of choice since 16-27

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  5. #33
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    I would say I was morbid obese when I conceived my two boys and a healthy weight on the low side when I conceived my dd. I had dieted for a year for my wedding and she was conceived a few weeks later. What I will say is that with all three pregnancies not this one I conceived first month trying. So with my boys even though I was obese my fertility was obviously high. Maybe been obese only sways pink if it reduces fertility. My ds 1 was conceived while I was breastfeeding dd and had an underactive thyroid, undiagnosed, two factors which make it difficult to conceive and yet first month trying bfp. Ds2, I was monitoring my cycles as we were planning to start trying for number 3 in a few months. I was not in my fertile period, we had sex once and I got pregnant. The major factor that changed for me from having a girl to having two boys was my weight and a thyriod problem. It will be interesting to see what the outcome is with baby four.

    Listen am so not knowledgeable about what sways does not sway, so ignore my comments if it is silly or annoying. Just thought it was worth mentioning. There must be a reason why the results are poor for blue. If there is a reason hopefully there is a solution as well! X

  6. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway_panther View Post
    Re: swaying one way or the other with defeatist attitude or what not -- what's the logic there?

    Is it based on competition raising T, whereas feeling powerless lowers it? But hasn't the mindset on T lowering changed on here? Haven't you said you're not sure if it even does sway one way or the other?

    And I think the weight thing some of us have cited has come from your general comments on too much weight gain swaying pink. I know there's that whole thread on it somewhere, since I think I'm the last 5 comments lol

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    Just because i have doubts about testosterone levels doesn't mean I don't think there are differences in personality between moms of many girls and moms of many boys.

    The logic is that after talking to a lot of women, I find that the blue swayers tend to give up really easily, feel to blame for having girls and that there is something "wrong" with them that causes the gender makeup of their families,and despair greatly over things that they cannot control. It is generally a fatalistic attitude of being doomed without ever even trying. Whereas the pink swayers are very much the opposite and are complete control freaks. So a suggestion that I am somehow not putting enough emphasis on settings that we cannot control, and the husband's end of the equation, I believe that would be overall harmful to blue sways because they would only feel MORE defeated. I choose to focus on staying as positive and focused on what we CAN control for blue sways, rather than being a Negative Nelly and going on and on about settings and what our husband is doing or not doing wrong.

    Re weight gain, you specifically gave a name of a person and made it seem like I was talking about a specific person. I was not talking about any one person, but just a general concern I have.
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  7. #35
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    Girls, this thread is going south in a big way. Not happy at all with the way it's going. It is NOT directed at a person, we are talking THEORETICALLY about blue sways and why they may succeed or not. I did not want anyone to have to come here and rake themselves and their sways over the coals.

    This is precisely why I do not like opening this can of worms. There is no way out of it now.

    Swaying will never ever ever have 100% success rate. It is entirely possible to have the best sway in the whole wide world and then have the cards not go your way. I have never said any differently.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; October 12th, 2016 at 05:30 PM.
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  9. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway_panther View Post
    Since that was my quote, I want to reiterate here:

    I say that based off of another scientifc reality, since I have a background pre-my career change as an editor days. Studies can be at odds. Until something is verified and validated, it's not a biological fact. That's where the faith shaking comes in, because while there were good results at the get go based on these studies, things started to turn -- and why thestudies are also not fool proof. I love the woman who raises rats on here's experimemts, because it's trying to replicate things on a smaller scale more than once. And while we are, at its core, doing that ourselves here, we're all still a small sample pool based off of other sample pools.

    Now I don't deny the realities. I came on here pregnant with a girl and had a lifestyle (outside of my personality) that linked up to every study used to guide girl sways.

    I think the issue comes to "it's never just one thing" AND the emphasis on maternal condition. You yourself have said it's not just one thing that makes or breaks a sway -- in the case of baby, only the weight gain was the maybe sway mistake, but then there are also so many obese women who get boys.

    Then, re: maternal condition, there are many studies on men and what they conceive, and I don't think that's talked about enough either, which leads to a lot of internalized shame on the moms here and an unrightful feeling that it was all on them to sway. This is in addition to the smoking dads.

    Now going broader: without naming names, but knowing what you know that differs from the publicly posted sways, where were the errors? That could inform this discussion better to know if alot of failed sways WERE all smoking dads, or everyone was actually working out more than they said, etc.

    My own observations off of obsessive reading of blue sways on here: I think the calcium rec might be more mixed than previously thought. I also think old supplement recs like bee pollen and false unicorn root falling to the wayside have correlated with the lower success rates. But, again, a small blue sway pool does make it hard to determine.

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    OK gonna type fast, if anything comes off sounding short it's in the interest of speed and not intentional.

    Studies are bullshit to be sure, but when viewed through the lens of the fertility factor then they are pretty much all in agreement. (way more in agreement than studies in a lot of other arenas are) But we are not doing a study here. We are a group of people with a widely varying background who have all different biologies and life histories and I cannot force people to do things my way or even know really if what they said they did, they were doing, or whatever. (Update - one of the people involved in this thread lied point blank about several things in their sway and about several things I had said to them, I believe because they were angry their sway produced an opposite. I chose not to call them out on this at the time, but this is again one of the major stumbling blocks with our results on this site. We cannot control what people do in their sways nor can we know if what they say is what they even did. Because I want to be inclusive of all people this means I have to accept it when people who do not sway the way that I would have preferred even when I know darn well it will bring our results down and make swaying look less successful than it really is. This is particularly true of blue sways since we do have a smaller sample size, so even 3 or 4 sways that are less than ideal can really make a huge difference.)

    This is not a study, and it is really, really, really a step in the wrong direction to ignore actual studies, biological reality, and good sense, in favor of our "statistics" which are barely better than for entertainment only.

    Some of this I already replied to but again, I choose based on a lot of experience to focus on positivity and what we can control than telling people their situations are hopeless because of "settings" (entirely theoretical) and their husbands. We do what we can do to sway. And that's all we CAN do. Everyone can make boys and girls, no one is doomed, and you can sway without your husband's involvement. For some of us, IT IS ON US to sway. My husband would do nothing and if I had tried to make him do it, I would be divorced right now. If you aren't in that boat, you're lucky. It does not mean it's a flaw of the system that I take that into account, it means I am realistic about marriage, swaying, and human behavior. Some guys aren't going to sway. That's a fact. What can we do on our own? Let's do that. That's what we can change.

    I'll go over the things that I believe contribute to sway opposites in another post.

    Our first year, 2011, we had a disparate split between those who did HE Diet and those who still did IG/FGD. This post is in the Dream Members section. The results for IG/FGD swayers were frankly abysmal, with nearly all of them getting opposites. (this is exactly what I recall from when I was on Ingender from 2007-2010 and I can think of only one blue success amongst the gals I was chummy with and several opposites) HE results were phenominal that first year. Facts do not support calcium swaying pink and prenatals have been at 80% for years (virtually all have calcium in them). Oxford study found higher cal intake in blue moms than pink. I don't force anyone to eat dairy or not eat it or take calcium or not. That's up to each individual to decide, I think it's overwhelmingly one direction on that but not my call to make.

    Since sodium is also part of the calcium idea, since pink swayers dropped sodium restriction our results have skyrocketed for pink. Sodium is not swaying blue no way no how. I saw people on IG getting girls filling up capsules of salt and swallowing them. The mineral balancing makes no sense but again, anyone who wants to, is always welcome to. Your sway your way. Most blue swayers are still eating gobs of salt anyway, I haven't been able to get them to give that part up unfortunately.

    False unicorn root has been nearly driven to extinction in the wild and most of what is on the shelves today is an entirely different herb or blend of herbs from China and many of those Chinese herbs have been tested and found to be contaminated with heavy metals. Not safe, not effective. I got 4 boys without it and it makes no sense to imagine that we all need some herb that grows naturally only in Florida, USA, to get boys.

    Bee pollen has been chemically analyzed and found to contain nothing other than a small amount of protein, fat, and B vitamins. It makes people feel revved up because of the B Vitamins, if you've ever drank a 5 hour energy it's the same kind of thing. Again, not something I have ever ingested to conceive 4 boys and of course most males ever conceived are to people who have never touched the stuff (or heard of it). People have died after taking the stuff and it really messes people's cycles up badly (and PLEASE keep in mind that with our pink swayers, a messed up cycle is happening with virtually all pink sways and it seems to be part of how pink swaying may work.). People took it on IG and still got opposites. Not a fan.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; December 23rd, 2017 at 12:07 PM.
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  10. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burakoam View Post
    It also makes me wonder though if while on vyvanse and my body was finally "regulated" and my dopamine was doing its job if the reason I didn't actually conceive is because I WAS more prime for a boy but maternal condition not good enough to sustain and create a male pregnancy. Basically my body contradicted itself.
    These are the kinds of things that are fun (for me) to talk about but I honestly do not have any kind of data to say either way, and I feel that when we veer too far into the land of the hypothetical. I do think prolactin may have some role to play in swaying (as we know it does suppress fertility) but at the same time (as everyone is always eager to point out to me LOL) we know many people who did get boys while nursing.

    Then I have people coming to me saying "I want to take such and such herb because of my prolactin levels" when we don't even know that prolactin sways, and if it does, if whatever herb/medication may possibly sway pink in some other way other than prolactin, yk??
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  11. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway_panther View Post
    There are so, SO many people with boys and ate admittedly like shit though. So many obese women with boys (and we could even make a statistical generalization that in the U.S., 2/3 ofcitizens are overweight, half of those being women -- the sex ratios of births aren't skewing, though the weight has impacts on pregnancy complications and c-sections).

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    I have had this question a lot in the Custom Forums, not sure if the explanation ever made it out here or not but here it is.

    Short version: Define, "eat like shit."

    Long version: One of the gals who asked me about this used Oreos as an example. She said "but I eat bad, I can have half a box of Oreos at one sitting." Do you know how many nutrients are in Oreos?? LOTS.

    It is diet as a whole that matters. You absolutely can ingest massive amounts of nutrients in a SAD, just like you can eat very healthy and only get 1500 cals a day.

    They are finding more and more that obesity has less do with the amount a person eats really and instead seems to be somehow correlated with hormones in the brain, (leptin and ghrelin among others) and possibly even the microorganisms in your guts. You guys probably remember the "biggest loser" study where some of those people were barely eating ANY calories and still gaining weight because their metabolisms had shifted so much. In the meantime they studied this tribe in Africa that exercised hard all day long hunting and gathering and found they were not burning any more calories than a couch potato. So I simply don't think we can draw any conclusions about who is obese and who isn't, and what kind of diet they ate.

    I have seen this happen repeatedly that gals who are heavyset go on crash diets before getting pregnant. More times than I can even count (and long before I ever started doing this) so I think this plays a role too.

    There is something across a population that maintains gender ratio at about 50-50. I have my theory about what this is (people stop ovulating when they get too thin and they stop ovulating when they get too heavy so it ends up being only those in the middle who are getting pregnant and/or people on the extremes may have less children on average than those in the middle), but fat or thin, first or third world countries, people have about 50-50 boys and girls. I believe that swaying works on a personal level but cannot be extrapolated across a population because of this averaging effect (fertility factor) and also makes it harder to see in a study as well, because if a chunk of thin people stop ovulating when they get too thin, and a chunk of heavy people stop ovulating due to PCOS, this eliminates the possibility for that kind of skewing in the population (this is kind of hard to explain and most people think it boring, I can expand if needed)

    Otherwise the whole human race would have died out the first time there was a famine and everyone weighed 98 lbs.
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  13. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burakoam View Post
    I know of two women who ate literal shit, not sweet, i guess savoury if thats what you wanna call it but id rather say a bunch of fast food like mcdonalds and BK and got boys.

    On the flip side i know of my mom who at the time was below normal BMI because they were too poor to eat and she had two boys. They literally relied on my grandparents and great grandparents to eat. So in that condition she SHOULD have had girls but had two boys..funny enough as they started getting a bit better in life then she had me. However she also had a tubal after my brother, then had it reversed to have me. I dare say i think that DOES play a factor in why my babies have been girls after my reversal. Even though my tubes were completely clear and open per the doctor, no scar tissue etc..maybe just the surgery in the area itself screwed with fertility. It would be interesting to see how many women who have had reversals ended up baby gender wise.
    Lots of people think fast food sways blue, it is tons of calories and fat.

    I know a lady who was skeletally thin and had boys. Remember though, there are a lot of other things going on with people though (and of course luck). The lady I know is an absolute ballbuster LOL.
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  14. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway_panther View Post
    Yeah, on the flip side: My MIL was a lifelong vegetarian and underweight (she was a model), had 6 years of infertility with 6 failed IVFs... then surprise! Had my husband, and his 2 brothers -- all within 3 years, and while breastfeeding.

    Atomic has said before that the "no sugar for boys" thing isn't necessarily a thing, and that artificial sweeteners still seem to bat for girl. She herself has been vocal about how she had at least one of her boys while drinking tons of Dr. Pepper!

    That said, I do definitely have more of a sweet tooth than a savory tooth, and after a pregnancy where I practically had an aversion TO sweets (my go to snacks were nuts, cheese and eggs!), I've been nibbling on way more sugar. I might just nix them completely in fear here... though Halloween and Christmas are approaching *sigh*
    For some reason no one knows, models have more sons. I read a study on it somewhere. One theory is height or strong features (that may mean something, not sure)

    Yeah I got a sweet tooth for sure. If anything I ate the least sweets with my daughter *but still ate sweets LOL* This gets confuddled though because of PCOS and PCO tendencies. I do see a lot of blue swayers on the "chocolate and diet coke" diet for girls - they skip breakfast, have candy and diet coke for lunch, and then whatever for dinner. So I suspect that this "avoid sugar for blue" idea has its basis in that type of eating pattern and not that sugar is swaying pink per se.
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