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  1. #11
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    I'm so sorry your transfers didn't work aira! I am so jealous of the HT OHWs... the process was so hard, expensive and heartbreaking for so many of us! And haha, I honestly am just trying to convince myself it's a girl to prepare myself. I have slight feelings it is (though DH and my bff think boy, and DH was right on DD), but mostly influenced by a dumb dream I had early on and me thinking that after two IVF cyfcles and 7 losses before, I worry DH can't make healthy boys...

    And Chez, I'm so happy to see you! And wow, I was just thinking, "Is she already weaning?"... then I realized your little one turns one NEXT MONTH! That year went by so fast!! I can't believe how time has flown! And I'm feeling ok! This pregnancy has been so easy that I forget I'm pregnant all the time (except for today, where suddenly clothes started fitting snug!). Definitely anxious all the time though haha

  2. #12
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    yes we've been having people take 1000 EOD when they can't find 500.

    The BEST thing your husband can do is quit smoking! That is the greatest!!
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tkelly621 View Post
    I used preseed with my last baby and got a girl, so now I'm hesitant. I do have a lot of ewcm normally so maybe it was to much?
    It's fine to skip it if you feel more comfy that way! I never touched the stuff and I have 4 boys, altho the woman who invented it has 5 LOL!!
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  4. #14
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    Hi telly621! I totally understand you not telling people. I'm also not telling anyone as having 3 kids is already little bit freaky over here. Can't wait to see my MILs face when we tell her I'm expecting a 4th child haha. I'm surrounded by people who think nowadays 2 kids is more than enough and then a woman should go on with her job.
    I was like that once and of course I thought I would have a son first and then a daughter and then I'd become a successful business woman
    I also think the 4th one will be our last. I really enjoy having kids and staying at home so if there wouldn't be some limiting factors I'd have 5 more kiddos. But we life in a flat, not a house so it gets crowded already or lets say cuddly , money is tight and I'm already 35. With my IVF try I found out I'm already near menopause, so I hope I can have at least one more baby soon. Of course I'd be thrilled it was a boy.

    Soooo lets do this together! I will ovulate in one week approx. but am going to wait one month too for our attempt. I'm really thankful that DH is out of town during O because I already just cannot wait lol. I know I would rush this sway because I want to be pregnant and regret afterwards not having taken the time to do it all ...'neatly' . My DD2 and DD3 resulted from hastily sway attempts and just wanting a baby fast. And of course other things that I am aware of now after reading several essays from atomic. (small time gap between babies, IG-diet, conceiving after a loss, wrong sups, etc..)

    Let July be our month to add that little brother to our girl bunch!
    Looking forward to reading about your tactics

  5. #15
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    AAAhhh sorry, I'm late with my posts.. I should update the page before posting lol

    I have 3 daughters (5,3,1)

    I think ice-cream and sweets are ok, but empty calories and you should avoid that if you don't want to gain too much weight. also it makes your blood sugar spike and fall down quickly when it should be on a steady high.

    yeah, as much BD as possible after +OPK having only one attempt (with waiting 4 days prior) got me DD2, that was shettles timing I think.

    I think no alcohol would be better. But my husband has meetings and events where he 'has to' drink with business partners he promised me to limit that though...
    If your DH is willing to stop drinking beer for the sway, then make him

    Preseed.. hmmm.. I also used it with DD3. I'm also not sure bout this one.

  6. #16
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    I can understand your worries panther. I was convinced we simply can't have a boy. That I can't carry one. I even tried forcing fate by transferring healthy XY 6dHB but it resulted in BFN! twice! And that was the outcome of 4 stimulations over 2 years (with one DD in between conceived naturally lol) so I am totally done with that!!! as you said its too expensive and heartbreaking. My husband said I completely changed in this phase and he wanted back the wife he married no matter if there will be a son for us in the future. We won't go back there.
    That was only one month ago... I started to google about this and found the one of atomic's essays where it says that there is nothing to this theory. that really gave me hope and ecouraged me to try one more sway now.
    I'm happy for you having an easy pregnancy! is it different from the one when you had your daughter?

  7. #17
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    Is it enough to lift children all day instead of lifting actual weights? Is there enough physiological effect when I carry my youngest child of approx. 26 lb in the back carrier doing everyday stuff.
    The exercise is the hardest part for me. I'm too lazy and too tired for 'real sport'... but do you think this is a crucial part of the sway and I should bring myself to do a regular training?

  8. #18
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    i have began to walk everyday but i am limited to exercise bc i tire easily and my muscles suck. I also have a three year old so i have to keep up with her

  9. #19
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    im with you Aira, i feel like i cant have a boy at this point. His dad has two of each, my parents had a mix also... not sure how much that comes into play.. my sister in law also has 4 girls.. just lost a baby at 12weeks though. They are convinced they cant make boys either but funny enough her husband is one of 4 boys.

  10. #20
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by aira22 View Post
    I can understand your worries panther. I was convinced we simply can't have a boy. That I can't carry one. I even tried forcing fate by transferring healthy XY 6dHB but it resulted in BFN! twice! And that was the outcome of 4 stimulations over 2 years (with one DD in between conceived naturally lol) so I am totally done with that!!! as you said its too expensive and heartbreaking. My husband said I completely changed in this phase and he wanted back the wife he married no matter if there will be a son for us in the future. We won't go back there.
    That was only one month ago... I started to google about this and found the one of atomic's essays where it says that there is nothing to this theory. that really gave me hope and ecouraged me to try one more sway now.
    I'm happy for you having an easy pregnancy! is it different from the one when you had your daughter?
    We might be a little different in that I spoke with Braverman who's first theory was that my first loss was a boy (which I always thought) triggering an autoimmune reaction causing losses of boys. But our cycles yielding only unhealthy boys, and two of theme even having the same trisomy (which a geneticist told us was unusual) has me thinking I am cursed with my choice of husband :P since I think I could carry a monkey at this point based on my fertility. Just very hard to have had two professionals say something to this affect and not take it into consideration! DH is one of 3 boys and 1 girl, but his brother and dad both had issues with fertility as well (though both had more boys than girls!). But we likely lost girls in all our losses too.

    But yes, this pregnancy is night and day from DD'd, and from my losses too.

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