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  1. #1
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    Fetal chromosome results

    Just got the results back after my d and c on the fetus. It was a girl and genetically normal. But I guess when it comes back as female and normal there is a chance that what was tested was actually a part of me and results could be wrong. I hate that I found out what the gender was. Anyone conceive quickly after a d and c? Wanting a healthy sticky baby is top priority and getting pregnant sooner than later, but I also need to step up by game since I did sway for a boy as best I could last time and it didn’t work. I wonder if it’s because I’m 35 and hubs is 41? Talking out loud as my mind and heart are all over the place. The number one thing was amount of attempts and we got three in. Hubs can not do any more than that. He is taking men’s one a day vitamins and is reluctant on taking the other things as he recently had a colitis flare up. I am taking everything atomic recommends supplement wise.

  2. #2
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    Dan, please try to keep in mind that even with textbook sways we still get opposites about 25-30% of the time. You very likely had a great sway and then fell into the opposite minority and so I don't want you to now think you need to up your game or do anything any differently. We have seen many many times people had a genetic screening of a loss and then go on to have their desired gender afterwards. The three attempts is great, if he can do it again that's fabulous. He doesn't need to take any of the other stuff, it's fine for him to just take the one a day.
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    Progesterone supplants and baby aspirin

    My doctor prescribed progesterone supplements and baby aspirin for me to start taking prior to ovulation. Does this sway girl? I have read somewhere that it does but does it greatly?

  4. #4
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    In our results we got the same number of girls with and without the baby aspirin. I don't think it sways at all any more and have dropped it from my recommendations (since aspirin does have risks and side effects.) If you do end up taking it, I urge you to wean onto it (by taking it only 2x a week at first) and then gradually increase it over time to minimize side effects, and then when it's time to come off it please wean off gradually to reduce potential harm to the baby (and to you) by having your blood go from really thin to thick if you were to drop it all at once.
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  5. #5
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    Does progesterone sway at all? Also I read that you think conceiving after a miscarriage sways girl. Now I’m worried that all these stats are really against me in conceiving a boy. Do you have the stats of anyone here on this site that conceived a boy after miscarriage? We just had unprotected sex this morning after a positive opk. �� now do I chance the one time risk and it being a girl because of that or do I try to have sex again tonight and hope that my miscarriage at 7 weeks doesn’t sway too much? Omg. From loosing my last pregnancy to trying to figure out why and now hearing that 75% of women after miscarriage have girls I think I just want to crawl in a hole and expire.

    I hope to hear back on if you think I should try to dtd again tonight or just stop and hope what I did this morning won’t cause a pregnancy. Hubs leaves early Friday morning until Sunday night.
    Last edited by Dan1g1r1; October 17th, 2019 at 05:04 PM.

  6. #6
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    Yes we've had plenty of people get boys after a miscarriage. Keep in mind you're doing lots of other things to sway blue. I don't want you to base your decision on our statistics because all those people were swaying pink in most cases for many months prior so it is a group that is way more pink friendly than your chances would be. That 75% is NOT in average women and nor is it in women who've been swaying blue, those were in pink swayers. There are gobs and gobs of ladies on this site who had boys after a miscarriage (and quite a few people who actually think it sways blue to do that because they know people who had boys or had boys themselves after a loss)

    You MUST continue having attempts since you already started. You don't want to take the chance of having just one attempt too! Just keep going with the attempts.
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  7. #7
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    And plenty who have had boys right after a d and c? I am ovulating according to opk and ovulation pain ( I know you can have this and still not ovulate). I have not had a period yet so this is the “very pink friendly egg” I guess? So one said because of increased estrogen? You know of women who had that first egg be a boy?����

    We dtd again last night and tried again this morning but he couldn’t. He tried so hard poor guy. He tried even again but still nothing:/. So my dtd history this time was Tuesday morning before the positive opk, ( he also released inside of me almost every three days prior this month) then after a positive opk Thursday morning early, then Thursday night. So really only twice but we tried. He is gone now until Sunday night. Part of me wishes I wouldn’t have started this month because if I do get pregnant, I can’t have the blood tests done and my lining probably isn’t the best yet. Noticed some fluid in my Endometrium too ( I am a sonographer) but not a lot. Now do I take the progesterone my doc gave me now or not? I know God has a plan for me so I am trying to “Be Still and Know” that He has got it. Trying to relax this time around. I will never have the best sway and everything perfect. But I did all I could do after messing up and having unprotected sex this month. Would love to hear about anyone else that you know of that had a boy straight away. Gives me hope.
    Last edited by Dan1g1r1; October 18th, 2019 at 10:39 AM.

  8. #8
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    im so sorry for your loss Dan1g1r1 i lost my second baby at 18 weeks, i got pregnant 4 weeks later and had a healthy full term baby boy. i wasnt swaying at the time (i didnt know swaying was a thing back then) just adding my experience to give you some hope that you can have a boy concieved right after a loss.
    now 6blue5pink

  9. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  10. #9
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    I am so so sorry for your loss. You are so sweet to take the time to share your story. Thank you. I am so happy for you that you conceived straight away and had a healthy baby. Warms my heart.

  11. Thanks 4blue2pink thanked for this post
  12. #10
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    Yes, even after a D and C. D and C doesn't sway any harder than just a normal loss, the only reason I like people to wait is that sometimes (rarely) it ~may~ cause complications, although that's becoming less of the medical standard and I"ve had lots of doctors the last 2 years having people try after D and C.

    Yes, yes, yes, that is exactly what I"m saying, we have had lots of people try after a loss and get boys. In fact, it is one of my most hotly contested claims, people constantly tell me that it can't be true because they had a boy after a miscarriage.
    The statistics we have here are in women who have been swaying pink in many ways. It is NOT representative of the population as a whole and especially not of blue swayers who are doing tons of things to sway blue.

    I got at least 2 of my boys with 2 attempts (#1 and 4 for sure, I can't remember but I suspect 2 and 3 were as well). It's all good, I think you had a fine attempt and I am not concerned about the first egg, I"m really not (otherwise I"d have prevented you from trying!)
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