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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    NMN [Nicotinamide mononucleotide], Resveratrol & Berberine

    Hi all,

    What effect on both Husband and Wife would taking NMN [Nicotinamide mononucleotide], Resveratrol & Berberine have on swaying? Do these supplements sway Pink or Blue.

    Many thanks!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    I generally do not advise anyone taking supplements where I personally have not seen a lot of people taking them and a) getting a particular gender and b) what the side effects are both individually and in combination with other sway supplements. The truth is, we really don't know WHAT sways - there are, of course, theories, but we simply don't have the information to say if these theories are fully true and if there are other things that may be coming into play. So unless I have a decent body of observation to fall back on (which I don't in these cases) I prefer you guys to avoid taking supplements because it is entirely, entirely possible that something may look good on paper with the "theories" but the theories may be untrue, or there may be some other chemistry involved in the supplement that actually sways the opposite of what the theories predict.

    Long story short, because I haven't seen very many people take these things, and see both the gender they conceived while doing it and also if it was safe and what side effects they had, I cannot recommend them.

    What I do know is this, the human body is made to have babies of both genders without requiring the use of herbal supplements or magic foods. We see this all around the world where people eat various foods and ingest various spices/seasoning agents/teas, and still have babies at about 50-50. The variation comes in what INDIVIDUALS in these cultures eat - the amounts in particular, and the nutrient content overall. Because there are many places where everyone eats the same sorts of things, but some eat more and some eat less, and it is that variation that causes some of them to have boys and some of them to have girls.

    Now I'll go over your supplements to say how theoretically they might sway. NMN may somewhat raise testosterone, but we honestly don't even know that testosterone is what sways gender - it's just a theory, and anecdotally we see men who are professional athletes and serious weight lifters, with testosterone through the roof, fathering more GIRLS. Women taking ANYthing herbal that "raises testosterone" has been a massive no-no for us, because high testosterone interferes with estrogen (and we believe that higher estrogen may sway blue). Beyond that, high testosterone in women also really messes up the menstrual cycle, and when women were taking testosterone boosting supplements they experienced really disrupted cycles and some of them even developed fertility problems as a result. Not only that, but many of the women who had disrupted cycles went on to have girls! I no longer recommend any testosterone-boosting supplement for women at all ever because they're so disruptive to the menstrual cycle and do not reliably sway blue. There are also some serious safety concerns raised about NMN and there is very little reliable, reputable research proving that it's safe in the long OR short term.

    Conclusion - it is ok for men if they want to try it, but please read that study first where it actually seemed to LOWER sperm health and increase oxidative stress on cells. Wives should stay away from it. I would try to get it in foods instead (avocado is a good source). Nutrients in foods are always safer because they come with co-nutrients and in forms your body recognizes instead of forms that are thousands of times more concentrated than anything the human body has ever seen before.

    Reservatrol: I don't think reservatrol is of any benefit to TTC because the highly concentrated supplemental form may increase oxidative stress in cells, which is the exact opposite of something you want to do when you're making a baby. Reservatrol in foods is fine. Nutrients in foods are always safer because they come with co-nutrients and in forms your body recognizes instead of forms that are thousands of times more concentrated than anything the human body has ever seen before. Both for men, who will have to have lots of healthy sperm cells dividing and developing rapidly, and for women, who will have to grow a baby very quickly with lots of cells dividing and also has to grow a uterine lining every month, should not take reservatrol.

    Additionally, both reservatrol and berberine are very strong blood thinners and we have seen a lot of issues with people taking blood thinners when TTC. Not only do they cause bleeding and bruising that may be in some cases extreme, and rarely even fatal, but blood thinners when trying to conceive may even cause or contribute to chemical pregnancies and miscarriages. Women cannot just stop taking them at conception, either, because her blood will go from too thin, to suddenly too thick (it takes the body time to adjust to a sudden lack of blood thinners after you've been taking them) meaning that she may make blood clots that negatively affect not only the pregnancy but also her own health.

    Conclusion - big NOPE here.

    Berberine - Lowers blood sugar quite a lot and for women, would probably sway pink for that reason alone. It is also considered unsafe for pregnant women according to Dr. Andrew Weil, who is a very well-respected herb expert, and since the effects linger in the body for an unknown amount of time after taking it, it is not recommended for that reason. It has been STRONGLY linked to a type of brain damage in newborns called Kernicterus and while generally that is when used during pregnancy, since it is known to harm unborn babies it should not be used at any point during pregnancy or just beforehand. I also do not recommend it for men TTC because it lowers cholesterol, which would then lower testosterone and in turn sperm quality.

    Plus, just like with reservatrol, it's a powerful blood thinner that has all sorts of ill effects from that aspect as well (and would be extra effective when taken alongside other swaying supplements you may already be on)

    Conclusion: The biggest nope of them all!
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; August 30th, 2022 at 11:00 AM.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you so much for your detailed response.

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