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Thread: Daily blue log

  1. #1
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    Daily blue log

    Moving my monotonously boring daily log of food and activities here where it belongs! Let’s go boy sway!!!!

    Tea/ date syrup/ milk
    Oats/ wm kefir
    Nuts/ 2 eggs/ cauliflower/ spaghetti squash/ 1/3 clif bar
    Matcha/ gelatin/ milks/ syrup
    Venison/ chili/ broccoli/ guac/ onions & mushrooms in butter
    Salad/ berries
    Same amount of farm work. Lots of sun

    Tea/ date syrup/ milk
    Kefir/ oats/ pistachios/ almonds/ cashews
    1/2 peanut butter/ oat/ coconut bar
    Brussels sprouts/ cauliflower / cottage cheese/ apple
    Matcha/ syrup/ milks / gelatin
    Venison/ swt potato/ salad/ lentils
    Berries / peanut butter
    Weights today 1/2 hour

    Milk tea/ oats yog
    2 eggs/ veg/ cot cheese/ melon/ dk choc
    Matcha/ gelatin/ milks
    Bison spaghetti sauce/ asparagus/ apple/ berries/ salad/ walnuts and a little peanut butter

    Too many eggs? I figured 2-3 / day was good. What’s thoughts on gelatin since it’s not a “food”? I know you can make jello etc but just wondering if it’s ok as I’m really suspicious of non food items. I drink lots of powders and gallons of almond milk with my girls! None with my boy only ate real foods. I’m going to cut down on date syrup in my teas since I eat oatmeal anyways so I can use those cals for animal fat and protein. I did weight and wasn’t cripplingly sore the next day so I’ll add in a day a week. Plus have the normal farm work but that’s not cardio just lifting and riding and steady movement. Still BF 7mo dd on demand so no cycle yet. I feel “beefier” like more muscular but I gain muscle pretty quickly (and fat too) so going to keep an eye on those carbs coming in and keep it just from oats and fresh fruit and a little sweet potato.
    I read somewhere that sweet potato, especially the skin helps regulate hormones by helping produce progesterone—- also that flaxseeds can reduce breast cancer and even treat it so probably something in them - the lignans maybe- that tamper with the estrogen levels and I would think is not ideal for fertility!!! Ok I’m gonna go organize my house now!!! Feeling energized. I had a lot of dark chocolate.
    Also this is my own little wall post since I don’t have any social media… I feel way too much “need to keep up” lol!!!!

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  2. #2
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    Yep 2-3 eggs is fine! I often eat 2 a day (cheap and healthy!) and have ever since before I had my 3rd boy.

    Gelatin is fine. It has all the amino acids that your body turns into protein. Some people even drink gelatin juice, tho we've mostly moved away from that as it just takes up time and "stomach room" that people could be eating real foods (plus it adds another "oh no I have to manage this complicated project" element that makes some blue swayers feel overwhelmed, and for no reason as none of us with all boys were drinking that!) If you want jello that's fine, even if you want to do the gelatin juice that's ok, but I don't think it's necessary.

    Sweet potato is fine, altho you don't strictly NEED it, and no one eats the skins as the varieties widely sold in stores in the US and Europe are basically inedible (if you eat the sweet potato skins in your culture, whoever is reading this, that's of course fine to continue - some of the varieties worldwide have thinner skins) Most of the people whose cultures are represented on this site do not eat the skins). I know they say all that about the skins online but with few exceptions, I find those types of instructions where you're having to eat or do something that's completely unusual just can't be necessary at all.

    I like you guys to avoid flaxseed in anything beyond occasional dietary amounts, 2-3 times per week (and by that I mean a reasonable serving, like a couple pieces of flaxseed bread, or a cereal with flax in it, not a smoothie with 2 cups of ground flaxseed or whatever). Yes, it absolutely has hormonal effects, and while the InGender site likes to pretend that phytoestrogens are the same as estrogen, they aren't, and phytoestrogens compete with your body's estrogen receptors, which can actually lead to LESS estrogen being produced. Additionally, the other chemical components in flaxseed have been quite strongly linked to true harm when used during pregnancy - premature labor, and deformities in the genitals of babies, particularly boys, conceived while their moms were using it. (We actually had a client who was told that her son's birth defect was caused by her heavy flaxseed use, so that is something that is beyond the realm of the hypothetical!) We don't know how long those effects last, PLUS, taking something with hormonal effects and then stopping it in early pregnancy is never optimal and I like you guys to avoid that whenever possible. Dietary flaxseed in safe and sane amounts only!
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  3. #3
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    Daily blue log

    I like the gelatin and I don’t mind it so I’ll use it for extra protein so my afternoon matcha with milk can be a full snack. Yep plain old sweet potato or even a regular potato I love the skins! And apple skins… lol! I wish I was a pickier eater I love food in general!! The only thing about my sway that is worrisome is that we are dtd unprotected every 1-3 days and I’m testing with strips but I know sometimes that can be unreliable plus there are some “spur of the moment” times when I haven’t tested. And baby is only almost 8 months old, I’d like to wait till at least a year. I haven’t had a cycle yet still so there’s no tracking that though I speculate probably around the one year mark which is ideal. Usually my ppp comes back 18+ months later but this time I’m eating regularly and more and meat/ dairy/ eggs so wondering if that will bring it back sooner? I’ll just *try* to be vigilant.

    Past 2 days

    Milk tea/ yog oats
    Pistachios/ almonds/ walnuts
    Eggs/ cheese/ cauliflower/ apple
    Matcha/ gelatin/ milks/ date syrup
    Salmon/ green beans/ beets/ swt potato skins/ salad
    Berries/ peanut butter
    Weights 1/2 hour
    Milk tea/ yog oats
    Eggs/ cheese/ green beans/ honeydew
    Matcha/ milks/ gelatin/ date syrup
    Boar/ lentils/ carrots/ cabbage cooked in butter
    Salad/ berries/ peanut butter

    2-4 cups/ day of whole milk and just adding lots of grassfed butter and/ or coconut oil to everything I cook and eat. Is one better than the other? Probably the butter? Are you seeing any holes anywhere? I’m still drinking 4 tea bags worth of tea a day and 4 servings of matcha as long as you don’t think that’s too much I’ll continue!

    Also, sometimes I feel fine without snacks is it ok to just have the 3 meals? Or should I eat less at meals and snack? Does it even matter? I figure if I’m not hungry then I don’t need the snacks. But if the frequency is the key then I could cut back a tad at meal times. The gelatin/ matcha/ whole milk/ date syrup drink is pretty large so I have that between lunch and dinner I think that’s probably a snack since it’s 14g protein and carbs from the date syrup.
    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; March 14th, 2022 at 08:15 AM.

  4. #4
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    Just be on the lookout for any ovulatory symptoms and then at that point be more cautious!

    It absolutely can come back sooner if you're eating better!

    I don't know which is better, butter or coconut oil. Just keep doing both.

    Your diet is looking great to me!! As long as you're eating protein and carbs at every meal and most snacks it's all good.

    Technically as long as you're not hungry you can skip snacks, but just be sure you're not letting yourself slip back into habits of waiting a long time between meals!

    yes that would absolutely count as a snack for sure!

    That's about the level of tea intake I always had when I got all four of my boys. I love tea and drink quite a lot of it so that was not at all unusual amount for me!
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  5. #5
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    Daily blue log

    7/8 am Milk tea/ yog oats
    1/2 pm 2-3 eggs/ apple/ carrots/ broccoli
    3/4 pm matcha/ milks/ date syrup a couple nuts
    7/8 pm chicken breast in coconut oil/ green beans/ cheese/ salsa/ guac/ salad
    8/9 berries peanut butter
    The salad I have every night is made with lettuce / chard/ kale/ red cabbage/ peppers/ cucumbers and tomatoes. A huge bowl. Like a serving bowl.
    Did weights and took supplements
    Weight 148 o_O
    I’m thinking I could lessen the portions a tad, especially on any carbs, and see if I can stop gaining weight maybe drop a few since I’m not ovulating yet. Bad idea??? I’d keep the fat and protein up for sure though! And just SOME carbs not a lot.

    Is that too long between meals?

    I’m trying to keep an eye out for ovulation symptoms! So far negative!! I think I asked this before but does conceiving on the first postpartum ovulation sway IF it is past the 1 year mark?

    I do lemon water time to time should I make sure it is daily?

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    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; March 15th, 2022 at 08:27 AM.

  6. #6
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    Yes that would be my advice, just ease off the carbs a bit. Another way to go would be to split meals into two servings and have half and then half a bit later. If a small amount of weight comes back off it's ok.

    The morning to lunch gap was pretty big. Might want to close that up some.

    We don't have enough data to know for sure about conceiving with the first egg. Not enough people do that, and the ABILITY to do that may indicate something about condition/overall fertility (I explained this to you somewhere else, right??) I got a boy with my second postpartum cycle (I had had the first many months before, and then nothing) but I do still think that overall, the closer you are to your last conception, it's more pink friendly.

    I personally don't believe lemon water is super boy friendly but it's totally fine to have and keeps people from drinking other stuff, which might be more calorie dense or the girl mom's fave drink, Diet Coke LOL
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  7. #7
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    Daily blue log

    Ok. All I drink is tea or water! Yes I usually try to have lunch earlier or a snack between but the farrier was out and I had to hold horses for him- I did have some carrots though!

    Yes you have explained about the postpartum fertility how it sways but I think you answered my question - it matters how close to last conception that sways pink not the number of cycles you’ve had since last conception. Right?

    That’s a good idea I will cut down portions a bit and keep frequency up and prioritize animal protein and fat. I don’t plan on cutting waaaay back or going long stretches and feeling really really hungry or anything like that! Just eating more normal portions since I think I was giving into that nursing hunger!! I’ll be extra watchful and cautious to not get preggo since I’m cutting back a tad. I’m aiming for July so have lots of time to up calories!!

    Milk/ tea/ blueberries/ oats/ yogurt
    2 Eggs w butter/ broccoli/ finished oats from morning
    Matcha/ milk/ coconut milk/ date syrup
    Cabbage/ elk meat/ Thai chili sauce/ Salad
    Small bite of coconut ice cream and sons bday brownie (it’s healthy!)
    Tried to do weights but was so sore from yesterday.
    Did normal farm chores plus riding 2 hours so still got exercise in!

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    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; March 15th, 2022 at 09:09 PM.

  8. #8
    Big Dreamer
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    Daily blue log

    Milk tea/ yogurt oats blueberries
    Couple pistachios/ 2 eggs in butter/ broccoli/ one bite of brownie
    Matcha/ milk/ gelatin/ date syrup
    Handful of nuts
    Venison stew/ lentils/ sweet potato/ cauliflower
    Salad/ berries/ piece of brownie
    Same supps
    Standing rower today

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    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; March 17th, 2022 at 07:25 AM.

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  10. #9
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    As far as I know yes, but the truth is I don't have any data to know either way. I would use time since birth since that's just what makes sense to me.

    Happy birthday whoever's birthday it is!
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  11. #10
    Big Dreamer
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    Daily blue log

    Thanks it was my son’s 3rd bday!! Ok that makes sense- time from birth. I want to keep feeding my baby to keep my cycle away as long as I can so that’s good news for me!
    Milk/ tea/ syrup
    Oats/ yogurt/ berries split in two- 8am and 11am
    3 eggs/ broccoli/ grapefruit
    Matcha/ milk/ syrup/ gelatin
    Pistachios (I could’ve done without these to save on cals but… nursing hunger!)
    Chicken/ veggies in coconut oil/ salad/ strawberries
    Same supplements, prenatal, folate, omega, probiotic and vitamin D
    Just normal 2 hours riding and farm chores

    I was reading somewhere about keeping blood sugar level and it said same things you say- 30grams carbs and protein and fat every 3/4 hours. It does say to cut out caffeine but now I’m severely addicted to tea!!! Do you think the caffeine in tea messes with blood sugar levels? I know you got boys drinking lots (scads!) of tea so I’m guessing the answer is no but maybe I should ease off the afternoon matcha since I drink 4 tea bags worth in the morning. Then split it 2/2? Am I splitting hairs?
    I got a 35lb kettlebell so I’m going to start squatting that and focus on getting a bit leaner but eat every 3/4 hours. Oh yeah I calculated my calories and I was easily blowing past 2500 cals a day sometimes 3500 no wonder why I put on a few!! I’m going to dial that back a bit and see if I can’t put some muscle mass in place of that!
    I‘ll be extra careful to not get preg!

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    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; March 18th, 2022 at 08:32 AM.

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