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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Opnions on my "lazy sway" please!

    With 2 boys--ages 2 and 4, both wonderful surprises (leading me to believe we're an awfully fertile couple!)--we'd love for our last bundle of joy to be a pink bundle. We're really hoping our September attempt (which will actually be our first TTC attempt ever, lol) will bring us a summer baby so I don't have to miss too much work (I teach music, mostly during the school year). But I don't want to end up crazy obsessed and stressed about it. So here's what I'm planning:

    I've already started dieting. I have glucose intolerance issues, so (under the impression that weight loss and low blood glucose levels are the primary aims of girl diets) I've cut back my caloric and carb intake quite a bit. And I cut out red meat for good measure (though I have to keep other proteins in). I'm finding it nearly impossible to keep my sodium levels low, but I'm doing the best I can!

    I'm doing small things to help raise negative ions, like sleeping with a fan blowing on us, spending more time outside, taking longer showers, etc. Is this more important the closer we get to the attempt? I'm hoping September will be much cooler and we can turn off the A/C finally! And just crossing my fingers that O coincides with the new moon!

    I bought OPKs (though, per atomic's article, I'm not relying much on timing) and RepHresh. I could use some advice on how to use the RepHresh--I know it keeps pH down for 3 days, but do I start right after AF next month? How long does it need to do its work before BD? We're planning on FR/FBD (like a release in the AM and BD in the PM), which I know can raise pH, so how do I reconcile those 2 things?

    DH and I are not currently taking any supplements and don't really plan to. But if there's something that would really help, I would consider it.

    Any and all advice/opinions are MUCH appreciated! Just don't stress me out! LOL

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
    NeedAGirl!'s Avatar
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    Personally, I think diet is 90% of the sway, the rest probably helps with the final 10% so while it is probably the hardest aspect, I would focus on that one.
    Swayed ! Blessed with a !!
    On the LE diet from October 26, 2011 until BFP 3/21/12. Born November 29, 2012

    "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers!!

    2004 2007 : expecting

    Check out these gorgeous girly nubs!!

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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Ok. Thanks.

    I'm good on the diet. Need advice on everything else. But I can figure it out...

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Sorry MM I ran out of time before I answered this question the last time I was on the boards and then I've been busy since then!!
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  5. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    First of all, hi and welcome!!

    When you say you've cut back your caloric intake, how much are we talking here? There is such a thing as too LITTLE food as well. We are aiming for a point where your body has enough cals to conceive, but just not so many as it had before. Cutting back too much is not good either. Most people do 1500-1800 cals, while some have to drop as low as 1200-1500. I wouldn't have you go any lower than that because your body will panic and stop ovulation.

    Re carbs, if you're insulin resistant you are going to have to eat more protein and less carbs than other swayers so you're doing the right thing there. I'd still like you to limit protein to some extent if you can. I would include vegetables and fruits, with 2-3 servings of whole grains, and then fill in the rest with protein (vegetarian if possible.) Egg whites, cheese, small amounts of beans, and small amounts of skim dairy, will be great sources for you.

    I personally don't believe in ions at all but if you choose to include them, that's fine as long as it's fun and not stressful.

    We have been having good results using RepHresh every 3 days starting after AF (this enables your body to get kind of used to it so it's not all "WTH is that" right at your attempt) and then using the last dose 8/12/24 hours before your attempt. It works immediately, but if you use it too soon, you kill off all the sperm. You don't need to reconcile FR and pH if you're using RepHresh, the RepHresh will take care of everything. You may want to use an extra bit here and there AFTER intercourse (so you'd BD, then wait 30 minutes to enable the sperm to make it to safety), top off with a bit more RepHresh, go to bed, and then in 8/12/24 hours you can DTD again.

    Supps are totally at your discretion but I would advise you to be taking 1200-1600 mcg folic acid to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.
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