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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Practice Cycle Month Before Trying for real next month - Advice Greatly Needed!!!!

    Hi There
    I have started doing the LE diet and taking my supps as per the plan I received from yourself. All going well with both the diet and supplements so far.
    I know I normally ovulate between Day 14-16, so decided to practice using my clear blue digital OPK, which I tested on the following days:
    Sunday 23rd September Day 11Tested once and got a – on OPK BBT 35.94
    Monday 24th September Day 12 Tested 8.00am and got a – OPK BBT 36.44
    Monday 24th September Day 12 Tested 8.00pm as had stomach ache which I believe now must have been O pain and had a smiley face!
    Since then have been tracking CM and the only day I seemed to have any was at 8.00pm when I was positive other than that seems to be watery, today I have just tested and was a little sticker but not much difference than before. To be honest I am not very good at testing CM and telling difference between CM and CP as always seems the same!
    Yesterday my BBT was 36.08 and today 35.60. So my question to you is if I was doing a real life practice this month ( I have no plans to do so as haven’t been on supps long enough) should I BD tonight as I haven’t had spike yet?
    I had in my mind all along to do O+12 as was scared as know I conceived my son doing BD lots and probably through O as I was on honeymoon!
    Do you think to begin with I should try at 48 hours after I first see my smiley or is this too late. Next month I plan to test 4 times a day as per these instructions I picked up from someone on IG, which are as follows:

    O+12 Guide

    The best way to predict Ov is by using Clearblue Digital OPK’s 4x daily to catch the very beginning of your LH surge-once you get your first smiley your count down begins to O+12. (O+12 is usually 36hrs after first smiley, but this can vary from woman to woman)

    Start testing with CB OPK’s 2 days before you expect to Ov at approx these times: (Use first morning urine with the 8am test (you can use fmu with digitals just not regular opks's) & you must hold your urine for four hours inbetween testing to ensure urine quality for accuracy of the test) 8am, 12pm, 6pm & 10-11pm.

    •Ok, you have your first smiley! This means you are likely to Ovulate in the next 24hrs (for most women, again this can vary) Start watching your Cervical Mucus, Position & Texture. Do not test again now, it will be a waste & no help whatsoever, save the remaining tests for your next cycle incase of bfn

    •You want your CP to be medium/low height (at Ov cp is usually high) ** Don’t worry too much about this as it can change position through out the day, so this is just an indication if you know your body well enough**
    • CT will feel like pressing the tip of your nose & slightly less open or closed at O+12 (or like pressing your lips at Ov. It will never feel fully closed if you have had children but it will feel more open during Ov)

    • CM will either be gone completely or creamy with no stretch (hand lotion consistency) & ph will be low; 4ish

    • You are now at O+12. (this will most likely be 36hrs after your first smiley)

    • You & DH take Sudafed approx 30mins before dtd to lower your ph & dry up semen & cm a bit. Both have a HOT shower

    I am now thinking would it be best to DTD as soon as I see smiley eek so confused and want to try and get it right next month LOL!! My husband has also decided he would now like to do the FR pattern and will see to himself twice a day the same as Zanacal’s husband did x

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Well, I personally don't think timing sways in any way so I think it's best to just BD at positive OPK. And it's virtually impossible to get pg using O+12 so I never advise anyone to try it (people who claim got pg that way miscalculated O, released two eggs and hit only the second one, or did cut-off + O+12 and got pg from sperm left over from earlier cutoff attempts)

    I can't really help you with the IG stuff because I do not believe for one minute that the rate of change of everyone's cervix and CM is exactly the same rate for every person all the time, every month. If you need help on that you'll have to have someone on IG help you or maybe a girl on here who tried it before can chime in??? I did write an essay on how to do an O+12 that you may find helpful: and this has info about tracking your fertilty signs

    If you MUST do timing, the easiest way to try for an O+12 is to just BD 48 hours after your first positive OPK. The average person will O 36 hours after a pos OPK, so 36 + 12hours = 48 hours after pos OPK.

    I am not sure what you mean by spike. Your temp spike?? That takes place AFTER ovulation and typically by the time your temp rises your egg is dead (and Tamara will confirm this.) The latest you can BD is the day of your temp dip.

    Links that explain why I do not believe in timing:
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  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Also, I really advise women against taking Sudafed and the reason why is in this link
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  4. #4
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks Atomic for coming back to me, you ahave twisted my arm I think in terms of when to BD! I don't plan to use sudafed I kept that in as that was what was in the write up I received from IG, I take Zirtek anyway and will add in Benadryl if needed x

  5. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I don't want to twist your arm, I jsut want you to understand the reasons why it may not be a good idea to include timing and then make up your mind for yourself!

    with not including Sudafed!
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