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  1. #1

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    Back after failed sway

    Hello ladies!

    I was here about 3 years ago and tried IVF with PGD to conceive my girl, which failed. I took it really hard because we put all our savings in it and I believed it would work. When it didn't I bought a sway plan and tried it to the T, but failed also. I went through a major depression when I found out I was expecting DS2, but I know I was hyped up on hormones and pregnant too. Once he was born, I was glad both attempts failed because I am so in love with my baby and wouldn't have it any other way!

    We are going to start TTC in January, and we are going to try naturally for a baby girl. If I fail again, I believe I will be ok, and I going into this knowing it could go either way. I still would like to try though.I have some questions for you ladies:

    1) I am taking Rhodiola Rosa and sometimes Ashwaghanda for anxiety, do they sway?

    2) Does OJ sway either way?

    3) Can I take calcium supplements instead of calcium? If so how many mlg?

    4) I've been reading about clomid, but see many climid boys too. Does it really sway pink?

    Please help! I appreciate any feedback, and I am glad to be back!

  2. #2
    ksmom's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome back! I'm so sorry swaying and PGD didn't work. I don't know anything about the supplements but Atomic can help I'm sure. Orange juice is fine but I think the general recommendation is just to limit or even avoid juice because it has so many nutrients. I don't think an occasional glass would hurt though! Atomic isn't recommending calcium supplements anymore (unless of course you're deficient). Clomid has gotten really good results for pink, as well as Femara. I've seen people do nothing to sway other than a few months of clomid and still get girls, so there has to be something in it that sways. Boys can be conceived on it, of course, because unfortunately there's no magic pill that gives us girls (I wish!). lol

    Best of luck to you!!!
    '15 '15 '16
    🌈 '17 (LE sway opposite)

    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

  3. #3

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    Thanks for your reply! Wow, no more calcium? I need to go over everything again. I hope my supplements are ok, because they help me lots. I guess I will wait to see!Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Big Dreamer

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    Calcium = Girls theory doesn't work here anymore. As, we boy swayers, are asked to take Calcium diet in moderation too. What seems to help a lot is LE diet and Cardio (weight loss) for most of pink swayers here as per my research.

    All the best. Sending all my pink dust your way.
    Two beautiful
    Swayed Blue

    My sway worked
    Samish TTC Boy Sway

    Thank you God, Thank you GD <3

  5. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    1) I haven't seen enough people take them while TTC to be able to say either way. I also have no feel for their safety. I would prefer to see you on an actual anti-anxiety medication as we are fairly confident those sway pink.

    2)I think it very likely sways blue. It's fine on occasion in limits but would not go overboard with any juices as they're very concentrated forms of nutrients. just eat an orange instead.

    3)I am not sure what the difference is between calcium supplements and calcium, can you elaborate?

    4)Clomid sways pink. It's been proven in studies and in our experience on the site. People can of course get boys with it, but most of the people who take Clomid are NOT swaying pink on top of the Clomid and are often doing tons of things to get pregnant faster, most if not all of which sway blue. Clomid + pink sway is very effective.

    One more thing - I like to have everyone who's had a failed sway follow our PCO-type alternate diets. You do not need to have PCOS to eat this way but if you do have some tendencies that way, the diet will help correct for those. For some people with PCO-tendencies, the higher carb form of LE Diet may sometimes raise blood sugar and sway blue. So whenever anyone has an opposite while swaying, I suggest following this type of diet instead.
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  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaniaLl View Post
    Thanks for your reply! Wow, no more calcium? I need to go over everything again. I hope my supplements are ok, because they help me lots. I guess I will wait to see!Thanks again!
    I have never been a huge fan of calcium since I took it and got my 3rd and 4th boy. I gave it up totally and both my husband and I were eating the least amount of dairy in our entire lives when we got our girl.

    It is fine if you want to take the calcium. Your sway, your way. Just be sure you are doing calcium without Vit. D and do NOT NOT NOT follow the very high dairy intake they advocate on other sites. Dairy is loaded with nutrients like protein that definitely can undermine an otherwise good pink sway.
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

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  7. #7
    Dream Vet
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    Can I ask what you mean by the HT with pgd failed? Curious as we might be going that route. Do you mean you had no female embryos or that none took?

    Good luck with your sway!!

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
    Mama to 2 DS and 2 DD and 1 angel DD

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