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  1. #1
    Dream Vet
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    Big Smile Please give me feedback on my plan....

    I would like to know if I should add anything, take anything away etc... Here is my plan:

    My attempt is going to be next month (November). If I stay regular my cutoff will be November 24th (also happens to be Thanksgiving). We will being doing abstinence of at least 7 days- more if I can get dh to agree! If for some reason I miss cutoff and I get a positive smiley I think I will attempt 0 +.

    I plan to take sudafed an hour before attempt. Dh will take a very hot shower or bath to soak his goods before DTD. I have replens, lime juice, distilled water, aci gel on hand to lower PH as needed before and after attempt. I also plan to use sylk-really want to get BFP quickly.

    By time my attempt is here I will have been on supps 12 weeks, IG diet 6 weeks.
    Dh: will have been on supps 8 weeks, IG diet 6 weeks. (His Ph is lower already). Mine seems to be higher-but will continue to check and may post about that later. (my PH was in the low 5 now it low 6??) However, I have barely any CM to test.
    We both drink tons of crystal light with dasani/aquaphina, and in pitcher from tap water (should I not?), cranberry juice, and I have the occasional peppermint tea.

    Mine: Calcium Citrate 666mg (may up to 1,000), Mag 250mg, Vitamin C 500mg, Vitamin E 400 ie, Cranberry (can't find fruit equiv: called co. they said it was equiv to 8 glasses of cranberry juice), & folic acid. I may add acidophilus my PH seems to be higher then before supps and diet . I was not going to try acidophilus bc I have read it could lower or raise PH. How long would it take to see a difference?

    Dh: Calcium Citrate 666mg (may up to 1,000), Mag 250mg, Vitamin C 500mg, Cranberry (can't find fruit equiv: called co. they said it was equiv to 8 glasses of cranberry juice), licorice root 2X a day.

    Ions: I sleep with a humidifier on every evening- on warm mist and ion setting, wear ki-flow bracelet, hematite magnetic ankle bracelet, tourmaline ring, amethyst earing, wear north magnets on my underwear, have uncut rose quartz on my night stand, fan blowing while on computer, will spend lots of time out in yard (during attempt time) by our koi pond with waterfall, I burn lavender candles, beeswax candles, burn orange, lavender oil in my kitchen area-open to all rooms, use lavender body wash, lotion, dry my hair with ion hair dryer.
    Also I have been using aerosal deodorant, nail polish remover, and during attempt will get mani, pedi and back rub!
    I should O in New Moon.
    I feel like I am ready except I need to write down a plan to lower PH after DTD. I don't want to panic after and feel overwhelmed and not know what to do first. I'm going to test how I react to replens, lime douch, acigel this month.

    Also not sure about doing lime douch before.. I don't want to lower chances of BFP. I know I should check CM PH at entrance after DTD but I always seem to need to go to the cervix to get any to test. What should I do then? I just ordered Diva cup to be better able to test in the coming weeks...don't know how that will go!
    Would love any feedback! Thanks
    Cycle#1 Jan/Feb 2013: 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 1 expanded blast frozen to batch.

    Cycle #2 May/June 2013: 17 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized, 3 blasts frozen. Sending all 4 to Natera: 2 normals- 1 girl (cycle 2) & 1 boy (cycle 1)

    Cycle #3 September 2013: 11 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 4 biopsied. 2 normal boys

    FET #1: October 25th: BFN

    Cycle#4: Feb/March 2014: 12 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, 10 fertilized. 1 normal XX! Transfer March 3rd. BFP: 3/9/14!!!! Beta: 7dp6dt:38, 9dp6dt:139!, 6weeks 1 day: heartbeat!!!

    She's here and I'm in love

  2. #2
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    that sounds like a very traditional sway to me!
    how long will your cut off be? even 3 days can lower your chances of conceiving each cycle to 10% without doing any swaying stuff
    have you considered RepHresh instead of the douching? if you think you might stress about pH that could be a good option for you

  3. #3
    Dream Vet
    HopeandDreamG's Avatar
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    I plan to use my OPK's to help with cut off by using a fade-in pattern once they are almost positive but before digital was positive was going to be my attempt. Hopefully, the digital will turn positive the next night giving me a 2.5 to 3 day cut off. I heard Rephresh can possible raise PH so I was going to stick with the replens. Thoughts?
    Cycle#1 Jan/Feb 2013: 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 1 expanded blast frozen to batch.

    Cycle #2 May/June 2013: 17 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized, 3 blasts frozen. Sending all 4 to Natera: 2 normals- 1 girl (cycle 2) & 1 boy (cycle 1)

    Cycle #3 September 2013: 11 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 4 biopsied. 2 normal boys

    FET #1: October 25th: BFN

    Cycle#4: Feb/March 2014: 12 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, 10 fertilized. 1 normal XX! Transfer March 3rd. BFP: 3/9/14!!!! Beta: 7dp6dt:38, 9dp6dt:139!, 6weeks 1 day: heartbeat!!!

    She's here and I'm in love

  4. #4
    Dream Vet
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    sounds like a great plan!

    where are you? You shouldn't be drinking tap water for your attempt and unfortunately i don't know what the bottled water that's allowed in the US is called? but if you're in the UK it's Evian water that's recommended.

    After you have dtd you test the combined ph at the entrance of v which you won't have any troubles testing as it will be cm and sperm mixed together, so there will be plenty to test.

    I have heard about using rephresh if you're doing a cut off, but personally i would stick to replens/aci gel and lime douching.. if you decide to use rephresh you need to try it out for a cycle first to make sure it doesn't raise your ph. Also remember that if you do use Rephresh you can't use anything else to lower ph, but will solely rely on Rephresh to keep your ph low.

    Good luck! I'm sure you will do great
    08 09 12

  5. #5
    Dream Vet
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    Thanks sunset. Then I'm def sticking with replens. I live in NY- 45 mins from NYC. I know we can use Dasani or aquafina water. It doesn't come in big jugs so I make the individual bottles and was making pitchers of crystal light with the tap water for when I am home. Guess I won't anymore. Is the PH too high of the tap water? Maybe I'll test it! LOL (but I actually will
    Cycle#1 Jan/Feb 2013: 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 1 expanded blast frozen to batch.

    Cycle #2 May/June 2013: 17 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized, 3 blasts frozen. Sending all 4 to Natera: 2 normals- 1 girl (cycle 2) & 1 boy (cycle 1)

    Cycle #3 September 2013: 11 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 4 biopsied. 2 normal boys

    FET #1: October 25th: BFN

    Cycle#4: Feb/March 2014: 12 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, 10 fertilized. 1 normal XX! Transfer March 3rd. BFP: 3/9/14!!!! Beta: 7dp6dt:38, 9dp6dt:139!, 6weeks 1 day: heartbeat!!!

    She's here and I'm in love

  6. #6
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    someone on here (forget who now) tested a small amount of RepHresh lining the inside of a shot glass and added a "deposit" to it to see how fast the pH would be lowered, and from what I remember it was VERY fast, within minutes! Even within 30 seconds or so the pH was far lower so it would probably react faster than douching/other gels especially if those have to be mixed in to work

    I haven't spoken to anyone who had a pH raise from it, but haven't tested my own pH with it either, mainly because I don't have much CM. I figure that if it didn't work as designed it wouldn't be on sale as it wouldn't work - the whole reason it is desirable to those with infections and things (i.e. not swayers) is because it keeps pH down so if it didn't do that they wouldn't buy it. As long as you don't use it for the first time ever right at your attempt it wouldn't be a problem as that might be a shock to the body which might make it react unexpectedly. Personally I'll have been using RepHresh for about a week before this attempt and I do like the fact that it means I don't have to stress about the pH and know that the RepHresh will keep on working where douches won't!

  7. #7
    Big Dreamer
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    Your plan looks really good but you could up your calcium to 12000mg and magnesium to 300mg. I'm taking acidiphoulous too, twice a day. My ph was 6 before swaying so am going to see how it is in a few weeks when i've been on the diet and supliments for longer.

    Your use of ions is amazing I need to make more effort on that front.

    All in all it looks like a really strong sway
    2 yrs old ~ 4 yrs old ~ TTC Now!

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  8. #8
    Dream Vet
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    yay. maybe I will up the calcium now. My magnesium pills are 250mg.. I guess I'll have to look for different ones? Cutting another one in 1/2 would be too much mag. I am going to add the acidopholis bc the other thing I'm thinking is with all the efforts to lower PH I could end up with a yeast infection that would help prevent one and hopefully lower my PH. My PH doesn't seem to be lowering.. Should I start using replens, Lime douches, aci-gel to start lowering? I would only do that after ovualtion though so I don't mask CM bc I am still trying to pinpoit O.
    Cycle#1 Jan/Feb 2013: 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 1 expanded blast frozen to batch.

    Cycle #2 May/June 2013: 17 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized, 3 blasts frozen. Sending all 4 to Natera: 2 normals- 1 girl (cycle 2) & 1 boy (cycle 1)

    Cycle #3 September 2013: 11 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 4 biopsied. 2 normal boys

    FET #1: October 25th: BFN

    Cycle#4: Feb/March 2014: 12 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, 10 fertilized. 1 normal XX! Transfer March 3rd. BFP: 3/9/14!!!! Beta: 7dp6dt:38, 9dp6dt:139!, 6weeks 1 day: heartbeat!!!

    She's here and I'm in love

  9. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavenderlime View Post
    Your plan looks really good but you could up your calcium to 12000mg and magnesium to 300mg. I'm taking acidiphoulous too, twice a day. My ph was 6 before swaying so am going to see how it is in a few weeks when i've been on the diet and supliments for longer.

    Your use of ions is amazing I need to make more effort on that front.

    All in all it looks like a really strong sway
    Do NOT take 12000 mg of calcium, that must be a typo.

    Also, when I was on IG we had problems with people taking too much magnesium and getting really sick from it. People seem to be able to tolerate different amounts - some people were taking more and were fine but others were getting sick from just a little. I personally prefer that people take more like 200 mg of mag and get the rest from diet because your body tolerates that better. 300 is the absolute MOST mag anyone should be taking. 250 mg mag is ok so you don't need to waste any effort splitting a pill or anything like that to get 300. If you get diarrhea, you need to decrease your mag and don't just try to tough it out because it doesn't get better, only worse.
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  10. #10
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by HopeandDreamG View Post
    yay. maybe I will up the calcium now. My magnesium pills are 250mg.. I guess I'll have to look for different ones? Cutting another one in 1/2 would be too much mag. I am going to add the acidopholis bc the other thing I'm thinking is with all the efforts to lower PH I could end up with a yeast infection that would help prevent one and hopefully lower my PH. My PH doesn't seem to be lowering.. Should I start using replens, Lime douches, aci-gel to start lowering? I would only do that after ovualtion though so I don't mask CM bc I am still trying to pinpoit O.
    How high is high?? If your pH is say, 5, I wouldn't waste a second worrying about that. If it's 7, then you're right, you'll need to bring it down a bit. With 6, you can kinda split the difference. Have you/can you lose any weight? My pH dropped from 6 to 4.5 (as low as my sticks would go) just from losing some weight. Also, have you tried testing pH after taking an antihistamine?? Drier CM often lowers pH because the vag. secretions are more acidic and less CM = more acidic.

    Did you know that calcium supps can keep your pH high?? Is it higher or lower since you started the calcium??

    Acidophilus ~may~ cause your pH to go up at first but don't panic, stick with it for a week or two and then recheck once the buggies are readjusted because it takes some time for the good bacteria to move from your urinary tract into your vjj. In fact, if you are concerned that your vaginal flora is out of balance and it is throwing off your pH, you may also want to insert a tablespoonfull of plain yogurt with the natural cultures in it (like Mountain High brand) because that will immediately colonate your vjj with the healthy bacteria that will fight off the yeast bugs.

    I would not use the Acijel/douches/etc (unless you're testing them) regularly until your attempt month. There's no point, the lower pH will just mask your EWCM pH and they are expensive to boot.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; October 30th, 2011 at 10:33 AM.
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