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Thread: Repost TTC girl

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    Repost TTC girl

    Hi there, re posting as requested. For some reason I cant open other post either. Wil try remember everything I wrote lol!

    new here and trying to navigate around this page. Quite overwhelming!

    Mum of 2 darling boys and looking to have our third and final and hoping and wishing for a daughter

    Have read/heard so much conflicting advice and am very confused.

    So far I have read and am doing:

    Trying a strict diet of what I assume is the LE diet.
    Basically no potatoes, bananas, tomatoes (or anything else)
    high calcium, cheese, yoghurt, milk, small amount of meat, lots of pasta, rice and eggs. peppermint tea & cranberry juice
    very low sodium and potassium, no caffeine or sugar. No alcohol for me

    Supplements : Calcium, magnesium, folic acid, cranberry & vitex. Partner to take same and licorice root

    Partner to have hot baths and use heat pack

    I am trying to chart and take temps but TBH finding it hard as cycles are all over the place!

    Usually ovulate very late in cycle, trying to regulate cycle by taking myo-inositol. MC between my boys therefore needed to take progestogen for 2nd DS. Thinking of trying to take again?

    Unsure whether to do shettles or o + 12 and very confused with knowing when I ovulate anyway!

    Missionary position.

    negative ions and Chinese calendar

    I don't really know what I'm asking, just that I am confused and feeling defeated as I don't know where to start or if what I'm doing is right or wrong!

    Thanks, advice and help please

  2. #2
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    We just have this occasional glitch when there's an emoji or lots of punctuation in a title of a post that some people can't open it. It's irritating but they haven't been able to fix it yet.

    I understand it's frustrating when you guys show up here and we do things differently. But a lot of us got opposites the old school way and were looking for better ways to sway, using new science rather than old debunked stuff that doesn't work. So this is where we aggregate info about all the sway tactics, both those that don't work (for those who want to use them) and those that do.

    What you're describing is not LE Diet. You're doing a mineral balancing diet. That's ok but many of us (myself included) got boys on that type of diet.

    We use this Low Everything Diet instead, based on newer and better research:

    Here is the FAQ:

    And here's a second FAQ that explains why you don't need to skip potatoes

    We use coffee and alcohol (very successfully) as sway tactics.

    I leave cal-mag at your discretion, be sure to avoid the Vitamin D as that likely sways strongly blue.

    All swayers should take folic acid.

    I do not recommend cranberry as it hasn't worked and has a lot of risks and side effects. If you must take something for pH I would suggest low dose aspirin 2-5 days a week instead.

    Vitex hasn't worked and has 16% lower success rate than the overall success of the site. (54% vs. 70%) I can't recommend using it any more.

    Licorice root got HORRIBLE results for us. Only 31% of the couples that used it got girls. No more licorice root.

    Many of us don't chart at all. We use OPK instead. ARe you familiar with those??? They're the best option for those with irregular cycles.

    Please do not do 0+12. It is my absolute least favorite sway tactic of all time because when it's done right it gives you NO chance of conception. If you must do timing (which does not work do a cutoff. The case against O +12 is here:

    The most important thing of all is to have just one attempt. For reasons we do not yet understand, one attempt has been very pink friendly for us. So please don't have sex several times to a cutoff as some suggest, that is too blue friendly.

    Myoinositol has been pink friendly for us, what dose are you taking.

    Do you have PCOS or more than 30 lbs to spare?? We may need to adjust the LE Diet to be better for blood sugar.

    Ions don't work but are fine if you want to try them.

    Chinese calendar doesn't work and I urge you not to skip good months in case you end up losing too much weight and delaying or even stopping ovulation (then you end up having to eat blue friendly diet just to get your cycle going again.)

    One of our best tactics has been cardio exercise 60 minutes a day, 4-7 days a week. If there's any way to include that, it may really help your sway.

    Just let me know where you're confused. I know it's really hard to fathom at first but thats what I'm here for - I'll answer every question you have till you understand.
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  3. #3
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    Thank you so much for your in depth reply I really appreciate it
    I already feel less confused and like a weight has been lifted just reading that! I have been so stressed and confused on this diet the naturopath gave me and I literally just tore it up and threw it in the bin prior to reading your reply tonight!

    I hadn’t seen your reply come through so I posted a couple of questions on the home page tonight looking for the diet links.


    Taking about 4g of myo inositol a day (powder form)

    Not sure my BMI but I would be classed as underweight if anything (53kg)
    I don’t exercise as such but I do walk most days and I am generally quite active, I can definitely add more fast paced walking if that will help?

    By OPK do you mean the little test strips for ovulation?
    I Haven’t been able to pinpoint ovulation. I have been using the tests twice daily since AF (started 7/3) and haven’t had a positive. I’ve had creamy and egg whitish discharge the last couple of days (sorry tmi) same dates as last month but negative test?
    I had an E2 blood test done on day 13 of my cycle this month and my level was at 180 so I wasn’t near ovulation then either apparently..

    I finished breastfeeding start of February.

    Advice on progesterone? Previously mine has been low.

    Regarding my partner, should he abstain or FR leading up to our one attempt?
    I read he should be avoiding caffeine, lowering testosterone and avoiding sugar, avoiding red meat, is any of this helpful?

    I seen vegetarian has good girl sway results, I am happy to do that if you recommend?

    What is the difference between the PCOS LE diet and the LE diet?

    Thank you again, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply

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  4. #4
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    Ps to add:
    Not a coffee drinker but can start. Tea drinker and usually decaf only.
    Alcohol - vodka drinker, partner is beer drinker

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  5. #5
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    Oh good I'm so glad it was helpful. One of the easiest ways to navigate the site is to go to the top of the page where there's a bar that says "Home, Forums, Blogs, My Posts..." and then click on my posts. You'll be able to see a list of your posts both the threads you started and the ones you replied on. It's so helpful, I use it all the time!

    Oh my that's more myo than I would recommend. I would have you cut that down to 2000 mg (2 g) in the FP from AF-O, and then 1000 mg (1 g) in the LP O-AF. At BFP please gradually wean off that rather than just stopping cold turkey.

    If you tell me your height I'll calculate your BMI for you.

    At what times of day are you using the OPK strips? (yes that's the test strips for LH surge indicating ovulation is about to occur)

    It's not unusual to have a couple wonky months after weaning so we may just be seeing that happening for now.

    I don't recommend progesterone as a preventative measure unless under guidance of a doctor. How short is your LP lately? And I 1000% do not recommend it for swaying. The advice given on some sway sites about progesterone is completely untrue and will end up stopping ovulation totally.

    I don't want you to do fully vegetarian with your irregular cycle. Vegetarian diets are quite carby and if you have some underlying PCO-tendencies (which many who have irregular cycles do) fully vegetarian diets can aggravate that, both disrupting your cycle hugely Small amounts of eggs, dairy, meat are ok for you within the limits of the alternate LE Diet (I linked this for you in the chatbox on the front page of the forum!) If you decide to do the standard LE (I linked this above) then you can do that fully vegetarian. I am not sure which one you would need yet, I'd like some more info about if you've ever had any issue gaining weight from eating carbs, history of gestational diabetes, or anyone thinking you might have PCOS.

    The PCOS-type diet has higher protein and fat intake, whole grains instead of white, full fat dairy ONLY (no skim dairy at all), and no sugar.

    Tea has been blue friendly, I'd have you do coffee only (or nothing if you hate coffee)

    vodka and beer have been fine for us!
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  6. #6
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    Still trying to navigate the site, for some reason I can only view these replies on my app but not on my computer on the site? And vice versa

    Height is about 167cm

    Using the OPKs mid morning and again in the evening

    Ok I will try find these diet links and start ASAP thank you

    Hmm I would say I find it easier to loose weight than gain weight.
    Prior to this my diet was VERY high in sugar and salt, pasta maybe twice a week, quite a lot of bread, rice, take away on weekends but week days I would generally eat quite well with lots of vegies and meat. I always had breakfast or a smoothie by 7am. My previous diet does seem very boyish.

    Would you recommend olive leaf extract for partner? Is there something we should do to lower testosterone for both of us? I’m not sure if I asked that already sorry

    Where can I find the previous successful girl sways?

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  7. #7
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    Also I’ve been trying to click on the LE diet link (full version) but it states I do not have permission
    Im a little confused with the LE diet in a nutshell thread, where is the actual diet?
    Sorry I’m not usually this vague, just having trouble navigating

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  8. #8
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    For some reason Tapatalk does not mesh well with our site (especially when it comes to opening links) so try a different browser. It's on their end so we can't fix it. I'm not sure why it wouldn't work with your computer, we've never had that issue before, only with Tapatalk. We may need to talk to tech support about that, can you confirm this is not a Tapatalk issue?

    Oh wait I just thought of something, you may need to sign in on your computer too not just on your phone. Not sure that's the issue but I've had that trouble on another website.

    Start using the OPK after lunch and before dinner. Your LH surge peak comes in the early afternoon for most people so by changing the time you test it can make a difference.

    Your BMI is already 19. That's below my cutoff where I want you guys to stop losing and hold steady. Since you're already so low in weight and find losing weight easy, I'm going to assume you don't have PCO tendencies and your cycle is irregular possibly because you're too thin. I would have you be sure to be eating 50-60 g fat including a serving of full fat dairy eveyr day and 4-6 eggs a week.

    There is no specific diet to follow. There's literally no way for me to make one diet for everyone all around the world, given their likes and dislikes, to follow. We want you to keep eating foods that YOU like and know how to cook, that you can easily get at your grocery store. So we give you limits to stick in and there are no forbidden foods. Individual foods don't sway anyway, it's all about the overall nutrient content of your diet.

    1500-1800 cals for most (but you may need to up this to prevent weight loss)
    40-50 g protein for most (on the alternate diet people have 50-60 g)
    30-60 g fat for most (alt dieters have 50-60 g fat, but I also want you to have that much fat as I think you may be too thin and it might be messing up your cycle.)

    Do not count the protein and fat in fruit and veg, they're free for those things, and don't count ANYTHING in low carb veg, they're free and unlimited.

    As I mentioned above you should have only full fat dairy, no skim. you need that good dairy fat to keep you ovulating.

    Re white vs. whole grains - since you're already thin I think you're fine to continue on the white grains. No need to have only whole grains (though you can have some if you like, they've not seemed to sway blue at all)

    Sugar is fine for you but please don't skimp on eating actual food and just eat sugar. That can give you PCO tendencies and sway blue, plus it's not going to help you get pregnant as too much sugar is terrible for egg quality.

    The diet will lower testosterone (which has never been proven to sway anyway). If you want you can have him drink soy milk 12-48 oz daily to help lower testosterone and fiber supplements too. DO NOT give him peppermint tea and licorice root as we had terrible results with that.

    Is he on any medication or have any health issues??
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  9. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by YesIcan2020 View Post
    Also I’ve been trying to click on the LE diet link (full version) but it states I do not have permission
    Im a little confused with the LE diet in a nutshell thread, where is the actual diet?
    Sorry I’m not usually this vague, just having trouble navigating

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    The full LE Diet is Dream Members only, but you can get the same info just by reading the nutshell version and the FAQs. The Dream Member section has a few little perks in it and the money goes to help keep the site up and me able to do this s a full time job.
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    No health issues for my partner, he carries a small amount of extra weight and would like to start getting fit. Should he be doing cardio also and should he continue with caffeine or avoid?

    I have never tracked fat, protein etc before so will see how I go entering what I eat into one of those food tracking apps then? So when you say not to include protein and fat from the veggies and fruit , do I just not enter them into the app?

    Looking through the statistics what does inverse mean? And when the Success number outweighs the sways how does that work? I.e raspberry/peppermint tea stat?

    Should I continue with Peppermint or is that a no for me also?

    A lot of sways I read drink diet soda (coke) Do you recommend this and the sweetener for hot drinks?

    Regarding Aspirin, I have asthma so may give that a miss.

    My sister in-law was taking aspirin, works out a lot and is vegetarian (non sway) and got 2 girls lol!

    I take 500mcg of Folinic acid a day, is that suitable?

    And lastly I’m still unsure regarding the FR or abstain situation? Advice?

    Thanks again, I’ll try not to ask any more as I’m sure you’re flat out

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