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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    4th and final baby going for pink this time!


    I am a new member but have been lurking on here since my first son was born in 2014! I now have 3 sons and we will be trying for our 4th and final baby this Fall. I would love to add a little girl to the family and am ready to give this girl sway a shot! All 3 of my sons were conceived similarly with multiple attempts in the fertile window so I’m looking forward to trying one attempt and will also add in LE diet and exercise. I am nervous about the LE diet and wondering if anyone has any encouragement for me on that? It will be a huge change for me, as I eat a lot of protein, meat, and nutrient dense foods in my diet normally. It sounds like the best results are on the diet 12+ weeks before TTC? Should I also add a fiber supplement?

    I also have questions about jump and dump and if this is still recommended for girl sways?

    Also regarding one attempt, is it better to just BD every 4 days or to use ovulation testing and BD on positive OPK for girl sway?

    Thanks so much!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    The LE Diet is way easier than you think. Most of the people who have fears about it have misconceptions about what the diet even is, so tell me what you think the LE Diet involves that is worrying you and I can often put your mind at ease. One of the biggest misconceptions is you can't have healthy foods on LE Diet - that's not true.

    I would suggest you do the alternate form of LE Diet where you have 50-60 g protein and fat, whole grains, instead of white refined grains, no sugar, full fat dairy only, no skim dairy at all, only full fat. And do not count the protein and fat in fruits and veg, and count NOTHING in low carb veg, they're free and unlimited, have as much as you want, no need to count.

    Dieting 12 weeks or more is best but some people start trying sooner. Anything longer than 6-8 weeks has gotten acceptably good results and then you may not get pregnant the first month out.

    Most people start off doing one attempt, and if they don't get pregnant with one attempt, then we go to e4d. It's up to you what you prefer - we've gotten good results with e4d but it's a bit newer so I have lower confidence in it (but my confidence is rising! it's been working for people.)

    Let me know how else I can help!
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks so much for your reply Atomic!

    I am most concerned with my success with the vegetarian part of the diet. I am usually a big meat and egg eater. I will need to first start tracking how much protein I’m eating/day. I won’t have trouble cutting out dairy. Do I need to limit sodium? Also do you recommend a fiber supplement for girl sways?

    Regarding the one attempt, do I stop BD the week of ovulation and have my one attempt at positive OPK? Also I’ve read some conflicting things about whether or not its ok to have unprotected sex in the two weeks leading up to ovulation?

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    You can still eat eggs and meat. You may do better on the protein/fat totals of the alternate diet (which is actualy getting better results than the standard one right now anyway). You can have 50-60 g protein and fat (not counting the protein and fat in fruit and vegetables). Low carb veg are free and unlimited, have as much as you want, no need to limit or count them.

    You don't need to cut out dairy, but if you think you would do better sticking to diet by not having dairy and having meat and eggs instead, that's a-ok.

    Virtually all of us have given up on sodium limits and our results are higher than ever. It makes it way easier to stick to the diet too if you're not limiting sodium. I got my girl eating tons of sodium after getting my 4th boy while limiting it.

    Fiber I do still recommend, take a small dose (you will never need the huge doses on the package) about 30 minutes before eating meals with fat in them. If you're not eating fat, you don't need the fiber.

    Re when to BD, it depends on what you want/believe in. Some people choose not to have unprotected sex at all outside of their attempt. Personally I think it's fine to have unprotected sex outside of the fertile window - so avoid unprotected sex O-5 through O day, but especially the microwindow of O-3 through O Day. And then most of us have our attempt at first positive OPK.
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Awesome! Thanks for alleviating my fears about the diet.. it is totally doable! So as long as I stick to 1500-1800 cals/day with no more than 50-60 grams of protein and 50-60 grams of fat, then there are really no magic foods or foods off limits? I usually drink protein shakes daily but am guessing I should cut those out because they have lots of extra vitamins?

  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    YES!!! It's really that easy. People like to make it much more complicated than it needs to be. It's all about the nutrient content of your diet overall and not this food or that food.

    Anything highly fortified is best dropped.
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