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    Restarting pink sway after a missed miscarriage *possible trigger for some*

    At our 1st OB appt it was discovered that our little one didn't have a heartbeat. The OB was saying little one was measuring at 5w6d when I should've been 8w0d. OB sent me for a qualitative bloodwork 2 days apart and my levels unfortunately dropped instead of doubling. The next day I started light bleeding and have been off and on for the past few days. I'm trying to move past this and praying my body will soon recognize what's going on because I really don't want to have a D&C or take meds to help along unless I really have to.

    I'm going back on the LE pcos diet again. Should I count this as day 1 of diet and wait the 12 weeks or can I continue as I was and ttc when i get a positive ovulation stick? What about the myo-inositol, should I restart it again?

    I'm hurting but planning our next try is helping me stay a little sane and not fall apart. DH was 100% convinced this was our little girl and is hurting. We are healing and hopeful that God will send us another little one soon.

    Thank you in advance for any guidance given and I'm sorry if this triggers anyone.

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  2. #2
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    Oh gosh I'm so terribly sorry to hear this.

    You do NOT need to do another 12 weeks of diet. The pregnancy and loss will also be depleting and we have seen very strong results for pink conceiving the month after a loss (and possibly within 2 months, though this is less proven)

    Yes, you can start myoinositol again but I would not take anything that could be a blood thinner (this includes things like cranberry, baby aspirin, high doses of Vitamin C, cinnamon - in fact, please run everything by me before you start it)

    As long as you have clearance from your doctor I would try at your first positive OPK OR do the every 4 days method once you have permission to try. (you can do this in the 72 hour pattern or Monday/Thursday, whichever is easier for you to understand. OR you can do this in the 96 hour pattern or Mon/Fri - this may be better chances of pink if you do get pregnant, but will be lower odds of conception) When doing e4d, you don't have to mess around with sticks if it ends up taking a long time for your cycle to resume.
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  4. #3
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    Thank you atomic for replying. I've been a little MIA. My body wasn't moving things along and so I was told to take misoprostol which was such a scary thing. I had to bed my husband not to call an ambulance. Unfortunately some tissue stayed behind and my hcg levels haven't dropped fully as of last week. I'm praying they have lowered. I'll find out in 2 days. If they haven't I'll have to either take misoprostol again or have a D&C, GYN is leavingit up to us.

    I've never experienced anything like this before and I'm just so stressed and annoyed with my body. Any advice? I just keep being told to drink plenty of water, which I am.

    Does taking misoprostol or having a D&C change my chances of ttc pink?

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  5. #4
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    What happened?? Heavy bleeding? Let's have you go ahead and start taking 30-60 mg iron (avoid the irons that come in hundreds of milligrams as they're a different form that is poorly absorbed by the body) daily for the next six weeks, then go to 3x a week maintenance dose from here on in.

    Please don't do or take anything other than what your doctors have told you. None of the herbal and over the counter medication remedies for retained tissue work, and many of them can worsen the situation by triggering life threatening levels of bleeding.

    We don't know if misoprostol or D and C sway in either direction. My guess would be that they both sway pink, since most medications sway pink and surgeries also seem to sway pink. We do believe that losses sway pink, as well, though, and our stats seem to bear that out. Basically anything that depletes you tends to sway pink.
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  6. #5
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    Atomic, I lost a lot of blood and passed large clots and the pain was the worst pain if ever felt. To top it off I was very weak, pale and then my hands and arms got tingly and my fingers locked in place. My husband swears I had a stroke. He isn't thrilled about a 2nd misoprostol dose but will back me whichever way I choose to go if my levels haven't dropped. Fingers crossed they have and all tissue has passed and I won't have to deal with making the decision.

    I'll look for a iron supplement and start asap, most likely tomorrow. I will also ask my GYN to run my iron and see if she's willing to order it to check my levels.

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  7. #6
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    It is literally malpractice for them to suggest another round of misoprostol in this situation. unless they intend for you to do that in a hospital with someone monitoring your vitals.

    Have they tested your iron since that happened?? Obviously I'm with your husband, I don't think you should try another at-home procedure. You need to be under someone's care to remove the tissue given that past history and I strongly suggest they test your iron levels ASAP even if you have to go outside the NHS and pay to have it done. (if that means a D and C, so be it.)

    Absolutely start the iron now, but still get in to be tested because when your iron gets very low your body is just not good at getting it from any supplements, and you'd have to have a transfusion.

    It sounds to me like you had some type of hypovolemic shock from rapid blood loss. The reason your arms went tingly and fingers locked in place was that your body pulled all the blood from your extremities to protect your organs. (basically, your arms and hands "went to sleep" just as if you'd been laying on them, but the lack of blood flow was because you didn't have enough blood going to them) I BEG you not to do this again without active medical attention! You could die before the ambulance ever arrived.
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  8. #7
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    Hi Atomic, here's an update.... When I spoke to the nurse in the phone and my GYN the day after in person both made it seem like "it is what it is" kind of tone about ny experience. Luckily, my hcg levels have dropped and I was told that most likely tomorrow they'll read below 5. GYN said there's no need for extra bloodwork or u/s. Also no need to a repeat misoprostol dose or a D&C.

    I pray I never have to go through this again but if I do I will remind them about my reaction to the misoprostol. My husband never wants to hear thr word misoprostol ever again.

    Also, my iron levels were pulled but she only said they were slightly low. That it's up to me if I'd like to take an iron supplement. I started taking SlowFe yesterday and will continue to do so daily for the next 6 weeks and then I'll bump it to 3x a week. How long do I do the maintenance dose for?

    Also when asked when we could try again GYN said to wait until after my period and then we could try again. She also mentioned it could rake 4-6 wks before I got it! Oh and wouldn't give me a reason for delaying starting ttc again. Kept evading my question even though I asked it a few times and phrased it differently twice! I felt as though it was a guideline they tell everyone she wouldn't clarify. I'm still spotting so we won't try until I stop spotting but do you believe there be harm to me or the future baby if we try when we are ready regardless if it's before or after my period comes? I'm seriously considering finding a new ob/gyn. My previous ob/gyn retired and this new one took over her patients and I'm not feeling the same connection I did with my previous doc.

    Thank you for all of the advice Atomic! We'd be lost without it and without this site!

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  9. #8
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    Oh thank goodness, although I remain quite shocked that they'd have suggested another at-home treatment after that experience! The pain can be normal and even heavy bleeding can be, but the rest of your experience was NOT normal in the slightest.

    I will say, though, that the heavy bleeding may have been a one-time-only thing if the tissue was profoundly stuck, or if your blood was just a bit thin at the time you experienced the loss. So it may be something that could work for you in the future (though I'd certainly not want to try it on my own again.)

    Since your iron is only slightly low, you can also opt to only take the iron daily for 3 weeks before going to the maintenance dose. You can remain on the maintenance dose indefinitely if you like, but since your iron is not actually too bad, I'd probably just do the maintenance dose the first cycle out (so daily for three weeks and then for however long it takes you to have a full cycle after that)

    Yes, it can take a bit of time for your period to come again, and then even your next cycle may be a bit longer (so 4-6 weeks is an estimate, could even be more like 8-10). The reason they want you to wait for your first period is because you had retained tissue. It may still be there, even though it's not making HCG any more, and they want to be sure it's come off, which it will do as your lining builds up and then sloughs off as happens over the course of a menstrual cycle. If you were to go ahead and try, you could end up pregnant with that bit of tissue left behind. This could create problems in a future pregnancy like bleeding or even uterine infection. That having been said, since most people never have any sort of ultrasound done, and only check their HCG level and try, it's entirely possible that a fair number of people do conceive with leftover tissue, and then go on to have healthy pregnancies. But of course it's not your doctor's job to ever suggest anything but the absolute safest course of action, and since s/he knows that tissue is/was there, they have to err on the side of caution and tell you to wait a cycle for the best chances of having a healthy pregnancy, if that makes sense. It IS a guideline that they tell everyone, but unlike many guidelines, there is some logic to it.
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  11. #9
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    Thank you atomic for explaining it to us! Having the explanation gives us a better understanding on why and we will now discuss and see which way to go about proceeding sooner or wait the possible 10 weeks to start trying again.

    In the mean time when should I start doing ovulation tests again? Whether we wait or proceed when ready.

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  12. #10
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    Keep in mind when making your decision the odds are very good it will not be 10 weeks, and in fact would probably be much quicker.

    It's up to you on the ovulation tests. Whatever you think will be more helpful, just don't use them as birth control as they're not reliable enough for that.
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