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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Swaying for a girl advice


    I am 29 and have an almost two year old little boy. Was very much swaying boy for him without even realising!

    I have now been swaying for a girl. Loosely started the LE diet in about august 2022. Started properly swaying in November 2022 using low everything diet, drinking 2-3 coffees a day, Coke Zero, eating vegeterian, 1x wine a day and walking for 1hr about 5x a week. I also have a very active lifestyle running around a hospital for work 2-3x a week and looking after my toddler. I am down to 50kg and am mindful to not loose anymore weight. We are using 1x attempt at positive OPK. Have tried one attempt past few cycles and not gotten pregnant. I know itÂ’s very soon still and want to stick with 1x attempt for now.

    I was taking myoinositol for a few months but stopped about a month ago as started to have spotting in my luteal phase (since January). I saw on a forum that I should have never taken it.. my bad. Today is day three of my cycle. Last cycle I had the spotting still. . Am only taking folic acid now. I am making sure I am adding in more animal fat and dairy to my sway. Was previously swaying being vegetarian Am having about 1500-1700 calories a day, getting about 40-50g fat a day and about 40g protein. I was fasting until lunch but have recently started having breakfast and drinking 1-2 cups raspberry leaf tea a day to try and help this spotting. Anything else you would suggest/ I should stop to help spotting?

    I have had a blood test and hormones, thyroid and vitamins, iron all good. I have a blood test to test progesterone this month at day 21. Any advice is much appreciated. Am hoping for my little girl and to be pregnant soon!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I wouldn't be doing the raspberry leaf tea. Sometimes hormonal supplements cause more harm than good. We need to get out of your body's way as it will already be trying to fix the issue.

    No fiber supps, right? If you're taking them drop them.

    What is your BMI and how much weight have you lost? We may want to increase cals but I need more info before I decide about that.

    What we need to do is correct the diet. I want you to up your fat intake to 50-60 g and you can do that in the form of full fat dairy if you're not already, at least one serving a day.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi Atomic,

    Thanks so much for your reply. My BMI is 18.8. I have lost about 4kg since October 2022. Have kept my weight stable for the past few months as didn’t want to loose anymore. Will stop the raspberry leaf tea and am not taking fiber supplements. Will up my fat intake- have already started some full fat dairy but will make sure I am getting a serve a day. Do you recommend I continue with a bit of steak and salmon?

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  5. #4
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    I prefer you guys stop losing weight at BMI 21 because we've seen things like short LP with spotting develop below that point. So yes, it's imperative you not lose one bit more. The BMI 18.5 is basically the "do not go below this weight under any circumstances" but it's best to stop losing at BMI 21. I say this because a lot of people read my BMI 21 guideline, disregard it, decide to get to BMI 18.5, and by then disaster has already struck.

    Because the effects of losing too much weight can be cumulative (meaning, you think "but I fixed this months ago, why is it happening now" it's because it takes time to affect you negatively, and even more time to correct, so just changing your diet isn't always a quick fix, we still have to wait sometimes months before the situation corrects) We may even need to have you gain some back, but I'm ok with you upping your fat intake first to see if it fixes the issue. Don't worry if you do need to regain a few pounds, small amounts of weight gain have not been predictive of whose sways succeed. Many people have had to regain a bit of weight when they've gone too far with the diet and still get girls.

    Yes, I want you on one serving of full fat dairy every day, 4-6 eggs a week, and 1 serving of salmon if you like it and red meat if you don't like salmon.
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  6. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks so much Atomic. I am very petite and have a small bone structure, have always been on the smaller size easily. I fell pregnant with my son when I was about 53kg, am now 50.5kg. For me to be a BMI 21 that would be 59kg- I don’t even think I could get to that weight with my body type. I was at that weight when I gave birth to my son and had a very healthy pregnancy/ ate lots.

    Will definitely be mindful to not loose anymore and will be okay if I gain a bit! I will up my fat intake and include all those recommendations. I will let you know how I get on! Hopefully pregnant soon!

  7. #6
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    Oh fabulous, in that case that's all just fine. Sorry, when I don't know for sure, I have to give advice that applies to the majority, but you're definitely in the minority who can be below BMI 21.
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  8. #7
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks so much. I really appreciate your time and support! Hopefully eating breakfast and increasing my fat intake doesn’t affect my sway. I am already feeling so much better by increasing fat!

    I am going to continue the following;
    LE diet (making sure I am getting 50-60 fat daily and 1x form full fat dairy)
    Continue 2x coffee a day, Diet Coke, 1x white whine daily
    Walk 1x hour 5 x a week
    1 x attempt on positive OPK
    Only taking folic acid daily
    I have decided to not worry about abstaining/ frequent release- hubby just going to do what he/ we normally do. Not worrying about PH.

    Let me know if you think I should add anything else

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  10. #8
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    Sounds great to me! Keep up the good work!
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  11. #9
    Dream Newbie

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    I am currently day 23 of my cycle and 8 days post ovulation. Had my progesterone checked via a blood test on day 21- was normal. My GP said anything over 5 is normal and mine was 55! She said that was very high but nothing to be concerned about as there is a wide range of normal.

    I have still had a very tiny amount of spotting after ovulation (on and off since 3 days post ovulation). Some days I don’t have any. Much less than last month and some days it will be a once off when I wipe and then nothing else.

    I am still worried that all this trying is for nothing and I won’t get pregnant with this spotting. I am also worried that I am eating more ‘boyish’ than I was. I really hope this month is the month. I will take a test around 14 days post ovulation

    I have been doing one attempt night of first positive OPK. Should I stick with this? We have been doing this for 4 months (1 month probably a write off as I missed a day testing LH and I missed it and we tried to late I think)

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  13. #10
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    If your progesterone is that high then spotting cannot stop you from conceiving. My guess is that the cause of the spotting is still working itself out and is probably just from a small spot or two, and maybe even from the cervix itself.

    It sounds to me like you're still in the limits of LE Diet. You needed to eat more than you were because you were seeing negative effects. In order to get a girl, you need to be able to conceive!

    Whether or not to continue with one attempt is at your discretion. Generally, at the 4-6 month mark I do like to see people start going to every 4 day method, preferably in the "72 hour" pattern (not those numbers of hours exactly, but that is how you count the days). But the timeline when you do that has to do with how big a hurry you're in to get pregnant. My preference is that after 3 months you guys go to e4d, but I understand some people don't want to do that and go more like 6. Just don't go on forever with just one attempt.
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