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    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    Exercising To Sway PINK!

    Hi ladies, After going through many "How I Got My Girl" posts I really am thinking that exercise is a KEY factor in swaying a girl. I noticed that a lot of ladies who conceived girls were exercising regularly or at least HARD at the time of conception. How many ladies with a failed sway didn't exercise? It's something to look at. My heart is telling me to not do the starvation diet. Just eat healthy, have some b vitamins (b-50 complex) and everything in moderation, BUT to have more calcium, drink more milk, eat yogurt etc, and work out! That is something I have never really done. Today I enjoyed lean turkey meat and raw veggies with crystal lite for lunch and it was absolutely delicious! In my childhood and teen years I was extremely active in gymnastics, and dance, but once I turned 20 I just stopped it all, and I gained 30ish lbs! and up to last yr I have pretty much remained overweight, but a steady number I always stayed at. I personally hate to exercise, (LOVE the feeling afterwards) but I know it's what I need to do. When I turned 30 last year, all of a sudden it was like a switch was flipped. I gained 10-15 lbs in a matter of months! I'm not encouraging the starvation diet + exercise. That would be a recipe for disaster. If we work out regularly, you can eat and you will burn a lot of fat and calories. It's something to think about. It feels and looks like I've lost 10 lbs in a month because I haven't had a single coke. (a lifetime habit 1-2 a day since childhood) Crazy how drastic changing one habit can be. I know it's making a major impact on my body. May I also add that I am a firm believer on the temperature of our man's packages.. on how it sways as well. Just think, if you and your hubby worked out together it would probably really help you sway pink. It's a new approach I'm going to try, that and prayer. So here's to BIG change and a prayer! I really do believe that some of our little ones are just meant to be no matter how hard we sway, but I want to try to make healthy changes and see what that does to all of you, you are fantastic, amazing and strong women!
    Last edited by Butterfly Spirit; February 28th, 2012 at 05:52 PM.
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
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    I love my Rainbow Baby with all my , She took a year to conceive! Thank you GD!

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    I am doing cardio too, just started about two weeks ago, but I am still doing the LE diet, no meat fish nuts. I think you have to do what you can do, but I don't think this will sway as hard.
    '08 '09 '12 It's twins!

  3. #3
    Big Dreamer

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    Could it be that the ladies who were exercising had better calcium absorption? which might sway pink. Exercise does make your bones stronger,and calcium is absorbed better. I read this in an article ( Better Bones, Better Body) and I know that this is something I definitely need to do. I have never owned a treadmill and never exercised in my life. I know for a fact that I have low Vit D and calcium deficiency, as I was tested for it 3 weeks ago and my Dr. prescribed Vit D supp to me and recommended I tak 1500mg calcium and exercise for building bone density. I also read that an acidifying diet takes away calcium from bones.

  4. #4
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amari View Post
    I am doing cardio too, just started about two weeks ago, but I am still doing the LE diet, no meat fish nuts. I think you have to do what you can do, but I don't think this will sway as hard.
    AWESOME Amari, keep it up! I still haven't started daily officially. It's so hard to get going! Then I'm depressed that hubby is determined not to BD this cycle. He doesn't want to help me conceive pink. I'm on CD 8 right now. :/ So are you doing cardio to a dvd?
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
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    I love my Rainbow Baby with all my , She took a year to conceive! Thank you GD!

  5. #5
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wishing4Princess View Post
    Could it be that the ladies who were exercising had better calcium absorption? which might sway pink. Exercise does make your bones stronger,and calcium is absorbed better. I read this in an article ( Better Bones, Better Body) and I know that this is something I definitely need to do. I have never owned a treadmill and never exercised in my life. I know for a fact that I have low Vit D and calcium deficiency, as I was tested for it 3 weeks ago and my Dr. prescribed Vit D supp to me and recommended I tak 1500mg calcium and exercise for building bone density. I also read that an acidifying diet takes away calcium from bones.
    Wow Wishing 4 Princess , that is INTERESTING! Thanks for sharing. I have never heard of that from anyone yet! My heart told me to buy calcium supp with vit D last night at Walmart, so I did! Then I'm trying to drink milk, and eat yogurt and cheese everyday, and also drink a cup of cranberry juice (when I remember)! A few months ago my Vit D was also dangerously low, so after a heavy prescription dose of it, I should be better off taking a calcium supp with vit D along with my B- 50 complex. I think as soon as I can get going on exercising the sooner the better I will feel. I know you will too! Exercising is SO hard for all of us to do. It's easier to sit on your butt and sway in other ways.. but I just think exercise is vital after reading all of the things ladies did to conceive their princesses. So let's get going.. how about tomorrow? Just go get a dvd from the library, (unless you know someone that has one) stretch and go for it! My sis let me borrow her Dance Off The Inches - Dance It Off And Firm Up Dec 1 2009 DVD. It's a few years old, but I think it's a great one for beginners, there are some fun moves in there and at the same time it's pretty easy to do! The first time I did it with her I think I made it 20 mins, and then I just couldn't do the moves anymore.. I was just doing my own.. whatever.. just to keep moving! That's what's important! You sound so much like me. We need to motivate each other! LOL I wish you luck in your exercise regimen journey, and thanks for your reply! Tomorrow it's... time! hahaha

    PS I just wanted to mention that Walmart has their shake weight on rollback right now. It will help tone your arms as you get fit! (later on though..we don't want to build muscle ) Just buy it for now so you have it for later.
    Last edited by Butterfly Spirit; March 1st, 2012 at 02:01 AM.
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
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  6. #6
    Big Dreamer

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    Butterfly, I like that you sound so enthusiastic about exercising. I wish I felt that way too. like you said, it's so much easier to just sit back and do nothing. I will be starting w/ walking for the first week, as I know my muscles and bones are so fragile i will hurt myself if I just go into hardcore exercise even dancing lol..I been a lazy bum for be honest I don't even do much house work..hubby does it all LOL...I just sit on my lazy butt, but I think this exercising thing will help my mood too, lately I've been feeling sooo down and discouraged

  7. #7
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    You and I are too alike sweetie, and I appreciate your honesty!!! You are taking a lot of responsibility there! I too am lazy and I have been for many years as well. My husband and I are finally getting into better habits though, and it makes for a much happier marriage and family. Our biggest motivation about keeping up our house is just how happy it makes our kids.. For example, when I vacuum the floor, they run around in circles and scream with delight! It is the CUTEST thing! Doing a little cleaning each day, until your whole house is clean. But I know how hard that is when you are depressed. And kids make house cleaning a MAJOR chore. It will be okay as long as you start slow. Old habits die hard but they can die. One of the best tips I can give you is to have a garbage can in every room. That is something my mom taught me. Once you eliminate the garbage it REALLY makes the difference in a room. Also try to get all the dishes to the sink too. The hardest part is getting moving. Once I start cleaning..I sometimes won't stop until I am finished with that job. I actually need to get off my butt now and get cleaning myself and then I will exercise. Just do whatever you can do an make sure to give yourself credit for it. It will give you more confidence to keep it up. I know you can do it! If I can, you can. BELIEVE IT! hahaha ~Butterfy
    Last edited by Butterfly Spirit; March 1st, 2012 at 09:14 PM.
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
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  8. #8
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wishing4Princess View Post
    Butterfly, I like that you sound so enthusiastic about exercising. I wish I felt that way too. like you said, it's so much easier to just sit back and do nothing. I will be starting w/ walking for the first week, as I know my muscles and bones are so fragile i will hurt myself if I just go into hardcore exercise even dancing lol..I been a lazy bum for be honest I don't even do much house work..hubby does it all LOL...I just sit on my lazy butt, but I think this exercising thing will help my mood too, lately I've been feeling sooo down and discouraged
    Sorry I meant to reply to your quote! oopsie!
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
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  9. #9
    Dream Vet
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    Aahh, yes! Cleaning is hard, especially with the kiddos! Wish mine liked me to vacuum! I am not doing a dvd as I need my kids to be somewhere else when I exercise, I go to the gym. There is a great playroom there so they have fun with the other kids while I have some time to myself and get exercise! I was running about 3-4 miles a day and worked up to the occasional 6/7 or even 9 mile until I hurt my knee in November. That is when I also started swaying too, so I stopped all exercise. I had to give up weights for the sway, but doing nothing was really getting to me so I started up with the elliptical for mental sanity, to hopefully help to bring me my little girl and to get me ready to exercise once I am pregnant too! Glad you are starting at it too! It is hard to begin but really does become a habit rather quickly!
    '08 '09 '12 It's twins!

  10. #10
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    The LE Diet is NOT a starvation diet, the caloric intake is what is recommended by reproductive endocrinologists as a safe caloric intake for losing weight while going HT, the protein intake is recommended by the World Health Organization and Web MD as the recommended daily amount for women, 20-30% fat is recommended by all doctors everywhere as ideal for heart health, and all doctors everywhere also agree that a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and less animal protein is better for health anyway. Sorry if I sound overly sensitive but I would appreciate it if you stopped calling it a starvation diet, it's not true and it makes me feel sick to my stomach when I read it because I know that there are people on this site who then take that to heart and start starving themselves.

    Anyone who is exercising, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, you do have the option of increasing cals to 1800-2000 so as not to lose too much.

    The complete guide to exercise and swaying is here:
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