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  1. #11
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    If any doctor EVER said I told you so after a miscarriage, get a new doctor.

    Doctors are funny because they love to tell people easy things to do that they have no responsibility for - like "take prenatals, wait x number of cycles after a loss" etc but really these things aren't even evidence based, they're just things that are easy for people to do and the doctor can't take any blame for.

    I do generally think that if you've had a D and C it's better to wait it out a cycle anyway and I have a guide in that thread I posted about how long to waitdepending on when your loss was.
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  2. #12
    Dream Vet
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    I know I should wait a cycle. I do. I just don't know if we will. We're going to try but we both just feel like we lost so much time. My husband even said he wished I had convinced him earlier as we would have loved the three year spacing to our youngest. However who knows how long it will take for my HCG levels to drop, I know for some women it takes months...
    Enjoying life with my crazy little DS1 2010: and DS2 2012:
    Jan 15- Loss sway baby 12 wks
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  3. #13
    Dream Vet
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    Junie I was in your exact mind frame a short while ago and all I can say about my loss is that everything is very unpredictable and confusing. My body was sending so many signals at once I don't have a clue what it meant and then less than 4 weeks after my D&C a period happened and I was more devastated than at the time of my loss. Somehow that made it official- I didn't catch the first egg and now I had to sway again and that literally broke me. I didn't have a lot of fight left at that point. I am slowly rebuilding my strength and it helps now that I no longer have all the pregnancy symptoms- you will feel different in a week or two, I would bet on it. It just takes time. Having a miscarriage changed how I felt about swaying and gender desire- I have become much less anxious about it all and maybe that was all part of the plan? Something to think about anyway. ((Hugs))

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    2 baby boys blessed Hoping for a little girl to complete our family
    Angel baby Decemeber 23confirmedand pregnant again nowPlease, please be my little girl!

  4. #14
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi Junie

    so sorry for your loss.

    I don't know if you remember but a few months ago we were swaying together and you commented on my posts. We must've both got pregnant at the same time, I also lost my baby - an early scan revealed a blighted ovum then I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks but needed a D and C to complete. I lost a lot of weight too and was skinny to start with I also wonder if coming off my prenatal and taking folic acid only didn't do me much good. Anyway I have introduced fish again, am having breakfast and taking my normal pre-natal now and will try again next month. As Atomic has said a lot with girls it's 1 attempt only that is having a lot of success so I will make that my mantra (as I did last time!) It worked for me with my daughter and I didn't change my diet too much then, I was veggie and ate fish. So that's what I'm doing this time!

    All I can say is that everyone I know falls again really quickly after a miscarriage so I bet you will too! Good luck honey and lets keep in touch xx

  5. #15
    Dream Vet
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    Hi Kirsty! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. They are awful aren't they? I like your mantra! Also having the miscarriage is in our favor so I'm trying to not to stress too much. I have dropped breakfast but that is easy for me as I do it even when not swaying quite often. I'm trying to go veggie but haven't gone 100%. I'm also doing no snacking which is driving me crazy LOL

    I hope this coming cycle brings you a sticky baby girl
    Enjoying life with my crazy little DS1 2010: and DS2 2012:
    Jan 15- Loss sway baby 12 wks
    It's a boy!
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  6. #16
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junie View Post
    I know I should wait a cycle. I do. I just don't know if we will. We're going to try but we both just feel like we lost so much time. My husband even said he wished I had convinced him earlier as we would have loved the three year spacing to our youngest. However who knows how long it will take for my HCG levels to drop, I know for some women it takes months...
    I feel so much sympathy for you. I lost my baby at 10 weeks - found out at the 12 week scan. We're swaying blue, so we have to wait 2 cycles to try again. To add to this delay and misery, I had to have the d and c repeated 3 times - because they kept missing a bit. Awful. I was bleeding Dec 9th - Jan 10th! But even with all this, my HCG levels came right down and I think I'm now ovulating. I hate the idea of swaying AGAIN - I feel fat and overstuffed and muscular and I can't fit into anything - but when i see yet another friend have a scan and get the gender you'd predict on the basis of their diet, I am CONVINCED. As much as I hate to admit it at this point - with aT LEAST ten weeks to wait before I can even ttc.

    Huge, massive bags of sympathy and pink dust.

  7. #17
    Dream Vet
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    TM- 3 times???!!?? Oh my gosh you poor thing, what a nightmare. Do you think if you eat really HE and do lots of supplements that you could try after one cycle? The waiting must be awful however I completely understand not being able to let go of the sway. With the results I've seen here I just can't ignore what I know. Big big hugs from me. I'll gladly send you truckloads of blue dust

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    Enjoying life with my crazy little DS1 2010: and DS2 2012:
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  8. #18
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    no she can't!! LOL
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  9. #19
    Dream Vet
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    Listen to Atomic, I'm a terrible influence!!

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    Enjoying life with my crazy little DS1 2010: and DS2 2012:
    Jan 15- Loss sway baby 12 wks
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  10. #20
    Big Dreamer

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    I feel every word you girls write! My mc is almost like a nightmare, did that really happen to me? I should be ovulating any minute, fx

    My sway is weak and I wish I would have been better about the diet since my mc. I skip breakfast and snacks, but haven't limited or even counted proteins. My cardio is still going strong, 70+ min 5-6x a week. So maybe there is still a chance for a pink rainbow baby!

    I also did 50mg clomid this cycle. I pray that gets me a big strong egg!! I saw a full double rainbow the day after my d&c, I took it as a sign that my rainbow baby will come!
    Feb. '11
    Dec. '12
    Dec. '14
    Praying for 2015

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