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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    TTC number 2 has turned into a nightmare

    Hi Atomic

    I hope you can help and apologies in advance for the long text.

    I am 30 and have a 4 year old DD. I conceived her on the first try. I then had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks last November which resulted in a D&C. It took me 6 months to fall pregnant again (took a break for the first cycle after surgery then tried again for 5 cycles). By the 5th cycle I went to a top gynae specialised in Ashermans syndrome as I was scared to have develop it. He perform a 3D ultrasound and advised that I did not have Asherman. However, as I was struggling to conceive he suggested having a hysteroscopy/laparoscopy for full fertility investigation. However, the day before my surgery I got a BFP. My joy was short lived as I miscarried last month at 8 weeks.
    I contacted him again and scheduled an appointment for early September where he will perform a scan again and probably recommend I go ahead with the hysteroscopy which is covered by my insurance. At this stage, I’m at a loss. I tracked my ovulation immediately after miscarriage. I had a scan at the hospital to check no retained product and they could see a dominant follicle. 4 days later I ovulated as confirmed by BBT. However, I had a massive temp drop this morning at 11 DPO suggesting period is imminent.
    Can I please get your view on whether I should go ahead with the hysteroscopy? I never thought I would have to go through all of this for a second child which at this stage I no longer believe I can have.
    I have been in touch with an IVF clinic in North Cyprus for gender selection and was due to go on the pill in the next few days for egg retrieval in October. However, I am no longer motivated as I believe my egg quality must have significantly deteriorated in the past 4 years. With 2 consecutive miscarriages and a hard time falling pregnant, I just don’t think IVF will work for me. I had a pelvic ultrasound done that shows a good number of follicles. The IVF doctor suggested I also do the AMH test but that it was not compulsory based on the scan pictures. I didn’t do the test as I just don’t want it to confirm my suspicion of poor egg quality since I have had 2 miscarriages.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I'm so sorry to hear of your lossses.

    If you are 30 years old the odds are very much against you having poor egg quality. Miscarriages happen for many different reasons (oftentimes completely unrelated to each other.) 2 miscarriages, even back to back, do not mean you have DOR or poor egg quality.

    Can you please outline what you were doing in terms of trying to get pregnant when you were struggling to conceive?? Sometimes people do things (like have daily sex) that seem like good ideas but can actually cut odds of conception. Were you taking any supplements or medication? How about DH?

    Have they pursued any testing, like for blood clotting disorders?? There are a few things that can cause recurrent miscarriages (that are easily fixed). Docs generally won't do this testing till after

    I would definitely hesitate before going to North Cyprus because they don't have the best results. I do absolutely recommend the AMH test because I think it's going to put your mind at ease. And yes I'd have the hysteroscopy in case there are any polyps or fibroids that may be contributing to the losses (they could easily correct these issues surgically and then you'd not need to worry about them being a potential cause of loss)
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi atomic

    Thanks for your reply.

    I did take the AMH test. My result is slightly at the lower end of the normal range for my age. My gynae is no longer suggesting I have a hysteroscopy as he performed a 3D scan and is happy with the results.
    I ordered clomid in my next cycle and took it CD5-9 50mg. On CD12 I had 3 big follicles but did not tell my gynae I took Clomid. He gave me the go ahead to TTC and unexpectedly I fell pregnant. I DTD everyday CD13-17 with first positive OPK on CD14 but I suspect I ovulated on CD16.
    My HCG was
    17 dpo: 461
    19 dpo: 887
    So not exactly doubling.
    My gynae has put me on progesterone and daily aspirin. He wants me to do the thrombotic risk profile even though he advised the results might not be accurate since I’m already pregnant. The test is expensive ie £700 and not covered by my insurance.
    I’ve got mixed emotions. Happy to have fallen pregnant on first try with clomid but sad that I completely undermined my sway. Then I remind myself, with my last 2 pregnancies ending in miscarriages, maybe I should just stop thinking about swaying and be grateful if I end up carrying to full term.

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    That's good news, AMH close to normal for age 30 is still good.

    by 17-19 DPO it can take a little longer than 2 days to double so that's not a bad sign.

    Can you explain why you think you may have undermined your sway?? I can often reassure people in that regard.
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi Atomic

    Just to update.

    I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Unbelievable. I was team green throughout the pregnancy and posted my 12 week scan on a facebook group a few weeks before birth. I got all boy guesses and indeed had a boy two weeks later.

    I was so convinced it was a girl!

    I am so HAPPY!!!!

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  7. #6
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    Hugest congrats Tharyla and I'm so grateful you've updated us!!! Enjoy every moment!!!
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