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  1. #11
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    Thank you, as always, Atomic for your quick and detailed replies. I greatly appreciate the time you take to respond. I can tell that you sincerely care for the women here on this forum and how you genuinely want nothing but the best for them and to help <3

    I believe at this point, my husband and I will TTC again when we feel emotoinally ready. With doctors saying one thing and ND's saying another and things you read on line...its overwhelming. Last time we waited two cycles because that's when I felt mentally and emotionally ready. Not sue if this time we'll wait just the one or more. As you said, there is no magic pill. My next egg released could be perfectly healthy. Its hard to say. I don't want the false hope that taking supplements for 3 months will give me the perfect egg in 3 months. I have beeb asking myself if you can actually truly improve the quality of your eggs, or if they just are what they are as we age.
    I want to ask about the lower carb diet (in which I am totally up for). I have been vegetarian for 2 years now, with the odd bit salmon or tuna here and there. My main source of protein comes from eggs, nuts/seeds and tofu. Would it still be possible to do a lower carb diet as a vegetarian using your atomic fertility diet? I would still like to sway pink, however my main priority is for a healthy baby and pregnancy. One attempt and 60 minutes of cardio comes easily for me. I often do more than 60 mins. Cardio is a stress relief for me. The diet will be a challenge (I am finding, like many others, working from home now and watching the kids and not being able to go anywhere because off COVID19 to be stressful and I admit we are all eating more and lots of carbs) but I will do the best I can for my health and the heath of * hopefully * our future baby. Would you suggest 12 weeks on the diet? or would 8 be okay? I have not been doing anything near the LE diet since February.
    My doctor has recently put me on iron supplements that I need to take for the next 2 months. I lost too much blood during my last miscarriage and my blood pressure has been very low and I've had horrible headaches. I hope the iron is okay. Does B 12 sway blue? My Naturopath recommended I take Vitamin D drops, but I know they sway blue, so I'm not sure what to do.

    One more question. Do you think it would be worth me having my thyroid checked? I have read studies that women having hypothyroidism have a much higher miscarriage risk. I had it tested after mat second son but not sure if things can change in 2 and a half years. I love my family doctor but I find when it comes to testing, I really have to beg to get blood work done.

    Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions I hope you're keeping safe and healthy during these uncertain times <3
    Last edited by sunflowertravels; April 26th, 2020 at 09:10 AM.

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  3. #12
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    Above all else that is what I think is best.

    It absolutely is still possible to do a vegetarian diet with higher protein/lower carb intake, particularly with eggs. It's never going to be as low carb as a meat-containing diet, but there is also data that eating more vegetable-based foods can also help fertility! Exercise also dramatically improves your body's ability to tolerate carbs so since you're exercising you can eat more carbs than a similar person without them having the same deleterious effect.

    I would have a couple eggs a day, tofu or soy 3x a week (I'd be cautious having massive amounts of soy), legumes, nuts, whole grains, seitan, that kind of thing.

    Any amount of time on diet is fine. For egg quality I do not believe it requires the full 12 weeks to see improvement, plus I also believe that higher blood sugar can have other negative effects for pregnancy without being egg quality related and a change in diet can work to prevent that immediately. I believe this type of diet will still sway pink.

    I ABSOLUTELY want you to get your thyroid checked. A blighted ovum is not the manifestation I tend to see thyroid-related losses (thyroid tends to be more along the line of having a seemingly normal pregnancy and then an unexplained loss of a genetically normal baby at 12-14 weeks) but what we don't want to see is you have another loss that could be prevented.

    I have the same trouble with the blood tests and doctors (as do many of the gals on here). So irritating! I'd be happy to pay out of pocket for tests rather than have to go in there and beg, it's one of my pet peeves. :/

    I 1000% want you to take the iron as directed. Low iron can be dangerous and early pregnancy is a very iron-greedy time. Please take it as directed for 2 months then go to a maintenance dose of 3x a week.

    I do believe B12 sways blue but I have a compromise way of taking it (I may have said this on the other page, but if I didn't) find the lowest dose B12 you can find (this is usually 500 mcg) without any other ingredients - particularly B6! - and take it 2x a week. If you're low in Vit D, you should take it as the doctor directs you for however long and go to the maintenance dose of 2x a week. If you're just worried about being low in D and aren't sure if you are, then take the lowest dose you can find (usually this is 400 IU, for some reason Vit D is measured in IU not mg) daily for 2 weeks, then maintenance dose of 2x a week.

    Thank you! I hope you and your family are safe and healthy as well!
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  5. #13
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    Thank you Atomic, I'm feeling very good about moving forward with a lower carb vegetarian diet (and cutting our sugar and refined carbs, etc). I think with all the stress and unhealthy-over eating I've been doing this past month, it will feel good to eat healthy again. The perfect kick start I need. I will absolutely seek to get my Thyroid tested and if I have to pay out of pocket I will (I am in Ontario, Canada, and while I am grateful for our healthcare system, some doctors don't want to run tests unless necessary because out health care is universal and they bill the government). It was tested a couple years ago and came back good, but I know things can change as time goes on. Even if nothing is wrong, it's always good to get a snap shot of your health and see where you are at. I am hoping my doctor is supportive in investigating this . I personally think a full hormonal blood work check up would be good considering my two recent losses.

    Thank you for your suggestions regarding B12 and Vit D. With being a vegetarian, it can often be hard to get B12 in my diet. However, I was looking at the back of my carton I have of unsweetened almond milk and I noticed it has been fortified with B12. I'm thinking instead of a supplement, I will have some almond milk pour over berries, or make a smoothie with it with some plant based protein I have.

    As much as I'd love a daughter, at this point, after experiencing two miscarriages, a healthy baby is what I hope to welcome to our family. I will sway with one attempt and exercise and diet to the best of my ability, but at the end of the day, I am okay with what the universe gives me
    Thank you again for your support <3

  6. #14
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    the almond milk will absolutey work for B12 esp. since you're eating eggs too.

    a full workup may be in order.

    Everything else is looking great to me! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any other questions or concerns, and keep me posted as to how you're getting along!
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