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  1. #1
    Walkiria's Avatar
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    Embarrassed Having one attempt intercourse per day sways only blue?

    Hi i read before whe you aswered me before about other questions and didnt understand very much at that time 4 day attempt. I though it was my bad english ( not native language) but last aswered again explained me that if had intercourse on saturday should try again on tuesday and then on friday.. is that ok?? We were having one attemp each day during fertile days. Every day is wrong to get pregnant? Does it sway blue? .. as im 43 and my husband is also tajing medicine for sperm with though each day we would have better chances. I would appreciate so much your opinions. Thank you!
    2002 2005 2007 2014 2016 looking for my little princess

  2. #2
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    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    I mostly answered your question here:

    But I want to explain why sex every day is actually NOT a good way to get pregnant.

    When you do not know when you'll ovulate, and are having sex every day, your husband's sperm will be lower in number. He will make fewer and fewer sperm. So even when you have an attempt every day it will be only a few sperm. Since you do not know when you will ovulate this will go on and on for many days! And there will be hardly any sperm by the time the egg shows up. The more days in a row he releases, the fewer sperm he will make.

    I know it is confusing but you need to give his sperm time to build up again. By having sex every 72 hours you will be giving his sperm time to rest and make many more sperm.

    Sex every day for many days in a row makes few sperm.

    Sex every few days makes many sperm.

    And if you are having sex every few days, he can THEN have 2 releases close together and make a lot of sperm both times, because his body would not be so tired.

    So it is best for getting pregnant to have sex every few days to make sure he is making a lot of sperm, and then when the egg shows up, THEN is the time to have 2 releases in a row.

    But having many many releases in a row means he wil not have very many sperm when the egg shows up!!! EVen if you have sex 4 times in your fertile window it will be less sperm than 2 releases when he's not releasing every day.

    Sperm need to "rest" to make a big batch of sperm and semen and so that schedule I gave you is better both for your pink sway and for getting you pregnant.
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  3. #3
    Walkiria's Avatar
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    Oh! Thank you so much for your explanation! I read before that when releasing everyday it was better for sperm as it stays less time in testicle exposed to free radicals or something like that so i was confused and thought if letting days pass will get few chanches to catch egg. Today i got my lh tst positive this morning. I was happy and had one attemped ��. I think now we spoiled it. Im sad. No chances this month then as we did it all days ��. We were planning other attemp tomorrow because i got today my positive and before egg release to sway pink, so you think better not do it now didnt you? So i guess i have no more cha ces this time because ovulation is too close to let my husband rest to make better sperm. That ypu for your help me friend
    I well get your advice for my next cycle then. I made it all wrong this time. Didnt know. Thank you
    2002 2005 2007 2014 2016 looking for my little princess

  4. #4
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    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    You still have a chance of conception and of pink, it just lowers your chances, that's all.

    Daily release IS better than long abstains for sperm health, but it's just that there are not enough sperm built back up again. So releasing every 2-4 days is best for making healthy sperm AND lots of them.

    If you're already IN the fertile window you can still have more attempts even if they haven't had a chance to build back up again (if you want to.) While this may be a little more blue friendly, you've already had the additional attempts (so have already swayed a little more blue) and you may as well be in with a better chance of conception. You don't need to wait for them to build back up. Even if he gives you less sperm, it will still be more than are there now! So go ahead and have another attempt please as soon as you can.

    Think of it this way - if you have another attempt and add another 10 million sperm, this is a small batch of sperm, but you are still adding 10 million sperm! So why not?? Go ahead and add those 10 million sperm, it may help you conceive this month!

    In the future, though, you don't want to have every day sex because you would only have 10 million sperm every day. So even if you had sex O-3, O-2, O-1 and O Day this would only be 40 million sperm (many of which would die before the egg came)

    You would want to have maybe more like 50-100 million in each batch! Then you could be having 2 attempts in the fertile window and have 100-200 million sperm. Even if you had only one batch, that would still be 50 million sperm, more than every day sex would give you and by having that one or two attempts at a good time for conception, more of the sperm would be alive to greet the egg.

    (I am making those numbers up, but that's the way it works - too much sex can cause too few sperm even with many attempts!)
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  5. #5
    Walkiria's Avatar
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    Yes my dear friend. Thank you so much again for the explanation..its clear for me know. So i will make one more attempt. Yes.mits difficult this month because as you said sperm goes down a lot each time when everyday and considering my husband has also varicocele and have low count andany sperm are not viable regarding shapes., i guess our chanced are very few. And yes with your method he surely increase the chances.
    I m doubting as you said i made all to sway blue without knowing and one more attemped could be more chabces of blue.
    Despite that i will post another topic. I will ask here either if you see it by chance:
    I have a doubt regarding my ovulation. Yesterday i got my first lh test positve and many ovaries pain so i guess i should be ovulation today or tomorrow. Is it ok? taking my temp too and yesterday (day of positive ovulation test) mu temp was too low 36.4 centigrades and today was expecting still low as is goes up the day after ovulation but got 36.8 centigrades! Im confused! Did i ovulated the dame day that test gave posive? My ovaries still hurt. Thank you so much
    2002 2005 2007 2014 2016 looking for my little princess

  6. #6
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    Yes but you've already potentially swayed blue, so one more attempt won't be any worse, and it may end up with a conception you wouldn't have had otherwise. You should follow your heart of course but at this point I don't see any advantage not having another attempt.

    We have to see 3 temperatures that are higher to know for sure what day you ovulated. One day can be a mistake of the thermometer. So maybe you were just hot that day so it made your temperature high when really it wasn't "supposed" to be. We will know more in a couple days.

    Ovulation pain can happen before, during, and after ovulation. So as it is now we can't quite know if you have ovulated and so I would pretend that you haven't, and keep attempting so you are not going to miss out on the month!
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  7. #7
    Walkiria's Avatar
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    Thank you mu dear friend! I will keep updated!
    2002 2005 2007 2014 2016 looking for my little princess

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