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  1. #1
    Walkiria's Avatar
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    Question Ovulation tests if dark at 10th of cycle means ots close to ivulation so sooner?

    Hi to all and thank you for reading. I wanted to ask if anyone can help me with my ovulation test this cicle.
    It happens that im taking genozym to help me to ovulate. My doc said i was to ovulate on 14th but as you explained me in this forum thats not all ivulation date may vary even when taking pills to ovulate.
    Last month we didnt test ovulation
    It seams i got pregnant again as happened before my last baby but lost it again. Im 26 or 28 days cicle and about 30th took a pregnancy test and gave as result a very fainting line but we thought positive. But on 31st of the cicle i got my period.
    Doc said i should take it as a normal period.
    Last time took me more thank two month to normalize and kept getting positive on blood tests for long time. Was very streesful.
    This time despite seams a normal period. We got sad and we didnt want to wait to try again, so, as my doc said was ok i took my genozym ovulation pills this month too.
    But this month we decided to help our search with ovulation tests. Well. Today was my 10th day of cycle so thought was too early but made a test in the morning.
    I was waiting to find it still too faint as i should be still away from my ovulation day but... it was very confusibg. Lines where almost similar. I read have to be same or darker to be a positive but.. its too dark..and still its my 10th day.. do you think may be chances to ovulate sooner this time? Or does that pregnancy positive test last month is still in my body and can be seen in ovulation tests?
    I dont know if i can explain it ok. Hope you can understand me and help me with my tests? Thank you!
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  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Ok. Genozym is what we call Clomid and that medication can cause false positives on OPK for 3 days after you have stopped taking it, so if you took the Genozym ending on CD 7,8, or 9 this could be a false positive. OR, it could be a real positive from the surge and you could ovulate on CD 12 from that.

    So what I want you to do now is have an attempt just in case, and then I would have you start doing the every 4 day method. Have unprotected intercourse tonight, Saturday, (or last night, friday, if you already did!) and then again on Tuesday, then Friday, then Monday. If you did attempt last night, Friday, then move that schedule back a day, have attempt on Monday, then Thursday, etc.

    Now, if you want a better chance of conception, take OPK still, and have one more attempt if you get another positive OPK (In addition to doing the every 4 day method) and that will be a better chance of conceiving. It may be slightly more blue friendly than just every 4 days but many still get girls doing that.
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  3. #3
    Walkiria's Avatar
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    Oh my god. We are having sex one attemp a day. Is that wrog does it only sway blue?? O though that considering mu age if i example i ovulate on 14th and get one atempt on on saturday as i did on 11th day of the clycle and then only in tuesday 14th day of the cycle. Would have only two chances of getting pergnant or may be any as 4 days before ovulation has to be too fertile is that right? And nor my husband and i are. And if i made second chance in 14th could be too late. At my age sometimes eggs doc told me only live 12 hours. May be i have intercourse at bad huou and getting late.. is that possuble? And then friday wpuld be too far away... is that the only way to conceive girls? It sounds too difficult to get pregnant at my age that way specially beacuse we never know exacly ovulation day. Thank ypu so much for your help. And please help me understand if having intercourse all days is wrong to get pregnant. I though would have better chances. O kept doing my test this too days and still seam negative. Not getting stronger lune that before. Tahbk ypu for your help ������
    2002 2005 2007 2014 2016 looking for my little princess

  4. #4
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    Yes please don't have sex every day. That's not even good chances of conception. (if you want me to explain why, I can. I am skipping the explanation to hopefully be less confusing.) Having 3 or more attempts in the fertile window is very blue friendly.

    Have sex every 4 days the way I described and then have one more attempt at positive OPK. I think this is the best compromise between getting pregnant and swaying pink. Having sex every day is not good chance of conception OR of swaying pink!

    Yes, this is going to be 2 attempts in the fertile window. It will never be 4 days before ovulation though. You should have attempt every 72 hours so this will be (for example) Monday/Thurdsay. You will never be more than 3 days before O day and then you will also have another attempt on the positive OPK which gives you 2 attempts.
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  5. #5
    Walkiria's Avatar
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    Thank you so much my friend. I undertand now. I made all wrong this clycle. We were habing attemps all days and whe read you last night we decided to wait till my lh test gives positive so to make time...but today got my positive in the morning ��. we didnt wnat to let the chance go away and make one more attemped at the evening. We were planing to tray again tomorrow before ovulation occurs to sway pink but now i guess i shouldnt. Too late this month isnt it? I will follow your advice next month. Thank you!!!
    2002 2005 2007 2014 2016 looking for my little princess

  6. #6
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    I do want you to still have another attempt since you've already had a lot of attempts anyway. Go ahead and have another attempt! I made a bigger explanation in your other thread.
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  7. #7
    Walkiria's Avatar
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    Thank you dear friend!!!
    2002 2005 2007 2014 2016 looking for my little princess

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