IVF with PGD for family balancing is not as expensive as some may think. Depending on where you live, costs do vary but in the US, prices range from $12,000 – $20,000 for a single attempt. Expensive? Yes, but how much is it worth to you if you walk away with a boy or girl to complete your family?
How do people pay for IVF with PGD? Many people use cash but zero interest credit cards are another option and some people are lucky enough to have their family support them through this process and offer to help pay.
The process for IVF with PGD is outlined within our discussion forums but generally, it flow like this-
1. Research clinics
2. Schedule a consult with a doctor
3. Have pretesting done to assess your ovarian reserve
4. Order your medications once your protocol is decided
5. Schedule your travel(if required) once you know your cycle dates
6. Begin your IVF cycle
We have lots of experience from women all of the world that have been through this process and are happy to assist with any logistical questions or specific questions you may have about IVF with PGD for family balancing. Please register in our discussion forums today and join our supportive community. We are happy to help!