by Atomic Sagebrush
On this site, there is no cookie-cutter, everyone-must-do-this-or-else sway – you are free to pick and choose the sway tactics that you feel is right for YOU. But, the sheer amount of info presented all at once does make it seem rather daunting to people and it probably comes off that we are suggesting you do EVERYTHING. So NBP suggested that we come up with some simplified suggestions – examples, or templates – of sways that a person might want to make their own. You don’t have to do ANY of these sways, there is no one size, fits all sway and no right or wrong way to sway.
For starters, you might want to read the following to help you determine what your sway strategy is.!Before you begin to plan your sway, you should stop to consider how swaying will affect your odds of pregnancy. It does you no good to sway if you sway so hard that you have no chance of getting pregnant; you have NO chance of your desired gender if you cannot even conceive. And the longer you go on getting BFNs month after month, the more likely it is that you will begin to drop things – unfortunately, the things that get dropped first tend to be the things that are hardest to stick to and yet have the most scientific evidence backing them up, like diet. Some people are willing to go on from now until menopause getting nothing but BFNs but for most people, it seems much wiser to me to hit it hard and get it over with quick! You know yourself best, so be honest with yourself about what is realistic for you.
A reminder – you should start ANY diet 6 weeks before you TTC and you and DH MUST quit smoking if you want a son, no ifs, ands, or buts, that one is non-negotiable.
DO NOTHING SWAY – Seriously, for reals. You can Duggar-it-out and decide that you‘ll just keep having kids until you get your DG. People get their desired gender every day by doing nothing any different than they have any day of their lives. Luck and chemistry may be on your side and it may be that all you need to do is just get pregnant. This is statistically more true for moms who want sons than it is for moms who want daughters because your odds of a boy go up after 3 girls. However, advancing maternal age does make you more likely to conceive a daughter so if you‘re in your late 30‘s your odds of a girl are better. (you can still conceive a boy in your late 30’s!!!! BELIEVE ME!! LOL!!!!)
LITE SWAY – Diet has far and away the most evidence supporting it BUT some people find it very difficult to stick to. A person might decide to sway using just timing, jelly, timing, hormonal supplements, lowering/raising sperm count – any or all combo of other sway tactics. It’s ok if you want to do that. The only thing that I STRONGLY suggest for pink swayers is not to just take cal-mag supplements alongside your normal diet, and I do believe equally strongly that blue swayers MUST not be dieting and/or losing weight.
FRENCH LITE SWAY – Some think the French Gender diet is the easiest diet to stick to, so adding the FGD to a Lite Sway is a good way to incorporate some diet into your sway. (Or, you could also JUST do the FGD and forget the rest.) Pink Swayers, I STRONGLY urge you do do the FGD itself and not just take supplements in addition to eating your normal diet (even if you ease back on sodium), because it is not clear whether the cal-mag aspect of the FGD is what sways, or if it is due to the restrictive, lower-protein nature of the diet.
VEGGIE LITE SWAY FOR PINK – Being a vegetarian or vegan is proven to sway pink, and many find a plant-based diet easy to stick to. Adding a vegetarian/vegan diet to a Lite Sway, or even just doing diet and forgoing other sway techniques, is a valid strategy for pink. You CAN add cal-mag supps to a vegetarian/vegan diet and perhaps enhance your sway by incorporating French gender minerals.
CAVEMAN LITE SWAY FOR BLUE – A caveman-style, meat, eggs, nuts, fruit and veg diet (limiting refined carbohydrates and dairy) may sway blue and you may wish to combine it with the Lite Sway tactics and the mineral component of the FGD, increasing sodium and potassium intake, for a more thorough sway. Also a good choice for those blue swayers with uncooperative husbands, because most husbands LOVE caveman-style diets.
ATOMIC’S PREFERRED SWAY – You’ll get most of the benefits of a more thorough sway AND you’ll be able to get pg quickly. Eat the “Low-Everything” diet for pink, “High-Everything”diet for blue (WITHOUT worrying about minerals or acidity/alkalinity of food) Lose 3-5 pounds for TTC pink and gain a few pounds of muscle for TTC blue.
For pink, abstain/frequent release with a cutoff. Do not exercise at all. Skip breakfast, but otherwise only worry about blood glucose levels right before ovulation and during the 2WW. Take vitex and folic acid but NO other vitamin supplements. Take an antihistamine. I personally prefer that you not worry too much about timing because it doesn’t sway much and it raises testosterone – get pregnant as quick as you can to limit the amount of time you have to stick to the diet.
For blue, Pre-Seed, Robitussin/Mucinex and sperm-enhancing supplements and BD patterns for blue, and timing ONLY if you absolutely must. Exercise or not, whatever you prefer, as long as you are not a habitual over-exerciser (but lifting weights will REALLY help your sway). Take any supps that boost egg/sperm quality that you feel comfortable with and a wide array of vitamin and nutrient supplements. Green tea, wheatgrass, gelatin drink, and lemon water are all safe to use. Use timing if you like but I prefer that you use Deanna’s Plan in order to up your odds of pregnancy.
THE DELUXE PACKAGE – This is the sway that I, atomic sagebrush, believe to be the most effective but it probably does cut down on your fertility somewhat and people find it difficult to stick to. Pink swayers, if you find yourself getting obsessed with swaying and feeling that you MUST do everything, STOP and regroup.
For pink, the Low Everything diet plus minerals plus aspartame, limiting alkaline foods, taking cran or baby aspirin, and strictly limiting blood sugar all the time. Lose 5-7 pounds if at all possible, and do intense cardio exercise 6-7 days a week. Use RepHresh, abstain/frequent release, with a cutoff. If you can beg, borrow, or steal some Clomid, USE it. (not really, only use Clomid under the supervision of a doctor. ) If you can’t get Clomid, use vitex and saw palmetto.
For blue, High Everything diet, cut way back on cal-mag if you‘re not already, limit acidic foods, use stevia as a sweetener, and do the BSD or Ural drinks. Use egg white rather than Pre-Seed.
THE WHOLE NINE YARDS SWAY – The Deluxe Package plus spermicide and adding an O+12 attempt for pink (or you could do O+12 instead of cutoff). Use Acijel/Replens instead of RepHresh if you are going to do O+12. TTC pink from Mar-May only. DH should wear tighty-whiteys, take hot baths, and may even want to bicycle or run a lot.
For blue, the Deluxe Package plus douching and ONLY one attempt 12 hours after your positive OPK. TTC blue from Sept-Nov. only.
NOTE – if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, reverse the suggested months to TTC (so TTC blue Mar-May and pink Sept-Nov) and if you are near the equator, don’t worry about months at all because the day length doesn’t vary enough to send a signal to your body.
THE WHOLE TEN YARDS SWAY – Add douching for both pink and blue.