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    Big Dreamer

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    BFN 9 DPO on 10 mui test :-(

    Tested BFN again and this is really starting to get me down.this is our 5 th official month TTC but 7 really.I can't even see a hint of a line(surely) if I were nant something would be showing on such a sensitive test ! I've also used superdrug 10 mui mid****** tests and nothing,nada,zilch :-( seriously we had 10 attempts ! We physically can do no more.this was my first clomid cycle too and I was hoping my last because the clomid made me feel ill.I have / had a LP defect hence the normal LP is 10 days with 2 days of spotting prior but last month AF came on 9 DPO which isn't sufficient enough so at the very least my LP is better than last month but I'm 99.9% sure AF is around the corner .I'm not sure I can do this anymore.I feel mysel becoming more and more depressed with each and every BFN.if only I had the willpower to Not test ! But I don't.I feel for DH too he's been such a trooper with the BD and I know he's feeling it too.he doesn't understand my cycle and just says I'm testing too early but with my LP and the fact that with my previous 5 pregnancies I've always gotten BFP 9-10 sorry for the rant ladies I just had to get this off my chest ! I will post my chart if anyone cares to look.

    My Ovulation Chart

  2. #2
    Big Dreamer

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    i've never gotten at bfp at 9dpo thats seems crazy to me. your chart looks really good. much like mine did. although i didn't get a bfp until 17dpo and even then the line was so faint i thought it was dreaming for another day or two and i had identical twin girls.
    it always took us around 6 months to get a bfp and that was non stop, hard core swaying and trying. it will happen. you just have to give it time. you want a healthy baby first and sooo many things in there have to be perfect for your baby to get snuggled in deep and good so he/she can grow healthy. you aren't out til af shows up... and sometimes not even then. i bled for 3 months straight with this one but he seems to be going great. good luck
    x2 dd#6 lost an identical twin sister and dd 5 lived in my arms for 2 hours
    2012!! he's finally here!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlmom View Post
    i've never gotten at bfp at 9dpo thats seems crazy to me. your chart looks really good. much like mine did. although i didn't get a bfp until 17dpo and even then the line was so faint i thought it was dreaming for another day or two and i had identical twin girls.
    it always took us around 6 months to get a bfp and that was non stop, hard core swaying and trying. it will happen. you just have to give it time. you want a healthy baby first and sooo many things in there have to be perfect for your baby to get snuggled in deep and good so he/she can grow healthy. you aren't out til af shows up... and sometimes not even then. i bled for 3 months straight with this one but he seems to be going great. good luck
    Thank you so much for replying.I think I'm having a down day tbh and I'm doing myself no favours testing so early but from past experience and knowing I have a short luteal phase its the lesser of two evils KWIM,either test get bfn and be down about it but prepared for AF or get my hopes up then BAM AF arrives and that's upsetting too.this is such a rollercoaster of emotions (as I'm sure it is for everyone TTC).I think I took for granted the fact that I conceived my 5 boys within 2 months of trying.I had told DH it could rake a while to conceive (hopefully a DD) but I hadn't prepared if no AF shows in the morning I will POAS again and update but I honestly feel that AF will be more likely than BFP I just feel typical PMS.thank ou again for not reading and running I really appreciate it and thank you for the kind words !

  4. #4
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just1wish View Post
    Tested BFN again and this is really starting to get me down.this is our 5 th official month TTC but 7 really.I can't even see a hint of a line(surely) if I were nant something would be showing on such a sensitive test ! I've also used superdrug 10 mui mid****** tests and nothing,nada,zilch :-( seriously we had 10 attempts ! We physically can do no more.this was my first clomid cycle too and I was hoping my last because the clomid made me feel ill.I have / had a LP defect hence the normal LP is 10 days with 2 days of spotting prior but last month AF came on 9 DPO which isn't sufficient enough so at the very least my LP is better than last month but I'm 99.9% sure AF is around the corner .I'm not sure I can do this anymore.I feel mysel becoming more and more depressed with each and every BFN.if only I had the willpower to Not test ! But I don't.I feel for DH too he's been such a trooper with the BD and I know he's feeling it too.he doesn't understand my cycle and just says I'm testing too early but with my LP and the fact that with my previous 5 pregnancies I've always gotten BFP 9-10 sorry for the rant ladies I just had to get this off my chest ! I will post my chart if anyone cares to look.

    My Ovulation Chart

    Im absolutely no help whatsoever with looking at charts, but just wanted to say that 9DPO does seem very early!
    Ive been looking into this a fair bit as being a POAS addict i started testing at 8DPO, FF has a good article on the % of women that get a BFP by each DPO and at 9DPO is pretty small.

    Hang in there, and as all the other girls have said to me its not over till you see the red (which i know is easier said then done, coz i am in the same boat)

    If its not going to happen this month, then maybe its just because next month or the month after, or the one after that is the month thats meant to be for your DG

    FX for you!
    Mummy to DS10 who is the light of our world
    Swayed took us 8 cycle's and I'm finally

    Please be a sticky little bean, we have wished and hoped for you for so long xo

    Our family welcomed a in May 2013 and thats ok, we're head over heels in love with him and feel blessed to be honoured with 2 sons

    January 2014 - A little surprise that went to heaven before we could meet

    October 2014 - Officially swaying for one last little bundle and wishing and hoping its a pink one

    April 2015 - All our dreams have miraculously come true, our sway worked and our family will be complete with the little girl joining us in October this year

  5. #5
    Dream Vet
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    Forgot to add - I also question the accuracy of the 10mui tests. If they were accurate and reliable then surely a company like FR or one of the other ones would have jumped on the technology and started mass producing and making a fortune on super sensitive tests?
    It seems odd to me that they are only available online (well here in australia anyway) and that they are not really known of at all (i got some strange looks from pharmacists when asking for them in a couple of chemists here)

    Maybe there is a perfectly good answer, but it is some food for thought.
    Mummy to DS10 who is the light of our world
    Swayed took us 8 cycle's and I'm finally

    Please be a sticky little bean, we have wished and hoped for you for so long xo

    Our family welcomed a in May 2013 and thats ok, we're head over heels in love with him and feel blessed to be honoured with 2 sons

    January 2014 - A little surprise that went to heaven before we could meet

    October 2014 - Officially swaying for one last little bundle and wishing and hoping its a pink one

    April 2015 - All our dreams have miraculously come true, our sway worked and our family will be complete with the little girl joining us in October this year

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lassie1982 View Post
    Im absolutely no help whatsoever with looking at charts, but just wanted to say that 9DPO does seem very early!
    Ive been looking into this a fair bit as being a POAS addict i started testing at 8DPO, FF has a good article on the % of women that get a BFP by each DPO and at 9DPO is pretty small.

    Hang in there, and as all the other girls have said to me its not over till you see the red (which i know is easier said then done, coz i am in the same boat)

    If its not going to happen this month, then maybe its just because next month or the month after, or the one after that is the month thats meant to be for your DG

    FX for you!
    I'm trying to be optimistic,it's just hard tho isn't it ,I don't help myself with the POAS addiction either but I still do it ! I've not had any spotting (clutching at straws here) but that has to be a good thing for me with my long is yours usually and how many DPO ? Thank you for replying it helps to get your thoughts out doesn't it,otherwise I just make myself so stressed.thank you for reading and replying I do appreciate it and good luck to you too !

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lassie1982 View Post
    Forgot to add - I also question the accuracy of the 10mui tests. If they were accurate and reliable then surely a company like FR or one of the other ones would have jumped on the technology and started mass producing and making a fortune on super sensitive tests?
    It seems odd to me that they are only available online (well here in australia anyway) and that they are not really known of at all (i got some strange looks from pharmacists when asking for them in a couple of chemists here)

    Maybe there is a perfectly good answer, but it is some food for thought.
    I agree about these tests as ive read so many mixed reviews about them.some saying they are great and accurate early and others saying they didnt get a BFP until past 14dpo but it seems to be the IC strips that have the bad reviews.I have been using these but also mid****** tests from a big pharmacy/toiletry store here in the uk.they are superdrug own brand and the leaflets that comes inside says the detect levels of 10 mui and over.I havnt managed to find many bad reviews about these atall only a few whom had suffered a chemical pregnancy or early miscarriage which with such a sensitive test it wouldn't be unheard of to get a BFP to then have AF arrive.I just presume with them bein sold in a big store they will be accurate

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just1wish View Post
    Tested BFN again and this is really starting to get me down.this is our 5 th official month TTC but 7 really.I can't even see a hint of a line(surely) if I were nant something would be showing on such a sensitive test ! I've also used superdrug 10 mui mid****** tests and nothing,nada,zilch :-( seriously we had 10 attempts ! We physically can do no more.this was my first clomid cycle too and I was hoping my last because the clomid made me feel ill.I have / had a LP defect hence the normal LP is 10 days with 2 days of spotting prior but last month AF came on 9 DPO which isn't sufficient enough so at the very least my LP is better than last month but I'm 99.9% sure AF is around the corner .I'm not sure I can do this anymore.I feel mysel becoming more and more depressed with each and every BFN.if only I had the willpower to Not test ! But I don't.I feel for DH too he's been such a trooper with the BD and I know he's feeling it too.he doesn't understand my cycle and just says I'm testing too early but with my LP and the fact that with my previous 5 pregnancies I've always gotten BFP 9-10 sorry for the rant ladies I just had to get this off my chest ! I will post my chart if anyone cares to look.
    My Ovulation Chart
    IC's are good in detecting early biut they take ages to get the colour and once they do they stay light..check out my post about ic's and you can see that everyone of them in a course of three days looks the although they may test early they have minimal dye inside to detect that minute amount of hcg that may be in you they detect it but then they do not how any progression and for that reason i think they are bad!!!!
    also i felt exactly the same with clomid but have you considered the fact tnat clomid used for more than 2 cycles can begin to have the opposite effect on certian women it actually may not make you is a catch 22 situation with some of us...becaus ei was on the highest dose thought that i even have a chance of multiples even triplets....thats how worried i was taking such a high dose of clomid 2 months running...and then i was told i didnt even ovualte on clomid...but here i am 2 cycle after stopping clomid and got my BFP. i think for some of us it is a good trigger to get things balanced out...i got instead of falling pregnant whislt on clomid it helps regulate my hromones that following treatment down the line my body gets to its ideal condition to conceive.
    keep your hopes up you may find that in a monht or two things have happened naturally.....just as it did for me...and keep the bedding for around O time make sure DH has enough viable sperm left for when it happens....good luck!!!

  9. #9
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    Toomanyboys thank you for taking time to reply to this.I was originally given 3 months on clomid and probably could of pushed for more but after clomid cycle 2 I decided to forgo it for my own health and sanity.I felt so ill physically and mentally an just couldn't face it again.I DO ovulate every cycle luckily but my cycles are very short and I was havin a luteal phase defect which is why I was prescribed clomid.I've now been switched to prog supps to try lengthen my LP .I'm 2dpo today so tomorrow I will start stocked up on IC 10 mui but also have some Superdrug 10mui mid******s and a variety of others.*shame* total POAS addict ,as for the frequency we pretty much dropped that this month for the reason you stated.i think (for us) FR or abstain was just overkill,we just BD day of +OPK and the following 2 days.even Though my family and i were suffering with gastric we troopered on with the BD *yawn* lol ive hit the diet hard,im at my lowest adult weight,ive lost 11 lbs (im very skinny ) and i FX for my BFP and congratulations to you.wishing you a H&H 9 months.

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