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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie
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    Lightbulb Please review my boy sway....anything I should change???

    Hi girls!!! I am new to GD. I am currently 8dpo. I am swaying and was wondering if someone wouldn't mind reviewing my boy sway and tell me if I am doing anthing wrong or should do anything differently.

    Attempt: Natural

    Foods: Lots of baby carrots, granny smith apples with peanut butter as a snack, lots of bananas, cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes, watermelon, strawberries. Snack on potato chips ALOT! Use Sea Salt on just about everything.

    Typical breakfast: Coffee with sugar and creamer. 18oz of Orange Juice, banana.
    Mid morning snack: a handful of baby carrots, potato chips
    Lunch: Big salad with Romaine lettuce, spinich, broccoli, almond slices, cherry tomatoes, sprinked with sea salt and I used Country French dressing. A hand full of garlic ring bologna and a baked potato with salted butter and sprinkled with sea salt. 20oz of Blueberry/pomegranate juice
    Afternoon snack: Almonds, strrawberries or potato chips
    Dinner: Another salad and the main course varied.
    I drink 64 oz of Lemon water per day. I also drink Mt Dew

    CM Ph: The highest I have been able to get it is 6.0. Normally I am very acidic.

    Potassium 99mg
    Folic Acid 2400mg
    L-Arginine 3000mg AF-O
    Baby Aspirin 81mg
    B6 200mg
    DHA 200mg
    L-Thyroxine 75mcg
    B Complex 500mg
    Vitamin E 400IU
    Fish Oil 1000mg
    FlaxSeed Oil 1000mg
    Alfalfa Tablets 2600mg AF-O
    Green Tea Pills 630mg AF-O
    ASG AF-O ( will do 3 times a day the day before and the day of O)

    Baking Soda Douche 1 hr prior to attempt

    Baking Soda Finger every 4 hours after attempt

    I use an eggwhite/PreSeed Combo. The PreSeed has a PH of 7.2. I mix 2ml of PreSeed with 1ml of pasturized eggwhites(from the carton) which gives a PH of 8.8.

    Timing: We obstain for at least 4 days leading up to O. We dtd at night with my head facing the north (wives tale, but I'll try it, lol). This month we managed to dtd the day before and the day before O.

    Position: Either doggie style or DH on top and I prop my ankles on his shoulders so my hips are elevated once he releases. When he releases he stops thrusting and pushes in far. Once he is finished, I insert an Instead Cup and achieve an O. I remain with my hips elevated for 30mins. I sleep on my left side and have a boy outfit under our mattress and a boy onesie on my nightstand. Once I remove the Instead Cup I do the baking soda finger every 4 hours until O is confirmed.

    Moon: This month I O'd 6 days before the full moon. I am lucky that I usually O around a full moon and most the time it is within a day or so.

    Ions: Carry cell phone in my pocket ALL THE TIME! I work around computers under fluorescent lighting. Constantly around electricity and air conditioning. Sleep with TV on most of the night, cell phone and landline phone on my nightstand, air purifier is running and ceiling fan is going.

    Alcohol: We both drink beer socially!! Not abused!!!

    DH: Wears boxers, follows diet pretty well, no supps. Drinks caffeinated beverage 1/2 hour prior to attempt. I don't monitor his PH.

    Misc: I use OPKs and the Clearblue Fertility Monitor to track O as well as BBT and monitoring my CM and CP.

    **I am hypothyroid and have MTHFR and FVL as well as low progesterone**

  2. #2
    Dream Vet

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    Hi and welcome! Your diet contains ample fruits and veg which is great for a boy sway IMO, but I notice no meat of any kind ... are you a vegetarian? Totally fine if you are, you can still definitely have a great boy sway, but my big recommendation is to make sure you are eating ample protein at every meal (your breakfast in particular looks very light) because to keep your blood sugars optimal you should have protein + carbs at every meal/snack.

    How long are you planning to diet? IMO it is the most important part and I'd give it at least 6 weeks prior to your attempt to make sure your body is feeling the change.

    Have you tried L'arg yet? Some ladies have said it dried them up and made their O late. Others have had success though... it really is a matter of finding what works best for your body and of course we are all different!

    Glad to have you here, post any questions anytime and feel free to come join our August blue chit chat thread too in the Swaying for Boy section ... it is one of the stickies. You'll find lots of helpful ladies there! Good luck!

  3. #3
    Dream Newbie
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    Thank you for the reply!

    I don't typically eat breakfast. BUT I read that you must eat something. Hence the reason I eat a banana to keep my blood sugar up. Also today I bought multi grain english muffins and more peanut butter. So this will be my new breakfast. As far as being vegetarian.....I'm not. I do eat garlic ring bologna as a snack and I have a protein with my salad at supper time. Its hard for me because I don't care much for red meats. I prefer chicken and pork. I'm also a carb fanatic....I LOVE PASTA!!! I am totally open for suggestions and pointers. I have been using l-arg and don't really notice much of a difference. I forgot to add.....I also use Mucinexx (NOT D) from end of AF-O. I take 1 400mg tablet 3 times daily, giving me 1200mg. I am looking forward to getting to know GD and all of you fine ladies!!!!

    I've tried finding a buddy group to join but it seems that everything appears to be private. I'm sure it's just because I don't know my way around yet.

  4. #4
    Dream Vet
    Zivic-Bubac's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    I agree with my friend Begonia your brekkie should contain protein. Have you considered cereals for breakfast - there is great Sticky about cereals. You are more likely to conceive a boy if you eat cereals regulary.

    I'm not sure about cucumbers and strawberries - those are girlie veg/fruit as far as I know. Blueberry juice too-better replace it with ananas juice or OJ.

    Also like Begonia has already pointed, red meat is important part of blue sway unless you are vegetarian/veghan of course. You need to get as much protein as possible + it raises testosterone.

    Some full fat dairy occasionally might also be good idea (raises testosterone)

    Why are you taking Baby aspirin? I think it's on pink list?

    Just out of curiosity: are you taking B6 because of low prog? Was that dosage recommended by your doctor?
    My sister is hypothyroid ( she has Hashimoto disease) and has so it might not be a bad thing for a blue sway (btw my sister always wanted a daughter )
    m/c 2001
    2012 failed sway
    2014 my surprise baby

  5. #5
    Dream Vet

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    Jump in here, lm4, it isn't private and while we do chat frequently so the thread moves fast, everyone will be more than happy to help you with any questions you have!!/page44

    Multi-grain muffins + PB is a great addition to the banana! Another great thing is hard-boiled eggs in the am for quick protein additions.

    Chicken and pork are a-ok! The reason for the beef is as a source of testosterone, plus cholesterol from the fat is a building block for testosterone, which is why foods like the egg yolk are also good to include. But I wouldn't say it is a must. Protein + carbs should be your guide though, shoot for that combo and about 25-30 grams of protein at a main meal, and you're doing great.

    Pasta is great too; I would go for whole grain and again, load it up with veggies and a protein source. I too LOVE carbs. When I got pg with my girls I ate probably 80% carbs and 20% protein!

    Glad l'arg hasn't impacted you negatively! Like I said ... you just never know til you try it!

    Now come join the August thread :-)

  6. #6
    Dream Vet

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    OOOOO! ZB you make great points re: the milk and cereal! Great for snacks and breakfast and such a good way to get the protein+carb.

  7. #7
    Dream Newbie
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    I can't even BEGIN to tell you girls how absolutely awsome you are!!!!!!! =]
    Thank you soooooo much!!!!

    ZB.......I will discontinue cucumbers and strawberries ASAP. Do you know if cherries and white seedless grapes are ok??? I have nooooooo idea where to obtain an acceptable food list. I am a picky eater, which doesn't help. =[ The juice is pomegranate/blueberry, Does that make a difference??
    Can you give me some examples of full fat dairy?? I must say my weakness is Cooper sharp cheese and sour cream. I have been resisting both but today I couldn't pass up the cheese.
    I am on the baby aspirin, b6, b12 and folic acid from my hematologist. I am not one to take supps or meds without Drs approval. I don't want to accidently mix something I shouldn't. =/ But, yes the b6 is for the low progesterone and the clotting issues.

    begonia.......I'll try to add more beed. Do you know if Venison (deer) would be an acceptable substitute??? And hard boiled eggs!!!!!!! I had nooooo idea!!!! I just might make myself some hard boiled eggs, sprinkle them with some salty bacon!!! Thank you for the tips on the eggs!!! And also the pasta. I usually buy whole grain or whote wheat pasta when available at our supermarket.

    Off to join the August thread!!!!!

    Thank you thank you thank you again!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    TTC5's Avatar
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    Hey there just dropping by to see if you have tested yet?!
    Fathers Day baby!

    Busy Mummy of 5 now working from home:

  9. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Oh my gosh I'm SO SORRY, I never even saw this post. O.O I feel terrible! Are you still around and do you still need help???
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

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