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  1. #61
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    Only 4 days or so before OPK+
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sora View Post
    Ok so less fish oil from now on. A bit disappointed for DH, there's so few things for men here, it's like... men are strong, they don't need vits and never get sick, it's all a girl thing He has only taken a few pills recently so it should be okay ?

    He has enough of a good diet but pretty sure he is missing out on some vits. Should I keep him on vitD though ? He has been taking 1000UI once a day like me. I guess it's the most he can do for now.
    I do it that way deliberately because first of all, many men will not even take stuff so it's a huge fight over nothing. Because second of all, supplements really have not worked well for men. Both for pink and for blue swayers, they have not seemed to help sways (which makes sense because it's our bodies who must carry that baby for 9 months) and so it is silly to have a fight with him over that because it makes him less likely to do the things that REALLY do make a difference - like stopping smoking, which is the single best thing he can do. Husbands very often get annoyed and will start doing things to undermine the sway when we ask them to do too much, so I prefer asking them to do the minimal amount of things that really do help instead of making them take tons of pills which many of them won't do anyway.

    I am unclear, though - he can still take some supplements, just not those particular ones you were planning on giving him. He should be taking a multivitamin, a lower dose of fish oil like you (like 500 a day), YES the 1000 IU Vit. D, carnitine and arginine but just NOT that super high dose (500-1000 mg instead of 3 g!!) and 100 mg Coq10. I feel like we are having a misunderstanding where because I did not like that particular type of vitamin, you have taken that to mean that he shouldn't take anything, but it is still good to give him those things.
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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sora View Post
    I'm getting confused about BD. For now we are doing the every 2-4 days. Now that there's only one week left (more or less) before OPK+ we have BD two times already (yesterday and the day before) cause husband is very in the mood I don't want to tire him out but what should we do for that last week ? I've read that BD everyday before the fertile window is not a good idea for blue because it could deplete husband before the egg comes ? He claims he is not tired but I don't want him to be virtually weak and sterile when OPK+ will be there.
    Do not BD any more often than every other day for blue. Even if he thinks he can go more often, we have had better success with every other day instead of daily BD.
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  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sora View Post
    That's really weird, I wonder why some of my posts do appear and others do not ! It has happened a lot lately...

    Anyway, I'm keeping DH on vitD if the other supps are not good.

    Also I was wondering, since DH is totally in the mood this month, we have been BD quite a bit. We still try to keep the every 2-4 days frequency but we DTD today and yesterday. But I don't want to tire him out before OPK+ which should appear in more or less 5 days. Not sure what to do now...
    For reasons I do not understand several of your posts have required moderation before posting. I do not know why this is, and I sent a message to tech support over it. If it happens again please let me know via PM and I will approve them for you. I can't see them until I click open the link so I need you to let me know if they aren't showing up. So terribly sorry and we'll get this straightened out for you.

    Answered other questions above! I will try to make a point of checking this thread daily to see if your posts are here and if they aren't showing up I'll approve them, but don't hesitate to let me know if you post anwhere else and they need approval.
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  5. #65
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    Thank you atomic for all the replies ! It seems the problem is still there sadly I will let you know about it but it's true the timing couldn't be worse so many questions !

    It's alright I understand completely why you said the other supps were not good, I didn't know it was such high amounts. It's marketed towards all men who wish to start TTC a child but I wonder if it wouldn't be better for men who have trouble conceiving. I do know these pills are known for having helped many a man with bad quality sperm over the years...

    Anyway, husband is ok with fish oil and vitD only. I didn't find anything else. We don't fight about it, if anything he is the one mocking all my pills since I never was a supps' girl before. But he is VERY happy about the every other day BD... It's true we were pretty absitnency before, my fault really, got that bad habit from my ex who was always out of town for weeks at times.

    So we're still on every 2-3 days for BD, quietly and waiting for OPK+... Planning to DTD the night of first OPK+, the morning after and the following night like recommended. And maybe next day if DH has any strenght left. It def should be ok since he doesn't have to work on these days, lucky !
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  6. #66
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    I'll just keep checking this thread every day so I can approve anythign you post. You can also PM me if you post anywhere else (like in a support thread where I don't always read them) and I'll approve it.

    1)The unfortunate thing is that many herb sellers will sell things that are very likely harmful and there's really no oversight on them so we can't always rely on them to only sell things in safe amounts. So some of the people who were taking them actually WERE harmed by them, very likely, it's just that many times people can overcome harmful things and get lucky and still conceive with them. Others may have had such low testosterone that the higher amounts would have not had as negative an effect. What I do know is, time after time, the people who come to me having trouble conceiving are the people taking massive doses of nutrients so I think it's best for you guys to stick to a sane and healthy dose instead of the really high doses.

    2)Perfect! Yes I do like you guys to keep going for a day or so after the O-1 and O Day attempt in case ovulation is delayed by a day or so.
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  7. #67
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    I was wondering about OPK since I need to buy some more soon... I use the simple Clearblue, the one which detects only the LH surge. I've seen and heard about the other one who gives you fertile days and peak days... Is one better than the other ? Cause OPK+ is solid smiley, right ? So as soon as mine flashes its smiley it's all good to go ? Don't want to be late to the party
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  8. #68
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    Huh that's weird, I should've got OPK+ today but my tests all come back negative. If I'm delayed, what should I do ? I can't have DH abstain but if he releases today and OPK+ gets there say, tomorrow or the day after, won't he be tired ?
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  9. #69
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    It is up to you about whichever you find easier.

    Some people like the warning that the other Clearblue gives. It works for some people, for others it adds more confusion.

    Flashy smiley is not positive, only the solid non-flashing smiley is positive.

    We need to have DH release now. Don't worry about him getting tired, it takes 7-10 days of release to deplete sperm count and even that really doesn't sway pink (we tried that as a pink sway tactic but got poor results with it.)
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  10. #70
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    Still neg this morning, I'm astounded. To think it would happen this month too ! I try not to worry but it's hard... Sometimes I'm afraid it happened sooner but I doubt it. Usually if something disturbs O, it's late, not the other way around. It's true I was stressed out at the start of the month, had to plan a friend's wedding then had troubles with my train and missed the wedding entirely And got into a fight with my mother-in-law a few days later... but never thought this would be enough to throw the whole cycle in disarray ! Ah yes and that heat wave did not help, sure...

    Now just worried I'll miss the window somehow and only get one attempt in
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