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    ChezIBY's Avatar
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    Update ChezIBY's blue sway - CONFIRMED BOY, succesful blue sway!!!

    ChezIBY's TTC a BOY Sway Attempt

    *Ahem* Well. I certainly got pregnant... fast. Thanks Atomic

    Gender Result:

    DW Age:

    DH Age:

    Current Children's Gender(s)
    1 girl

    Number of Months TTC

    Did you purchase and follow a GD Personalized Plan?


    Calcium Intake(Please describe)
    Full fat milk, yoghurt, cheese

    Magnesium Intake(Please describe)
    What came with HE diet

    Potassium Intake(Please describe)
    Lots of vegetables and fruits, coconut water, bananas

    Sodium Intake(Please describe)
    Whatever was in the diet


    DW Supplements
    Women's One a Day
    Fish Oil
    Folic Acid
    Robitussin (ten days around O day)

    DH Supplements

    Any additional supplement info?
    Started taking multivitamin and the like a long while out, about four or five months

    Did you follow a diet plan?

    If yes to diet, which one did you most follow?

    Comments regarding DW's diet changes-
    Major diet changes as my normal diet is actually a lot closer to LE.
    Made sure and got ten servings of fruit and veg a day or more. Lots of snacking, always getting both carbs and protein at the snacks. Lots of juice and coconut water (don't ask to see our grocery bill...) Ate every nut known to mankind in huge quantities. Lots of red meat, chicken, potatoes. Vegetables and fruit are too numerous to list but everything I could get my hands on. Two to four bags of black tea daily, no herbs or herbal infusions as was rather suspicious of them. No coffee. Found it rather hard to eat that much as I normally eat much less but bravely saw it through (especially the bedtime snack, WHO is hungry when they're heading to bed??) Lots of oatmeal, fortified cereal, full-fat dairy.

    If diet was used, length of time before attempt?
    Ten weeks religiously!

    Did you skip breakfast regularly?

    Did DH change his diet with you?
    Mostly yes as he was on vacation and I am the one who cooks the meals.

    Comments regarding DH's diet-
    Breakfast and dinner was same as mine, and lunch most weeks when off work

    Did you consume alcohol?
    Nope, I really don't drink.

    DId you try to limit caffeine?
    Don't take coffee but got whatever was in the tea I drank.

    Any Diet changes
    Everything required for HE - carbs and protein together, snacking including before bed, lots of fruit and veg and red meat etc.

    Any Diet Comments/Additional Info?
    Oh, it changed a lot compared to when we got DD. I am on extended maternity leave, so no eating at canteens and I was really able to control my eating and snacking, so that made me feel pretty good and in control (I am a control freak -_-)

    What did you weigh/BMI do leading up to O?
    I put on a bit of weight, about 3 kilos I would say! I am normally rather skinny and active, but thanks to HE diet I gained some weight.

    Any Weight/Exercise related additional info/comments?
    Yes! I am happy to report that I carried out my exercise plan rather rigorously with only some missed days when it was inevitable. But mostly did one day cardio and one day weight-lifting the week round (bike or running for cardio, weight lifting exercise videos for arms and legs), plus I walk everywhere with the stroller, so there was also that. Got rather tan and fit this summer, also lug DD around when she's fussy, so arm muscles have become really more defined. High energy levels all around.
    Also got to playing boules (which is a form of bowling) with friends and got very into it, and was pleased as Atomic had said to get the competing streak going.


    pH Before Starting a Sway Program, if known
    Any VG potions used?

    CM pH at attempt
    No idea!

    DH pH
    No idea!

    How many BD attempts did you make for the BFP cycle?
    OK, so I did get some ovulation tests but they seemed to be really inaccurate - I did read later that it's better to do them in the evening while I mostly did them morning. I did get two faint positives on two consecutive days and assumed this was a fade in pattern, we went ahead and BD, and good thing too, cause the next day and everyday after the test was negative! So I assume that was O day.
    Based on that assumption, we pretty much BD once a day all five days around O day!

    BD Pattern

    DTD through Ovulation
    5 days back to back

    BD Dates according to Ovulation
    Supposedly, O-2, O-1, O, O+1, O+2

    BD Position
    Missionary, legs on shoulders at the end, big O everytime after his ejaculation

    Any additional comments?
    - Lots of CM, probably thanks to diet and Robitussin as that's not usually my case! I was really pleased about this.
    - Used preseed the month of attempts

    Any relevant attempt details?
    -Slept after bding, didn't get up to pee

    Did you do anything with Ions?

    Moon Phase during conception?
    Full moon eclipse! XD

    Did you use any Old Wives Tales?

    Things that make me feel great about my sway:
    Oh, I feel it was a really good sway. I did everything recommended in the plan, what more can a body do?

    Things that make me nervous about my sway:
    Basically I just have a gut feeling the sway didn't work, and I feel totally fine with that. It might be my brain's way of protecting me from going through high expectations and GD over again, and that's OK, I'd rather be happy and surprised than let my hopes fly away with me. Or maybe it is that we are very used to having DD now and we just automatically imagine we'll have another one like her, which is obviously dumb, but anyway. DD is a very sweet kid, who eats well and sleeps a ton, so if we do get a boy I feel like we'll get a little monster to pay us back for swaying -_-

    Things worth mentioning:

    Well, here's the first thing, and I really wonder about whether anyone has experienced something similar: I have never taken supplements before and I was somewhat nervous about this. I started the multivitamin rather early out to get the hang of it; I felt queer for a couple of days, but I had read that you can get some stomach reactions, and then I went back to normal but... I have greatly calmed down since taking them. Seriously. I am naturally an optimistic person I think, but I get knocked down every few weeks due to some family argument, or PMS, or work situation or what not and I'll have two-three days where I'm all crying and useless. So that had completely gone away, and I am sure it occurred with me starting the multivitamin. I know exactly how many times I have cried in the last six months - once, and it was for something truly sad and serious, not some nonsense. Needless to say I am very grateful that small things don't bother me as much now, but I am rather mystified (and sorry I didn't know about this remedy before!!). I can only conclude that I was deficient through my diet in some vital substance that promotes well-being, but don't know what it can be and I wonder whether anyone has had similar experiences?

    It goes to show that something good came even from GD, for I would not have gone poking around and found this website if I hadn't gone through that and then I would not have started taking the vitamins. Go figure!

    My life is also very different since when we were having DD, diet and exercise and being outdoors more, but just in general, priorities have shifted and the like.

    Also worth mentioning, I breastfed my girl not so long ago, but weaned fully and got my period, plus waited for two cycles before TTC (but already following the exercise plan and HE diet), got PG on the third cycle after weaning and period coming back.

    Also did something very silly, but it is part of the sway so: I adore Japan, I have always been a fan of that country and was fortunate enough to have gone there for the first time before we had DD. I visited a temple there and saw good luck charms on sale, so I got one for 'luck having a healthy baby' as me and DH were planning to TTC once I got home. The charm was pink, but they only had pink at the temple at that time. Well, I had no possibility to head over to Tokyo again at this time, alas, but luckily here in Paris they have a Japanese quarter, so I went there and got another good luck charm I was going to ask for blue but they had a blue one handy when I came up so I didn't even have to ask Carried it home ceremoniously and hid under mattress XD

    Another thing, and would also appreciate other people's thoughts on this one: one thing that will definitely cheer me up if I get a sway opposite is that it would be a sister for DD, and I love DD and love my own sister and the bond two girls can have. I feel a bit apprehensive (bear with me, I am probably hormonal after all) that it was 'selfish' to sway blue, like PP are just cool for the parents because they get one of each, but not so cool for the kids. Please somebody reassure me that if ever it is a boy, he and DD may have a close bond? I don't personally know any brother and sister pair who are very close :/ And I confess that my priorities are 1) healthy baby, 2) siblings who grow up as friends and 3) gender. If my sway works but my kids grow up distant I will NOT feel like a success!

    Also, other people's comments is what I'm dreading, ANY way this sway goes. Whether it's another girl and people will be sympathetic, or it's a boy and they will be jubilant, I feel furious, like, just the questions and comments, like how dare anyone judge my baby Does anyone else get this and if yes, how do you cope please? Thanks.

    I'll tell you this - Atomic sure holds up her end of the bargain to tell you how to get PG fast, and for that I am very grateful as I would have burst if I had to go several more months on HE XD

    Well, wish me luck and send us your blue dust, I'll keep you all updated when I've news!
    Last edited by ChezIBY; November 7th, 2018 at 05:56 AM.
    Happily married to DH
    Darling July 2017
    bundle expected April 2019! Confirmed Boy !!! Thank you Atomic and Gender Dreaming, thank you!!
    Here's to our happy bunch !!!
    again for May 2021 following another blue sway. Confirmed Boy! Thank you for another succesful sway GD!!
    again in 2024, bundle expected September '24. Seriously debating going team Green this time

    To those who have everything, more will be given.

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  3. #2
    Dream Vet
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    Edit impending once I read hahaha. Congrats!!!

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  5. #3
    ChezIBY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway_panther View Post

    Edit impending once I read hahaha. Congrats!!!
    I know right Panther I just knew I'd get PG at the same time as you though High five.
    Happily married to DH
    Darling July 2017
    bundle expected April 2019! Confirmed Boy !!! Thank you Atomic and Gender Dreaming, thank you!!
    Here's to our happy bunch !!!
    again for May 2021 following another blue sway. Confirmed Boy! Thank you for another succesful sway GD!!
    again in 2024, bundle expected September '24. Seriously debating going team Green this time

    To those who have everything, more will be given.

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  7. #4
    Dream Vet
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    Chez, just read! I DID have a similar experience -- I felt super stable on the supplements, and it's luckily held over through this pregnancy (everyone has expressed surprise at how not moody I am -- especially when I was very unpleasant when pregnant with DD!). I was very depressed and dealing with very depressing things the last few years obviously, and I have often credited the many supps with what helped (I even mentioned them to my friend who also noticed a change once she went on them).

    Other people's comments can be so tricky. In my case, when anyone dares make a gender comment, I make them feel incredibly bad by noting that we lost boys and we'd just like a breathing baby. Blessedly, gender comments have been few so far since our losses are pretty well known, but I expected I will hear some from extended family I see this week and who made nonstop gender comments about DD (specifically that she would be a boy, haha). I'm very over making people feel comfortable despite asking uncomfortable questions, so try that tact

    I know tons of boy/girl siblings that are close. Almost all of my friends are PP that are super close with each other (I can think of 4 pairs offhand) and my mom and her brother are so close that he is more a father to me than my own dad! I think personalities always trump age, sex, etc. in how close siblings are

  8. Thanks ChezIBY thanked for this post
  9. #5
    ksmom's Avatar
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    Congrats!! Tons of blue dust headed your way!
    '15 '15 '16
    🌈 '17 (LE sway opposite)

    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

  10. Thanks ChezIBY thanked for this post
  11. #6
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    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    I'm so happy for you Chez!!! Hugest congrats and sending you all my blue dust!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

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  13. #7
    Dream Vet
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    Congrats on the bfp, looks like a great blue sway
    DD1 (2014)
    DD2 (2016)
    Our sway is getting into NOW or NEVER territory

  14. Thanks ChezIBY thanked for this post
  15. #8
    ChezIBY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway_panther View Post
    Chez, just read! I DID have a similar experience -- I felt super stable on the supplements, and it's luckily held over through this pregnancy (everyone has expressed surprise at how not moody I am -- especially when I was very unpleasant when pregnant with DD!). I was very depressed and dealing with very depressing things the last few years obviously, and I have often credited the many supps with what helped (I even mentioned them to my friend who also noticed a change once she went on them).

    Other people's comments can be so tricky. In my case, when anyone dares make a gender comment, I make them feel incredibly bad by noting that we lost boys and we'd just like a breathing baby. Blessedly, gender comments have been few so far since our losses are pretty well known, but I expected I will hear some from extended family I see this week and who made nonstop gender comments about DD (specifically that she would be a boy, haha). I'm very over making people feel comfortable despite asking uncomfortable questions, so try that tact

    I know tons of boy/girl siblings that are close. Almost all of my friends are PP that are super close with each other (I can think of 4 pairs offhand) and my mom and her brother are so close that he is more a father to me than my own dad! I think personalities always trump age, sex, etc. in how close siblings are
    Panther, thanks so much for your response, specifically I LOVE your strategy of replying point blank to insensitive comments. I don't know what it is, maybe because as little girls we've been raised to act 'nice', but I often feel like I have to reply very nicely and politely and not show any dismay even when the other person has opened by something obviously insensitive and hurtful. But you know what.. what the heck. And when you're pregnant what's more, and someone basically insults your unborn child, I say we're justified in striking back.

    I am so grateful for you mentioning your Mom and her brother, that's the sort of example I was looking for, a brother-sister bond that has stood the test of time I feel better :hug:
    Happily married to DH
    Darling July 2017
    bundle expected April 2019! Confirmed Boy !!! Thank you Atomic and Gender Dreaming, thank you!!
    Here's to our happy bunch !!!
    again for May 2021 following another blue sway. Confirmed Boy! Thank you for another succesful sway GD!!
    again in 2024, bundle expected September '24. Seriously debating going team Green this time

    To those who have everything, more will be given.

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  17. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ksmom View Post
    Congrats!! Tons of blue dust headed your way!
    Thanks ks! I have been blessed to get pregnant fast and feel fine so far, so, fingers crossed!
    Happily married to DH
    Darling July 2017
    bundle expected April 2019! Confirmed Boy !!! Thank you Atomic and Gender Dreaming, thank you!!
    Here's to our happy bunch !!!
    again for May 2021 following another blue sway. Confirmed Boy! Thank you for another succesful sway GD!!
    again in 2024, bundle expected September '24. Seriously debating going team Green this time

    To those who have everything, more will be given.

  18. #10
    ChezIBY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    I'm so happy for you Chez!!! Hugest congrats and sending you all my blue dust!
    Thanks Atomic It's down to you that it happened so quickly, all your advice, and that I feel very well so far as I keep taking the multivitamins and try to eat well, so I don't even feel sluggish or sick
    Happily married to DH
    Darling July 2017
    bundle expected April 2019! Confirmed Boy !!! Thank you Atomic and Gender Dreaming, thank you!!
    Here's to our happy bunch !!!
    again for May 2021 following another blue sway. Confirmed Boy! Thank you for another succesful sway GD!!
    again in 2024, bundle expected September '24. Seriously debating going team Green this time

    To those who have everything, more will be given.

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