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  1. #11
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    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and again for taking time to reply to me.

    I take this GNC Mulit Vit.

    I have been taking it a little over a week now but would be happy to change to any Multi if it increased my chances for a blue sway. Would you recommend any other supplements to go with a mulit...such as Zinc and Vitamin E? I do take the Coq10 200 mg daily now for over a week, but I now wonder if that's too much. I will skip every other day on the 1000 mg fish oil and stop taking Ginseng 500 mg like you suggested.

    I've read that folate or folic acid can prevent birth defects, Baby and Me 2 has 600 mcg Folate as (L-5-MTHF with broccoli), the Ingender recommended 2000 mcg for a blue sway that's a a also talked about eating lots of Potassium and Salty foods.
    I dont think I will go off that Ingender link anymore but those two things stuck out in my mind.

    I've read this article a handful of talked about mothers eating breakfast, preferably breakfast cereals and eating lots of bananas, I wanted to get your thoughts.

    Is there anything to be said about Ions? I've read a lot about the full moon and being around electricity but I don't know how credible that stuff is.

    My wife's period just started April 5th just after I sent you my last message. She said her periods usually last about 5 days.
    I guess that only leaves my wife and I just the month of April for a test run to use an OPK test since she wants to start making a baby in May.
    I can get those test the have the LH surge before actual O. Does that LH Surge give me about a 1 day or 2 day notice before the Ovulation day? Do you recommend a certain brand for testing?

    Before we got married we always had protected sex or I would pull out. I never really did release insider her much until we were ready to start making a baby and it took 3 months before each pregnancy...(with only a couple attempts before or just once on the O day). Will that (boy friendly) hormone have enough time within those few weeks if we started BD every 2-4 days before her ovulation? Or does it take months for it make a difference.
    Also what about this month before Ovulation, should I NOT release before the O day since we are not wanting to get pregnant this month and start BD every 2-4 days after her next period? (I hope that all made sense).

    I will Re-Read those two articles you send on Timing and PH. I actually bought a PH tester that was recommended from that Ingender Link. I don't think I will use it now. My wife does seem to have enough CM...I sometimes worry about her breastfeeding dehydrating her a bit, she used to be dehydrated a lot when she first started breastfeeding. I keep FIJI water at the home now to promote her to stay hydrated.

    Thank you again for your help, I promise I wont have to many more questions! I'm sure you've answered many of these questions many times for other people and in other posts and I hope I'm not being to bothersome. You have put my mind a ease a bit, compared to last time when I read Dr Shettles book and stressed over how to do it on my own with no one to talk to about it. I'm glad I found someone to talk to.


  2. #12
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    Sorry I don't like those at all. Do you see the megadoses of various nutrients, and then all those additional herbal components?? We don't know how those things sway or if they're safe (in fact, a lot of research shows that megadose vitamins may even be harmful). I like the One a Day Men's Over 50 - 100% of most things without any extra stuff in them.

    I do not recommend more than 100% of Zinc or Vit. E. They may be harmful and possibly hurt your sway at higher intake.

    The 200 mg coq10 is actually fine, that's ok to continue.

    The reason why InGender (and I) recommend 2000 mcg for blue sways is because many blue swayers are taking things like the awful baking soda drinks and even green tea which is 100% proven to block folic acid absorption even at fairly low intake. I conceived a baby with a mild neural tube defect taking 800 mg and eating a super healthy diet while drinking green tea. So I do tend to recommend more like 1200+ up to 2000 if your wife is drinking green tea, Ural, baking soda, taking any of the herbs (I do recommend green tea, but none of the other things!!)

    The potassium and sodium stuff really makes no sense at all. It is fine to get 4000-5000 mg potassium via diet (I don't recommend potassium supplements) but I cannot recommend the massive sodium intake. It's really hard on the body and you will just pee it all out anyway - the levels of sodium in the blood never change! The mineral diets make no biological sense and have been debunked to my satisfaction - it's fine if you want to include some of the suggestions but please don't start eating gobs of salt. (fWIW I got my 4th boy limiting sodium as per IG recommendations and ate tons of it when I got my girl)

    Bananas are NOT magic boy friendly foods. That's based on the potassium suggestion, but the thing is bananas don't even have that much potassium in them and they're really low in other good things. I would advise eating some more nutritious fruits and vegetables and having bananas only when you have a hankering for one.

    As for breakfast cereal, the best study ever done on maternal preconception diet and gender conceived found it to be the only food ever shown statistically to make more boys than girls. We don't know why this is; it's ~likely~ not the cereal itself, but may be because eating breakfast = more boys OR because the fortification of the cereal is akin to taking multivitamins which we also believe = more boys conceived.

    Ions are sheer nonsense and you can read the full case against them here (this is a pretty dense read, sorry)

    Most people use Clearblue for a digital OPK and Wondfo for a non-digi. There are some of the Clearblues that will give you a 4 day advance warning prior to O, but it's not always reliable (these will advertise themselves as 2 days of high fertility, 2 days of peak). Most OPK strips only give you the 2 days of peak, which gives you a warning of the day before O and O day. You'll get your first "peak" reading anywhere from 8-48 hours in advance of ovulation (more of these on the tail end of the time frame...most people who only get 8 hrs. warning were not testing regularly) and the average time to conception after the first peak is 24-36 hours.

    We honestly don't know how long it takes for the exposure to the hormone to kick in. Some is better than none, though!

    You should absolutely still be releasing every 2-4 days starting ASAP. You're right that unless you want to be pregnant this month this would need to be either outside of the fertile window OR you'd need to use protection (or of course do it on your own, or do other things. Oral may still act as exposure to your hormones and has been shown by some to boost odds of conception.)

    Yes having her stay hydrated is all good. I truly do think the best results come from making the naturally occurring EWCM more fertile rather than trying to make up for it using chemistry. Fine not to test pH, I think it really causes substantially more harm and tells us nothing at all about whose sways work. I got a boy with a very low pH and we have tons of people who have similar pH opposites.

    I'm always happy to help you with any questions you have!! You're not bothering me at all - I'd happily answer the same questions a million times (and I probably have, LOL) if it means helping people get the baby they're hoping for.
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  3. #13
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    Hi, thanks again. I think I just had a few more questions.

    My wife drinks a few cups of coffee each day..maybe 2 to 3 cups and sometimes a another if shes in town and feels like one in the afternoon from McDonald's or a coffee shop. I've read its not good to have too much coffee but I didn't know how much is too much.

    I drink Coffee on occasion but mostly drink a half of soda give or take of Coke or Mountain Dew each day. Do I need to have more caffeine within the 3 days before O each time we have sex? How much would you suggest and how long before we do the deed. I had a double shot of espresso when we had our 2nd was enough espresso to make me a bit shaky...but we only had sex twice on the O day.

    I'm going to ask my wife if she would like to take green tea. Shes getting 600 mcg of Folate now with her "Baby and Me 2" Multi. And that Multi Vit is the only vitamin she takes right now. But she does eat healthy. If you suggest any other vitamins or supplements for her I can ask her to take them.

    If she did start taking for Folic acid or Folate would you recommend this?

    I am Now taking the "Mens One a Day 50+" multi like you suggested instead of my GNC mulit. And a Coq10 200 mg daily, Fish Oil 1000 every other day, and sometimes Vit C 1000. Would you suggest any others? And would there be anything you would recommend to help with sperm quality, quantity and motility?
    I was previously taking Vit E 400 IU, American Ginseng 500 mg and sometimes Zinc 50 mg, but have stopped when you suggested not to take them.

    Thank you for the input on the ovulation. I purchased the Ovulation tests you suggested and we will try to see when the LH surge starts and try to get a good idea on when ovulation takes place.

    If you have any other suggestions at all that might help, Please feel free to share them with me or share the link to them. Feels like I've been worrying about the things in the in-gender article way to much. I wish I messaged you sooner...

  4. #14
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    I'd try to have her cut down to 1 per day.

    You don't need to have more caffeine before the sway. That's never been proven do to anything other than make sperm temporarily hyperactive and that may actually be harmful for blue for all we know. Plus, when you're trying for a few attempts over the course of a few days, being all jittery and unable to sleep for the night is not going to help with that at all.

    I like you guys to also take a low dose DHA for pregnancy (no more than 500) and probiotic.

    Some people take the coq10 as well but she doesn't have to.

    You could add in 500 mg l-arginine and 1000 mg carnitine if you'd like.

    One of the best things to add is Vitamin S - SLEEP! Both you and your wife will benefit from getting a good amount of rest.

    The weights for her we talked about already, right??
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  5. #15
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    Yep we talked about weights, I'm going to try to get her to go to the gym with me this week. She always wants to walk or run on the tread mills but Ill get her to lift.

    I checked and my 1000 mg fish oil has DHA 500 mg in it from the looks of it. Here is the link to it...

    If it does then would I alternate between the fish oil and DHA everyday?

    Is this DHA ok to get, it has a few extra things in it...

    And my wife would only the the Baby and Me 2 with a 500 mg DHA Everyday right. And only have 1 cup of coffee a day.

  6. #16
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    if she's willing to lift - even just very light weights - that's great. Keep in mind one of the main reasons women are turned off of weights is because of a) starting too heavy and b) fear of bulking up. So have her use really light weights - even just like 1-3 lbs. It will still benefit the sway without souring her on the weight training.

    yes you can take the 1000 mg fish oil every other day and the Carlson every other day.

    Everything else looks great!
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  7. #17
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    Hi, Thanks for all the great advise...She lifted weights today, I'm going to try and make it our twice a week routine until shes pregnant. She does do yoga once a week too. I heard yoga was good for fertility also so that's a plus. We will both get more sleep, I think she sleeps enough but sometimes I don't always. I will from now on.

    Just wanted to go over my supplements with you to make sure I get it right.
    Dear Husband:
    *Mens one a day 50+
    *Fish Oil 1000 mg/(alternate) DHA 500 mg
    *Carnitine 1000 mg...(just started today)
    *l-arginie 500 mg...Just started today)
    *Coq10 200 mg
    NO extra Zinc or Vit E right?

    Dear Wife:
    Baby and Me 2

    Did you want her to take DHA 500 mg each day too? Or any other supplement? I'm sure she will if I ask her to.
    Oh how about more Folate? If she drinks green tea she would need to take more Folate right? Even if shes doesn't drink green tea should she still take it?

    Thank you so much! That ingender really made me nervous with all the things to chose from. I felt like I needed to do them all to sway. We are basically going to eat healthy, lift wights, and get good sleep. Also soon after she ovulates this month we will start having intercourse every chance we can, or at least 2 to 3 times a week if possible. Then on 3 days before the O have sex each day if not twice a day, especially on predicted O day. Does that all sound about right to you? Please let me know if I can do anything else.
    Oh almost forgot, you mentioned after sex for her to lay on her stomach for 20 to 30 min. I've also heard of her laying face down with her but in the air and knees tucked in. I'm sure I'm splitting hairs, does it matter much.

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  9. #18
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    Yoga is great too! 2x a week on the weights sounds ideal.

    No extra zinc or E, you're getting enough in the One a DAy.

    Yes if she's willing to take the DHA 500 mg supp that is a good idea.

    Let's also add in a probiotic for both of you. We've had good results with those for blue

    I would def. have you guys do the 2000 mcg total folic acid or folate all thru the entire first trimester of pregnancy and then gradually wean off by spacing doses further and further out till down to one per week, then you can drop them. Especially with the tea!

    Everything else is looking great - the attempts look ideal, very much how I got boys!

    Re the laying down - yeah some of those things they do to help people feel like they're doing something active to boost their chances. I think laying flat is enough (back and tummy) and worry the more shifting around she does, she'll just lose more semen anyway. Let's not overcomplicate matters!
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  10. #19
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    Hi, well my wife and I planned on doing the deed in May and trying to find when she ovulates this month. Once she found out she was ovulating she wanted to try so we did.
    I hadn't released in 3 or 4 days and felt very full and healthy down below. She was on top and organised just a little bit before me.

    We started using the Wondfo LH surge test last Friday and Saturday, they both had a solid line and a med shade solid line with it...I took it as negative. She took another Sunday night around 11 pm and it was definitely more solid. Monday morning I told her to take the Clearblue advanced 4-day notice and around 11:15 AM Monday morning the Smiley face was solid. I thought It would of been at-least flashing and not solid.

    We had sex around 12:30 AM Tuesday morning, about 13 Hours after her Clearblue Solid face test.

    She had to pee about 5 min after sex and went to bed.

    I didnt plan on my sway starting out like this, but I wonder if she missed the window of ovulation with that Clearblue solid smiley face showing up so soon and us having sex 13 hours later. (And that would be ok, so I could start my sway better the coming month) I thought it would of been flashing and gave us some more time. My phone says she ovulates on Tuesday or today according to the past months.

    Since we already had sex, should we do it again today to sway more blue? I didn't want to do it again on the tail end of things and possibly sway pink (if any of that was true).

    Our last attempts at making a baby all took 3 months each time...(I think thats why she wanted to start now) Probably because we did it the same way each time having sex 1 or 2 times around or on ovulation. Especially with baby number 2 after reading Dr. Shettles book on having sex right on ovulation day.

    I worry a bit about the hormones not being in her like I planned to do, having sex every 2 to 4 days up to 3 days before Ovulation like you mentioned. Is that very important?

    Thanks..Dont mean to give to much info but like you said you've heard it all

  11. #20
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    Oh great!

    Next time if there is a next time let's have her stay laying down 15 min. before getting up if possible.

    Yes those darn Clearblues will do that sometimes, go straight to peak without the flashy.

    I absolutely want you guys to have more sex. I'm sorry this came in at 10pm last night so I didn't get to answer in time, I hope you guys had intercourse! More sperm = more boys, we believe.

    Having sex after ovulation DOES NOT sway pink. I promise!!!! If the egg is there it's already fertilized, if it shows up later we want to have a fresh batch lying in wait.

    We don't know how important it is. We just don't have the data to say. I do want you guys to attempt again if at all possible!

    Yep, I've heard it all and then some! Wishing you the best of luck and sending you all my blue dust!
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