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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    archies TTC a BOY Sway Attempt

    TTC a BOY Sway Attempt
    Gender Result:
    DW Age:
    DH Age:
    Current Children's Gender(s)
    girl, girl
    Number of Months TTC
    Did you purchase and follow a GD Personalized Plan?
    Calcium Intake(Please describe)
    Magnesium Intake(Please describe)
    Potassium Intake(Please describe)
    Sodium Intake(Please describe)
    DW Supplements
    • Vitamin E
    • Folic Acid
    • Vitamin B12
    • Zinc

    DH Supplements
    • Multi-vitamin

    Any additional supplement info?
    Did you follow a diet plan?
    If yes to diet, which one did you most follow?
    • No Diet Plan

    Comments regarding DW's diet changes-
    Wife wants to diet on high protein and no carb diet. Not for swaying reasons just to lose weight
    If diet was used, length of time before attempt?
    1 month
    Did you skip breakfast regularly?
    Did DH change his diet with you?
    Comments regarding DH's diet-
    Lots of meat, no breakfast or little.
    DId you consume alcohol?
    • A couple of drinks per week
    • No

    DId you try to limit caffeine?
    No, I did not factor that into my sway
    Any Diet Details?
    Any Diet Comments/Additional Info?
    What did you weigh/BMI do leading up to O?
    Any Weight/Exercise related additional info/comments?
    Wife just started Yoga. She is fit but still has just a little bit of baby weight left from last baby.
    pH Before Starting a Sway Program, if known
    Any VG potions used?
    CM pH at attempt
    DH pH
    How many BD attempts did you make for the BFP cycle?
    BD Pattern
    • Abstained

    BD Dates according to Ovulation
    BD Position
    Any additional comments?
    Any relevant attempt details?
    We plan on starting May 2019
    Did you do anything with Ions?
    Moon Phase during conception?
    New Moon
    Did you use any Old Wives Tales?
    Things that make me feel great about my sway:
    Things that make me nervous about my sway:
    Things worth mentioning:
    My wife will not sway much for diet, I plan on buying boy friendly foods. She will take supplements that I suggest.
    I the husband am more interested in swaying blue. My wife does not care which gender we get but she would like to have a boy I know someday.
    She takes "Baby and Me 2" multivit and 1000mg Vit C each day. I plan on adding 1000 Fish oil with Omega and possibly COQ10 to her supplements. I too plan on taking Fish oil and Coq10 also.
    My wife is currently breastfeeding our 20 Month old 2 to 3 times a day. Her periods started 6 Months ago and are relatively timed even apart from each month.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Are you pregnant yet or is this your planned sway?
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi, Thanks for getting back to me. Im the husband, we are going to start trying in May. My wife takes "Baby and Me Mulit 2" (which has no calcium or magnesium) Vitamin and sometimes 1000 mg C vitamin supplements. She is not over weight but would like to lose a few pounds and started a high protein no sugar/carb diet just to lose weight...Not to sway though. I didnt know if that was a good idea or not and if it would effect swaying.

    I had typed out a lot more info about my wife and I for you but didnt want to take up to much of your time. I dont know who else to talk to about this and the internet is full of random info but it seems like your the only one who has a lot of knowledge about swaying.
    I have read this article a handful of times...have you seen it before? I wanted to get your opinion on it.

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  5. #4
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    Hi again! No it's fine please hit me with your information, I will answer all questions asked (even long ones, altho they sometimes take me a bit longer)

    The Baby and Me 2 is a good multi. I do not want her adding Vit. C onto that. 1000 mg Vit C is the amount that some people take to induce a miscarriage (when they don't want to be pregnant, if you catch my meaning) and additionally, some people believe that high dose C sways pink.

    While it's fine for her to go lower carb, overall we've found that a balanced diet with all the food groups does tend to more reliably sway blue. Protein and fat helps a blue sway, but if you add in some healthy carbs like fruit, veg, whole grains it will keep blood sugar up and that helps a blue sway. I would also suggest adding in some weight training if she's willing.

    Weight loss generally we believe to sway pink so I'd have her try to hold steady where she is at all possible. No need to gain weight, just keeping stable is great.

    Yes I was on Ingender for 2 years alongside Tamara before I had the opportunity to come up with more scientifically-based methods of swaying. Much of what is on IG is disproven, debunked, and even dangerous. Timing and pH have gobs of information out there that show pretty clearly they don't work, and the mineral diet is all but debunked.

    What does seem to sway blue is improving your overall health and fertility, keeping blood sugar in a normal range, and getting sperm numbers up (both before and during your attempts.) We have ways to do all these things that are safe and sane and don't reduce odds of conception the way that the Ingender methods do. I'd love to help, so please don't hesitate to hit me up with your info.
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  6. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and review any concerns. I have not given her an Vitamin C in a week. I think she took it for a week or 2 only. But she will defiantly stop I had no idea vit C did that.
    I usually always a mulit vit, right now I just started "GNC Mega Men Multivitamin for Men" and this week I have been taking Coq10 200 mg, Fish oil with omega 3 1000 mg, Vit C 1000, and American Ginseng 500 mg. I only started mixing all those starting this this Monday. I'm wondering if its over kill...

    I am willing to get my sperm count up any way I can. I thought some of those vitamins would help with motility, volume and quality according to the IG sway link. My volume is fine and I have no reason to believe anything is wrong. On a personal note I think I have a little bit of testicular torsion in one testi that comes and goes that started after my last girl was born. I read that it MIGHT or COULD effect sperm quality or cause infertility. If I dont ejaculate in 3 or 4 days I start to feel a slight dull pain. (sorry if that's too much info)

    My wife does have a good diet and eats very balanced, she makes healthy meals for our girls and she eats what they eat...Fruits, Veggies, meats ect. I too try to eat good but have a sweet tooth, more than my wife does. She does LOVE Coffee and has 2 to 3 cups a day. Mostly in the morning until noon but might grab and extra one at the coffee shop if she feels like it. I only drink coffee on occasion and we both drink alcohol on occasion. Neither of us smoke.

    When we had our 1st girl (who is 3 1/2 years old) we waited until my wife just started to ovulate according to the ovulation gives you a day or 2 notice just before you actually ovulate. It took 3 months of trying, I'd say we had sex 2 to 3 times within that small window each month. Sex position was laying on our side. With our second daughter, I had just read Dr Shettles book and he said to have intercourse as close to Ovuation as possible, right before or on the O day because the Y sperm swim better in high PH levels and a better change of getting to the egg. This also took 3 months of trying right on the O day. Sex possession was doggy style like Dr Shettles suggested and had sex twice..(oh the 2nd time was missionary) and we got another beautiful girl (who is now 20 Months old)

    Recently I've read having sex with the girl on top for a boy since the Y sperm might swim better going UP than X sperm. And to have Sex a lot just before and on O day according to some the info on the gender dreaming site I think I read. Such as 8 to 7 days of sex leading to O day and doing it twice on O day. To keep a high sperm count and high Ph leading to O Day.

    My last daughter is 20 months old and still breastfeeds a little maybe once or twice a day and I feel like she will stop pretty soon. I read that swaying while breastfeeding was not recommended since her Ovulation timing could change month to month. My wife started her Periods in August 2018 and I have been keeping track of them closely. She has had a period every month since then but not being in a perfect pattern until recently...Except for Last month she was late and this month has been late too. My daughter got sick last month and breastfed a lot, I think that's why. I don't know if Timing was extremely important or not, I keep reading that it is for gender swaying.

    I lift weights twice a week and my wife just joined a yoga class (once a week for an hour) starting a few weeks ago. (I will try to get her to strength train like you suggested) We are all happy and really blessed to have such a beautiful family. I am willing to just about anything to have a son. My wife would like to have a son but I don't think she will go the lengths that I would. My wife just became a certified doula and help new mothers before and during labor. We would like to at least have 2 more babies before we are done. I hope that our age doesn't effect us from doing that or cause any problems..I dont think it would since we are both healthy and have no history of genetic problems even in our family history.

    Also I dont know if this matters but when we FIRST got pregnant it ended in a miscarriage and we only know about the pregnancy for 2 it ended quickly. We used ovulation test back then for that first pregnancy too and had sex with her on top to conceive.
    We got pregnant that next month with our first daughter.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, I dont talk about these things to anyone. I hope I didnt ramble on...I'm glad you replied since I've read many of your posts and you seem extremely knowledgeable, understanding and down to earth.

    PS I keep track of my wifes cycles on my phone with an app. I tried to upload them here if would help any. (Her period is late few days late as of April 4th)

  7. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I just wanted to let you know I've seen this but it's at the end of my day here, so I'm going to save it for tomorrow. If you could bump it, it will make it easier for me to find again. Thank you!
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  8. #7
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks for taking the time to read it...I appreciate it! Is commenting bumping it? lol I just getting familiar with this site. Thanks!

  9. #8
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi, not sure how to bump it but I thought I'd reply and see if that helps. Thank you!!!

  10. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yes that's exactly how you bump, thanks!

    Re the Vit. C - it's not very reliable but yes people do use it that way. As long as you're taking 500 or less it's ok, but 1000 or more is best shied away from when TTC.

    Which version of the Mega Men??

    Let's have you do the fish oil every other day. I've had concerns too high a dose of fish oil may be lowering cholesterol and in turn sperm count. I halved the dose a couple years ago and our results improved.

    I am not a fan of ginseng. I know they recommend it on some other sites but it inhibits cell division - which is why it may be beneficial for preventing cancer, but it may cause harm when you're hopefully trying to boost sperm health and count.

    There's no such thing as TMI here - trust me I've heard it all by now. I would want you to "clean the pipes" every 2-4 days anyway as that is best for making lots of healthy sperm.

    Dr. Shettles died 20 years ago and during that time period his theories were totally debunked using modern technology. The people selling books in his name are just people repackaging theories that are 40-50 years old and have been disproven. Both timing and pH have been debunked and you can read those essays here:

    I don't think positions sway much. As you point out, because doggy is Dr. Shettles reported fave, most blue sway opposites WERE conceived with doggy style! And I got my girl with me on top. My suggestion is missionary with deep release, then have your wife stay laying flat for at least 30 minutes afterwards, spending part of that time on her belly.

    Yes more sex may sway blue but I don't want you to BD daily to O. I would advise you guys having sex every 2-4 days all the time, then during the fertile window of O-3 through O Day, have as much sex as you can - particularly on O-2, O-1, O Day (if you'd like to take O-3 off that is fine, it has low chances of conception.)

    The problem with daily sex starting before the fertile window has opened, is that it can lower sperm count. So you effectively "waste" the first few large batches on ejaculations that will die before the egg shows up, and by the time the fertile window opens and the sperm can stay alive longer, you're making much smaller batches. So I prefer regular unprotected sex out of the fertile window every 2-4 days or even every other day if you can keep up with it (the exposure to the hormones in your semen may make her more fertile and blue friendly) and then once the fertile window opens, daily BD or even 2x a day on O-1 and O Day if possible. In the fertile window, those sperm have a better chance of staying alive and making it to the egg, and it's believed that more sperm = more boys conceived. So the fertile window shots will just add more and more potential sperm to the mix.

    On Ingender they are very down on breastfeeding, (quite frankly this is because Tamara herself had a hard time with it, and sadly she doesn't care to understand how important the breastfeeding relationship is for others.) While I do think breaastfeeding may sway slightly pink, I never recommend anyone ending a nursing relationship for swaying. You can absolutely get a boy while nursing (I did) with an otherwise good blue sway, and it's also possible that you guys would stop nursing before your daughter and wife were ready and you'd get a girl anyway, OR be unable to conceive at all (this has actually happened to a few people - they stopped nursing for a sway and never conceived, and always had regrets about stopping breastfeeding).

    It's totally normal for a child to nurse a bit more when ill and for the cycle to be slightly disrupted when that happens. It will normalize quickly and you guys have a nice age gap anyway - the older the child, the less I believe breastfeeding sways anyway because your wife's body will be wanting to return to fertility (it's the gentle suppression of fertility caused by nursing overall that may sway pink.)

    Like I mentioned above timing doesn't work, but we do use OPK strips to help determine when we're in the fertile window so we can be sure to have lots of attempts at that point. This is entirely possible to do even with an irregular cycle. Irregular cycles don't mean that swaying won't work, we fortunately have the OPK technology to help us know when to have attempts.

    We have couples on here having babies even over 45! Age is not anywhere near as great a factor for fertility and the health of a baby as people would have you believe. You guys are still younglings! I had my 3rd son at 37, my 4th at 39 and my daughter when I was 42. You have no reason at all to stress over age.

    A loss with a first pregnancy is quite common - almost as if the body has to "learn" how to get and stay pregnant. Most people then go on to have perfectly normal pregnancies after that. That won't affect anything we're doing here at all negatively.

    The reason her period is overdue is because she ovulated late in March. So that longer cycle has moved things a bit - has her period come yet? The period doesn't come on certain days, it comes 14 days or so after ovulation has occurred, so in a month when ovulation has come late, then the period will come late, and even if the cycle returns to 28 days thereafter, it will still mean that the period comes on a new set of days (if that makes any sense!) So the days the period shows up on may be later than they have been in the past, but it's not really delayed, it was ovulation that was delayed and the period just came 14 days after whenever O happened.

    Again, thanks so much for your patience and the bump!
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  11. #10
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    oh and if you could get back to me with which variety of Mega Men you're taking I'll be better able to advise you.
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