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  1. #1
    Dream User

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    Happy bluegreyeyes BOY SWAY PLAN - team green due December 2019 :)

    I hesitated to post this but we just got our NIPT genetic screen results back and they were normal so it feels more "real" to us now. We are waiting to find out gender until birth so here is my way for now while I still remember it
    TTC a BOY Sway Attempt
    DW Age:
    DH Age:
    Current Children's Gender(s)
    This is our first child
    Number of Months TTC
    7 months, BFP on our 8th cycle
    Did you purchase and follow a GD Personalized Plan?
    Calcium Intake(Please describe)
    6-8oz organic whole milk daily with espresso. Not a huge fan of cheese so I have pollyo string cheese stick with my lunch during the work week, or i’ll have it on things: burger, pizza, quesadilla.
    Magnesium Intake(Please describe)
    Took Natural Calm magnesium supplement as needed before bed, not for sway purposes, just for anxiety/stress. I get some magnesium from diet (spinach, nuts, etc). My magnesium level wasn’t super high when I had bloodwork done 2 weeks before conception - it was 5.4 which is mid-range.
    Potassium Intake(Please describe)
    Through diet - bananas usually 3-4 days a week. Lots of potatoes (88% Irish so this was easy lol), sweet potatoes. I also got into eating 1 avocado per day. And I drank organic pure coconut water 3-4 days before fertile window.
    Sodium Intake(Please describe)
    Through diet, maybe extra sprinkle on tortilla chips or fries... but nothing extreme.
    DW Supplements
    Prenatals - tend to jump around with prenatals but I did take Therologix Ovavite for 3 months, but switched to Vitamin Code at beginning of my BFP cycle.
    Vitamin D - 5000 IUs daily, 2x a week 10,000 IUs at Dr’s rec b/c I don’t absorb it easily -- combo with K2. My Vitamin D level 2 wks before conception was around 45.3.
    B12 - daily but backed off in Dec b/c my levels were off the charts high. 2 wks before conception, level was 1172 which is just the higher end of normal range.
    Zinc - i was taking this maybe 2x per week. 2 wks before conception, my level was 81.
    Coq10 - daily b/c I heard that it was good for increasing egg quality.
    Guaifenesin - started taking it a week before O, didn’t take full dosage (1 pill every 4 hrs) b/c it gave me massive headache & made me dizzy. Took maybe 2-3 per day, max.
    DH Supplements
    Mens multivitamin called “Go Dog Go” to help with libido & swimmers
    Any additional supplement info?
    I did a Liver detox Fertility Cleanse in July, before TTC, for the health benefits.
    Did you follow a diet plan?
    If yes to diet, which one did you most follow?
    HE (High Everything)
    Comments regarding DW's diet changes-
    Breakfast: Always eat some sort of quick sweet breakfast (KIND granola bar, or sweet carb) with my latte. Did add cereal (Cinnamon Toast crunch) to the mix 1-2x per week.
    Snacks: Consciously made sure I packed a healthy morning and afternoon snack for work: mixed nuts, banana, fruit leather, skinnypop, annie’s organic cheddar bunnies. Also drank decaf herbal stress relief teas with my morning snack & green tea with my afternoon snack.
    Lunch: typically 1 mashed avocado w lemon & salt on top of Mary’s Gone Crackers (herb flavor) + ½ pint of organic raspberries + a Pollyo string cheese. Water.
    Dinners: mostly homecooked: grassfed meat or organic chicken + organic veggie (corn, lots of asparagus, baby spinach) + healthy carb (potato, sweet potato, brown rice, etc). We did allow ourselves to go out to dinner on weekends.
    Drinks: Cut out diet soda and gatorade. Chose alkaline and filtered water. Cut back on alcohol. Coffee was only 1 homemade latte per day.
    If diet was used, length of time before attempt?
    My normal eating habits tend to be HE/boy friendly. I started the HE diet in July.
    Did you skip breakfast regularly?
    No. Never skip breakfast. I take thyroid meds upon waking and have to wait 30 mins before eating. But I did always eat within about an hour of waking up, usually a granola bar, cookie or small bowl of cereal.
    Did DH change his diet with you?
    Not really, he ate what I cooked for dinner, which tended to be blue friendly and fertility friendly. Honestly, he had no clue what swaying was or the details.
    Comments regarding DH's diet-
    H’s diet is normally kind of boy friendly: high calorie, lots of meat & carbs, lots of fast food... but he never eats breakfast and he has an absurd sweet tooth.
    Did you consume alcohol?
    Yes but I cut back significantly. I used to go through a bottle of red per week, but since TTC I don’t even keep bottles of red in the house anymore. I’ll treat myself to a bottle if I get my period and need to drown my sorrows for a few days. Which is what I did at the beginning of our BFP cycle.
    Did you try to limit caffeine?
    Yes. Per my Dr’s advice on general fertility, went from 2 lattes per day to 1 latte. My recipe is: 1 nespresso pod (60mg caffeine) + 6oz of organic whole milk. So I had my latte in the morning… and an organic green tea in the afternoon.
    Any Diet Details?
    In an attempt to do a “boy blitz”, I drank coconut water before Ovulation. I also wanted to increase the amount of EWCM so I drank a ton of water, probably 100 ounces per day before Ovulation. I also drank pure organic grapefruit juice before O.
    Any Diet Comments/Additional Info?
    Because we did not conceive for several months, my acupuncturist encouraged me to eat healthy fats. I was eating 1 avocado a day, grass fed red meat 1-2x per week, grass fed butter, bone broth, olive oil, mixed nuts, almond butter & coconut oil.
    What did you weigh/BMI do leading up to O?

    I was about 148 or so when I started the HE diet in June and I gained a good 6-8 lbs
    when we didn’t get our BFP right away. So in October I had to pull back b/c the extra weight was making me miserable. I’m around 155 now but I want to say some of that is muscle due to working out.
    Any Weight/Exercise related additional info/comments?
    I was going to gym 4-5x per week. Anywhere from 45-60 mins of low impact cardio. Usually power walking on treadmill with slight incline and stationary bike. The cycle that we got pregnant, my job started a Walking Challenge so I was walking about 3 miles a day at the gym. Then we got a new dog, so I switched to walking him several miles a day.
    pH Before Starting a Sway Program, if known
    No idea
    Any VG potions used?
    CM pH at attempt
    No idea
    DH pH
    No idea

    How many BD attempts did you make for the BFP cycle?
    Only 2 :/
    BD Pattern
    We had planned to do every other day but DH was… stressed so...
    BD Dates according to Ovulation
    I didn’t track or use OPKs this cycle, but I had copious amounts of EWCM. My normal ovulation day is CD 12 or CD13. Our successful attempts were on CD9 and CD12.
    BD Position
    Woman on top
    Any additional comments?
    I laid on my back for a little while after both attempts.
    Any relevant attempt details?
    So here’s where I’m worried about sway. DH was diagnosed with low testosterone years ago. Fortunately his sperm count is fine, but T was on the low end of normal range. DH did not finish on several of our attempts so we had a very early successful attempt and a “boy friendly” attempt near ovulation. But there was 3 days in between
    Did you do anything with Ions?
    No, not intentionally? But I’m always on my phone or laptop.
    Moon Phase during conception?
    Waxing Crescent which I think is Taurus so sways Female?
    Did you use any Old Wives Tales?
    I always joked with DH after attempts and tell him “Visualize blue sperm swimming towards an egg! Think blue”. And I wore blue socks to bed everynight at the advice of my acupuncturist, lol.
    Things that make me feel great about my sway:
    Personality wise, I’m super Type A, organized, OCD, need a schedule, plan, generally high strung which seems to favor blue. My mom had a lot of boys. I’m taking vitamin D. My diet is pretty boy friendly, had no problem eating meat, potatoes, salt, bananas, lemon water, snacking, whole dairy.
    Things that make me nervous about my sway:
    -Only 2 attempts.
    -I didn’t lift weights, just light cardio.
    - My Age.
    - DH wasn’t involved in the sway attempt - no breakfast or weights.
    - Position was girl on top
    - I was VERY HIGH STRESS the month before our BFP, not a in a competitive healthy way, in a “I’m having chest pains” sort of way.
    - Bloodwork taken a few days before conception showed my Testosterone was might be kinda low.
    Things worth mentioning:
    MEDS: I take thyroid meds (60mg of Armour Thyroid) daily, and asthma inhaler as needed.
    TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE: Fertility acupuncture weekly. Eliminated super “cold” foods like smoothies, ice cream and cold produce/veggies. Wore socks to bed and generally tried to “keep my uterus warm” because my circulation is bad (I’m always cold). At the advice of atomic and my RE, I chose to discontinue all herbs before this cycle.
    LIFESTYLE: I went pretty hippie at the start of 2019 and tried to go as healthy and holistic as possible. Eliminated super “toxic” household and beauty products. I also tried to take a warm bath 1-2 nights per month to just chill.
    MIND: Would followup my gym workouts with a quick fertility meditation / yoga session. Created a 2019 Vision board with photos of pregnant woman, families, strollers, motivational quotes that I hung in my closet and looked at most mornings.
    SKIN/BODY: Castor Oil packs right after my period ended for a few days. Got a Mayan fertility massage in February to help align my tilted uterus. Nightly dry brushing to help lymphatic issues. I had a fertility essential oil that I used randomly and an anxiety one that I used nightly along with lavender calming spray.
    DOG: We adopted a rescue dog right before ovulation this cycle. We have heard so many people joke about getting a dog and falling pregnant. LOL.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Good luck and blue dust headed your way BGE!!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  3. #3
    Dream Vet

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    Nov 2018
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    Congratulations and good luck..

  4. #4
    Dream Vet

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    Congratulations and blue dust!!
    now 6blue5pink

  5. #5
    Dream User

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    IT'S A GIRL! She was born 2 days past due on 12/8. She came out perfectly pink, healthy set of lungs and full head of hair after a very quick unmedicated birth. 9/9 Apgar and zero complications, we could not ask for a better pregnancy, labor or delivery. It was an absolute dream and I am so thrilled she is on the "outside" with us... even if we no longer sleep I love being a mom, but I will post my honest thoughts on another group about how I'm feeling being a girl mom. <3

  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Huge congrats BGE!! I"m so sorry it didn't go the way we hoped but so happy she is here safe and sound!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

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