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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    New 3 girls going for boy need help with timing please!!!

    Hey guys! I’m new here and I don’t know how everything works but I have 3 girls and we are going for our last child! So we are really wanting a boy. I’m going to try diet and supplements but wine thing I’m confused about is timing! Can someone please help me! I keep hearing that you should wait until o day but I’m honestly thinking that’s how we got our girls. I’m thinking that we need to have sex more frequently. Can someone who has successfully done this please help

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  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    SO MANY PEOPLE have gotten girls on O Day. I got my girl on O Day (technically it was the night of O-1, but it was like at 1 am so O Day) after getting 3 boys with cutoffs!

    The good news is that timing doesn't work. It has been completely debunked and you can read the full scientific case about that here (you may need to use a different browser than Tapatalk, as Tapatalk sometimes doesn't open links well and it's their problem so not something we can fix)

    What we have found works is (just as you suspected) having lots of sex. Most of us got our boys having unprotected sex all the time when not fertile, and then when we were in the fertile window we used protection when not trying and then had sex straight thru O when we WERE trying.

    So what I generally have you guys do for blue, if you are willing to give up timing, is this:

    Have unprotected sex out of the fertile window, every 2-4 days if at all possible (this has been shown in studies to boost your fertility, and higher fertility sways blue) then IN the fertile window of O-3 through O Day, have 3-5 attempts in that time. Try to be cautious not to have too much sex before the fertile window opens if your husband has trouble performing because occasionally some men have "run out of steam" and not been able to have the fertile window attempts. So err on the side of being sure hubby doesn't get too depleted to have the fertile window attempts.

    If all that feels nerve wracking to you because you still believe in timing somewhat, it's ok. We have another alternative. Have your husband release on his own or with you, with protection (NON spermicide related, though) every 2-4 days. Then use OPK to pin down your surge, and once you have a positive OPK then you can have an attempt the night of positive OPK (O-1) the next morning if at all possible (morning of O Day) and then that same night if hubby is up for it (night of O Day). This will be 3 attempts, which has been very blue friendly for us, but still in line with Shettles timing if you can't give that up. Then have another attempt the following day to guard against delayed ovulation O+1 and then a couple rounds of every other day (or even every day if hubs is able) to ensure that you're covered if you do O a bit late.

    This is VERY MUCH the way many of us on here with all boys got our boys.
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  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    and welcome to the site by the way! Just let me know how I can help.
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