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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Girl sway advice needed!!

    Hi. I have one little boy and I am trying a girl sway with my final baby.

    What a mind-field!

    So what I deduce could be a plan for me is

    Bd once on 0 day (Shettles is a myth thank god as I have followed it and not fallen pregnant)

    Exercise (I have a bad knee so could be impossible aah and am slightly overweight which is annoying!)

    There are two diets PCOS and LE - I can’t make head nor tail of the specifics but I think LE means
    Skip Breckfast - don’t snack - don’t eat bad sugars - limit calorie intake - drink coffee - avoid salt so potatoes and bananas and red meat when poss - any more advice would be welcome !!!

    Take sudafed or Zyrtec to lower cm??!

    Fibre supliment

    1400 folic acid no other vits

    Clomid - I will do this if someone strongly suggests but not planning on it. Should i ???

    I have tried lowering my ph levels with rephresh - may swap to aci jel???

    Would tbm (turkey baster method) help if mixed with aci jel?
    I understand it might help by killing Sperm not actually lowering ph level...

    Any advice would be much much welcome!!!

    All the best xxx

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    ksmom's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    Timing doesn't sway plus it's too hard to try to just time BD for ovulation day. We've found that one attempt at pos OPK is getting great results for pink.

    Exercise is great too. Since you have a bad knee, you could just go walking. It needs to be one block of time (60 min) and at least 4 days a week. If it's too much trouble with your knee though, then you can skip the exercise.

    LE diet is 1500-1800cals, 30-60g fat, 40-50g protein. ALL foods are allowed so you don't need to cut out bananas or potatoes. Red meat is allowed but it is very nutrient dense so many swayers skip it. I'd avoid fortified breakfast cereals too. Low carb veggies are free so don't count them in your totals. Fruit and high carb veggies count calories but not fat or protein. I'm not sure what you mean by bad sugar? You can have sugar on LE. Don't try to cut out salt or potassium. Your body needs those things so just salt your food to taste. Yes to skipping breakfast (basically just an overnight fast of 12 to 16 hours) and no snacking. Stick to 2-3 meals a daME.
    PCOS diet is typically for those with PCOS tendencies or blood sugar issues. It's also a good alternative if you're not losing weight on LE. It's 1500-1800 cals, 50 to 60g protein, 60g fat and focuses on getting carbs from veggies, fruits, and whole grains.

    I'd skip the Sudafed. I think atomic has said it's unsafe. The zyrtec likely cuts odds of conception too much.

    Yes take a fiber supplement. It's getting good results.

    Folic acid is good to take, folate may be even better especially of you're one of those people whose body can't convert folic acid.

    If you can get Clomid then great! Some doctors won't prescribe it though. It does seem to be a strong pink sway tactic.

    Don't bother with pH. We've found it doesn't sway and just frustrates swayers too much. TBM isn't usually recommended because it cuts odds of conception way too much.
    '15 '15 '16
    🌈 '17 (LE sway opposite)

    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

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  4. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome, Rosie!

    Don't BD on O Day, that's actually low chances of conception. Aim at 1-2 days before you expect to ovulate, that gives time for the sperm to capacitate and make it to the egg. This is not for timing, it's for making it possible to conceive with the one attempt (which does sway pink)

    Just walking does still work, if you can do that. Exercise has been among our best tactics, especially if you have some weight to spare. But if you can't, you can't - I didn't exercise and I still got a girl.

    Since you have a bit of extra weight I'd have you do the PCO-type diet. You'll get better results with that. So you'd aim at 1500-1800 cals a day, 50-60 g protein and fat (and low carb veg are free and unlimited, you count nothing in them at all and have as much as you want. Higher carb veg like potatoes and fruit are free for protein and fat but you count calories.) And you'd want to focus on whole grains instead of sugary, white carbs.

    Skipping breakfast and avoiding snacks

    You don't need to avoid potatoes and bananas for LE Diet. That is not really part of LE Diet at all. Some people want to do that to try and blend all the swaying diets together but it's way easier if you don't. I have a full explanation of why not to avoid potatoes and stuff here

    Most of us have totally given up on sodium limits for swaying. I got my girl eating tons of sodium after limiting it and getting my 4th boy. Up to you, but our results have improved since we gave it up and I think it's because it's so much easier to stick to diet without it.

    No Sudafed, it's not safe. You can take Zyrtec if you want.

    Clomid is the best of the best sway tactic if you can get some.

    None of the jellies have worked for us. If you want to you can use both RepH and Acijel but they really cut odds of conception by a lot.

    I am not a fan of TBM but here's the directions on how to do it (and the reasons why not to)
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  5. #4
    Dream Newbie

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    Wow thx so much for such a long and considered reply! So clomid is a good option then mmm lots to think about -

    Sorry for the double post I didn’t think my first one worked!

    All ghetto best I will no doubt message with more questions once I’ve re read your message ten times soon x

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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