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    Progesterone or creamy cervical mucus higher with girls or boys a few days past ovulation

    I am curious if any moms that have had girls noticed more creamy cervical mucus after ovulation

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  2. #2
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    Also has anyone noticed if higher progesterone levels early on are more likely with girls than boys?

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by grace36 View Post
    I am curious if any moms that have had girls noticed more creamy cervical mucus after ovulation

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    We have found no reliable pattern for EWCM, creamy CM, etc in terms of gender.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by grace36 View Post
    Also has anyone noticed if higher progesterone levels early on are more likely with girls than boys?

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    No, that hasn't been the case for us at all with people pregnant with both genders needing progesterone support at times and other times high prog with either gender. This notion, while I know it's out there, has not proven true at all over the past 10 years for us.
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    Thank you atomic! I couldn’t remember if there had been a difference between my son and daughter. I so appreciate you getting back to me

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    Happy to help!
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    Atomic, I’m hoping to get some guidance. My husband and I have been trying for a girl using the shettles method on and off for a little over a year now. I know that sounds ridiculous. Only reason I have been kind of stuck on this theory is because my daughter was conceived with trying 4 days before I ovulated due to having to travel for work and my son was conceived from trying one time when I got my positive surge. So I guess he could have gone either way regarding that theory.

    We did get pregnant a few months ago by accident. I had had the flu and wanted to hold off for that cycle. The only time we had sex my husband pulled out. I unfortunately had a miscarriage and it took a long time for my HCG numbers to come down. Now my doctor would like to put me on Femara because my progesterone has been low and she doesn’t think I have had a very strong ovulation since she had been monitoring me and would like to speed things along since I’m 37.

    I have to let go of this Shettles timing because I think it has really kept us from getting pregnant. So happy to see successful sways here having nothing to do with timing. Wish I had found you guys a long time ago. My question is that it looks like the best results with the LE diet require you to be on it for at least 12 weeks. I really don’t have 12 weeks. My husband is almost over having a third at this point and I am really ready to be pregnant after all of this as well. But of course after all this time I would still LOVE to have a girl.

    I exercise 4-5 times a week, may need to cut back on weights and stick more to cardio. Right now I have a balance between the two. Mostly do Orange theory. I have a BMI of 20.33. I do eat chicken most days for lunch and dinner and sometimes eggs for breakfast so I’m guessing I would need to majorly cut back on protein to get to 40-50 grams of protein a day but I’m used to watching my calories. What does 40-50 grams of protein look like? I eat a lot of fruit mostly berries and some dairy. I’m also a regular coffee drinker and love a margarita or two on the weekend. So at least I have that in my side

    Any tips on how to get on the diet quickly and any chance it will even help? My period is due in three days so I will be starting the Femara very soon. I would be grateful for any guidance

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  9. #8
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    How did you determine ovulation when you got pregnant with your daughter?

    I fully agree that Shettles prevents conception (plus it doesn't work). I know it's hard to let go of, but most of us on here, myself very much included, have numerous timing opposites and Shettles is as debunked by science as much as it's possible for something to BE debunked. YOu probably saw this already but here's the full case against Shettles.

    My suggestion would be for you to just start LE Diet (or even just go vegetarian) and continue trying. You're experiencing one of the main drawbacks to those sway tactics tht really inhibit chances of conception - husbands start to rebel. You CANNOT take any time off from trying for any reason because if your husband pulls the plug, then you have no chance.

    We have had good results with Femara and I'd be very happy to be put onto it! Definitely take that.

    continue exercise with more focus on cardio

    40-50 g would vary depending on what you're eating. I would probably just go vegetarian rather than try to work out LE Diet by this point. OR you could ddo it at the higher levels (50-60 g protein) so as not to be such a huge shock.
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  10. #9
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    Thank you for your reply! I appreciate all of your advice so much! Started my period today and will start Femara on day 3. My doctor also has me scheduled for an HSG test where they flush my tubes and get an X-ray. Not crazy about doing that but she really feels it will be therapeutic and help our odds. Not sure if that swayed either way but I think I should probably do it.

    I feel like if I went vegetarian I might end up gaining weight. I’m thinking I will just try to limit my protein/chicken/eggs intake. I was going to try and use my fitness pal to figure out how many grams of protein I am having daily? Is there anything else to the LE diet other than low calories and low protein? Any sample meal ideas that have been used on the past? And what number of calories would be best to aim for each day?

    As far a supplements go... I noticed you recommend fiber. Should I take fiber as a supplement? I have been taking calcium with vitamin d. Magnesium and small amount of cranberry. I did that in the past with my daughter but I also noticed you don’t recommend that but was hoping to keep that since I’m finally letting go of timing. Wanted to get your opinion though. And wanted to know what is the correct dose of folic acid since I am not taking prenatals?

    To answer your question...As far as determining ovulation. I use the clear blue ovulation kits and also watch for cervical mucus and cramping and it seems I tend to ovulate the day after I receive my first positive surge about 24-36 hours later.

    Thank you so much Atomic!

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  11. #10
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    WE don't believe the HSG sways and it may help boost chances of conceiving.

    My Fitness Pal is not a good way to track protein intake because it counts the small amounts of protein and fat in fruits and vegetables. We don't track those (and in fact track nothing in low carb veg, they're free and unlimited.)

    Another trick I've used at times to help people who felt they couldn't manage the tracking was "the law of halves". Simply eat normally but whenever you go to eat protein, eat half of what you'd normally eat It is not my favorite approach because people end up cutting back too far sometimes (so if they were eating 60 g protein, and started halfing that, they'd end up at 30 g which is below my minimum cutoff for protein.)

    no, the Low Everything Diet is NOT "low cal and low protein." LE Diet is the lower normal range of healthy protein, fat, cal intake for a prepregnancy diet as recommended by the World Health Organization incorporating the advice of reproductive endocrinologists for healthy weight loss prior to doing IVF rounds. So the minimums are actually just as important, if not more so, as the maximums are, because LE is meant to be a safe and healthy diet to eat before conceiving. You can't just cut back on stuff (without being very, very careful not to cut back too far.)

    LE Diet is:

    1500-1800 cals for most (not counting cals in low carb veg), a small minority (1-3%) drop to 1200-1500 cals and a larger minority (20-30%) go up to 1800-2000 cals or even beyond to keep weight loss under control. Our BMI cutoff is 21.5 means you stop losing and try to hold steady where you're at (and if a lb. or two comes off on accident it's not the end of the world) and 18.5 is the absolute cutoff, don't go beyond that, do whatever it takes to keep weight on. So you'd adjust your cal intake to prevent your weight from dropping below those levels.

    40-50 g protein for most (not counting pro in fruit and veg) and anyone with PCOS, more than 30 lbs to lose (especially more than 50 lbs) insulin resistance, egg quality issues, or who is over 40 goes to 50-60 g

    30-60 g fat (not counting fat in fruit and veg) and anyone with PCOS, etc (as outlined above) goes up to 50-60 g

    the increase to 50-60 g protein and fat while keeping calories constant in effect cuts carbs for that group of people who needs lower carbs.

    The bulk of your protein and fat intake should come from vegetable sources rather than animal sources (so use oil instead of butter, have more nuts/grains/legumes rather than meat)

    And don't forget, no highly fortified foods like breakfast cereal, power bars, meal replacer shakes.

    Then, anyone with PCOS, etc, eats whole grains rather than white (but we've had such good results with whole grains you can still have them even if you aren't in that category) and full fat dairy instead of skim (again, we've had good results with full fat dairy within limits, so you don't necessarily need to have only or mostly skim dairy.)

    Those with PCOS, etc, avoid sugar but those without it can have sugar

    Some people like to have 2-3 12-16 oz servings of artificial sweetener a day. That is the amount proven safe before pregnancy by the FDA. I don't want you guys having any more than that.

    RE your supplements, personally I got boys on cal-mag and gave it up to finally get my girl, but if you believe in them as long as you find cal-mag WITHOUT that added vitamin D (even if this means you have to take Tums for calcium and magnesium pills separately) it's all good.

    Cranberry has not worked for us and had a host of risks and side effects that were very concerning. I've never recommended it (because I saw how much harm it caused when I was back on Ingender) but as long as you don't take it beyond ovulation it's your call to make.

    I like anyone doing any type of sway diet (even if it's not LE) to be on 1200-1600 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid or folate. This is because we are eating less nutrients and folate/FA is the only nutrient ever proven to prevent birth defects when taken before conception. I like you to start this higher dose right away, continue taking it till the end of the first trimester, and then gradually wean off by spacing doses further and further out till you're down to the amount in your prenatal (which should be started immediately upon getting your BFP.)
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