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  1. #1
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    ~*Baby Butterfly Princess Has Arrived*~

    Announcing the arrival of our sweet little cupcake.
    Born on Tuesday Feb 5, at 7:01pm 8 lbs 8 oz. My biggest baby ever lol

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    I am absolutely in love with her, she is more than I ever dreamed she could be.

    I am in a lot of pain and recovery has been much more difficult but everything was worth it.


    So it all began with the previous Friday, February 1st when I turned 38 weeks. DH was quite horny and I knew that this would be the last time before we would be able to "play" until baby came. I was constipated though and I was getting paranoid that I wouldn't be cleaned out in time anyway.. and after drinking prune juice to no avail.. I had to resort to what lead to giving me the worst and painful hemmorhoids of my life! I will leave out the details
    I was in agony for the next 3 days as there was absolutely nothing that could be done. I tried every home remedy there was. Finally it was Monday and my prenatal appt was happening. My doc was so concerned about my pain as one of them was full of blood. I was terrified about pushing out my daughter with them but he told me that with the epidural I wouldn't feel them but he consulted a collegue to decide if they should get them off or not and they decided to wait. I didn't know if I believed him that I wouldn't feel them lol.. but my blood pressure was finally a concern ironically.. even though it had been in the 140s for 2 or so weeks. I think he was just using it as an excuse because he felt so bad for me. He offered to induce that night and I was just terrified , and not ready.. so I said "can we wait a week?".. and he said we could do a fetal stress test in a few days and then go from there.. once I got to the car my DH was so upset with me because I was in so much pain. He was like.. "let's just do this and have her! I can't stand to see you in this pain!" So we had a short list to accomplish in one night to satisfy me to be ready to have her. So we did it. And I called my doc and told him, "Alright, I talked to my husband and we decided it's best for all to do it now so, let's do this!" So in the morning I went to the hospital, nervous because it was a hospital I had never been treated in at all. I got in there and the nurse told me the plan. I told you all that I didn't want to do pitocin, and my doc didn't understand why.. but he respected my wishes anyway. I had been contracting all night as my body "prepared" as it always does. The nurse checked me and I was a 3+ almost 4.
    So far so good. I was nervous to get the epidural too early so I waited it out. DH was getting the boys ready for grandmas so I was going to go through it by myself. My doc broke my water and I started furiously contracting every 3 mins this was the most painful labor I'd ever experienced. I always got like right out of it with the epidural. I had the regular 3 minute contractions for 3 hours, and it hurt like heck to get checked so I finally decided alright... I'll get the epidural! LOL The nurse said that the doc told her "She is doing EXACTLY what she told me would happen, break her water and she would just labor on her own" I think he was kind of amazed that I knew my body so well as it had happened twice in that exact way before. He told me that I could have the epi when he broke my water but I just had to wait as long as possible, and perhaps feel some real labor since it would be my last.
    Well an anestesiologist came in, and I thought it would be easy, but it wasn't..he had to try a few times it took him 20-25 mins to get it in. I was stark white when he was done. :/
    After the numbness set in I was SO happy and I really could not feel the hemmoroids at this point I had not slept in 24 hours and I was just so happy to be numb and kind of rest. My DH was still not at the hospital.. and around 4 my labor stopped and the nurse said my doc wanted to just do a little pitocin to get it going. I asked if we could wait a half hour because my DH wasn't there. After that time though they went ahead and administered it. For the next 2 hours I had the 3 min contractions that I could not feel. At this time I was feeling this strange internal pressure that was painful and I kept thinking the epidural was wearing off. DH finally got there and I am not sure how long he was there but the nurse checked me and I was complete! So that weird internal pressure was my baby saying "I'm ready mom!" My daughter was SO ready to come out and I could feel it!!! My mom and sis weren't there yet so I was freaking out! They got there finally after what seemed like forever, and they brought my boys! I wasn't expecting that scenario at all. But this was a HUGE L&D room that was pretty new and half of it was curtained off for other family to hang out and wait in. Plus my sister had never been present during a birth but I think my mom convinced her to since this would be the last time. My boys were pretty wild..running around and playing with the curtain and I thought there's no way that they will behave while I was pushing. My daughter was like arching her little back towards my stomach and causing an immense amount of pain. I had never felt anything like it before.. The nurse claimed that she saw my doc and told him that it was time, but we waited for one hour for his ass. Pardon my french. And this happened with DS#2 as well. It's like if you have a night delivery in the hospital, your doc is at home and you have to wait for them to get to the hospital.. that's how it has felt for me the last 2 times anyway.. and I just laid there and DH was fuming that the doc was taking his sweet was deja vu all over again! Finally though he got there and to all our amazement.. he set up the bed to deliver and said on that next contraction let me know and we will start to push.. and right after he said it I said "Ok there it is!" So I pushed as hard as I could.. during that one contraction on push two her head was out, and push three she was OUT! It was a bittersweet moment because the nurse and I had talked all day and I found out that she had 3 older boys and that they weren't having anymore babies. I felt bad at that moment and sad for her, and she took my baby from the doc and I heard my daughter cry for a few seconds and then the nurse took her from the doc and said "Here, lets take you to your happy place." and she set her on top of me and said "There, is she still a girl!?" And I looked at her little genitals and with tears of joy I said "yes" And at that moment she shut off her tears immediately and it melted my heart. She knew I was her mamma! I put my hand over that little sweetheart's back who had opened her eyes to look at me! I just couldn't stop the happy tears as I said "Hi little sweetheart, you are so beautiful! and I love you so much!" She never stopped looking at me. I had never had one of my babies look at me for at least a day, so this was such a special and wonderful moment that I won't ever forget. I couldn't believe all the hair she had! And she seemed tiny to me like my boys.
    It was a totally sweet thing to have my boys there. Finally, to be able to meet their sibling. Due to the last H1N1 outbreaks the hospital wouldn't allow anyone under the age of 15 even your own kids.. but this time they allowed your own children but still had the same flu ban on for visitors.
    I could hear DS#2 saying "I want to see baby sister, I want to hold her" and finally they came over on the other side of the curtain.
    it was such a sweet moment "Aww, baby sister is so cute" 'She's so tiny" "So sweet" etc. Then they got to hold her.
    They let me bond with her and nurse her for a long time! Almost an hour, and then we asked for someone to come in and weigh her and measure her. I was surprised at what a chunk she was at 8lbs 8 oz! My boys were 6 lbs 10oz and 6lbs 12oz.

    As I was there bonding with my daughter the nurse was sniffing. I was just so sad at the same time I was happy, and I remembered my GD ladies as well at that moment. I know that we should hang on tight to our dreams and just keep trying. If we don't, there is no way ever that they can come true. I feel complete now, and I am absolutely fine getting an IUD at my 6 weeks. I have my sweet daughter, and feel that my family is complete. I will only have another one if DH and I feel that it's right together, but that will be many years down the road.
    It's been quite a journey here with all of you, and I just hope that you all stay positive in your own journeys. Do what is right in your heart to make your sway work for you. And someday you will all be holding your DDs. It is worth it. I am completely in love with her.
    I will be on from time to time to check on all of you, but I will be off most of the time enjoying every precious moment of my last baby/DDs first year.

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    Thank you for all the love and support and friendship you have given me. I hope that I was able to show the same to all of you!
    Last edited by Butterfly Spirit; February 14th, 2013 at 12:49 AM.
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
    DS#3 Arrived in April
    I love my Rainbow Baby with all my , She took a year to conceive! Thank you GD!

  2. #2
    Big Dreamer
    Soar's Avatar
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    She is gorgeous! Congratulations!!!!!
    Due January 2014 and swayed for a
    It's A GIRL!

    I can do all things in Christ, who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13

    Link to my girl sway:

  3. #3
    Dream Vet
    Pumpkin2011's Avatar
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    Awww, such wonderful news. CONGRATULATIONS! Gorgeous little girl!!!

  4. #4

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    Awww Congratulations I imagine you are over the moon she is adorable and I love her chunky little cheeks!

  5. #5
    Dream Vet
    Violet_'s Avatar
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    That's one gorgeous baby girl!! Congratulations Mumma.
    2005 2007 2011 2013

  6. #6
    Dream Vet
    Cinss's Avatar
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    Oh my gosh what a darling... LOOK at that HAIR!!!!! <3

  7. #7
    Dream Vet
    homebirthing princess's Avatar
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    She is beautiful just like her mummy, congratulations again sweetie xx
    ds1 2008
    ds2 2010
    apparently expecting a little princess (not sure if I believe it yet lol) in march 2013!

    26wk potty shot

  8. #8
    ELP's Avatar
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    She is gooorgeous!! Congratulations xxxxx

  9. #9
    Dream Vet
    fish2012's Avatar
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    oh congrats!
    DS1 2009 DS2 2011

    At around fifteen weeks sadly one of our babies became an angel fx for a healthy singleton!

    *Update it's a girl! fx she'll make it!*

    Thank you atomic praying our dream will come true

  10. #10
    Dream Vet
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    Congratulations Butterfly! She is absolutely gorgeous, too cute for words xx
    2006 (5) (3) & cautiously expecting a beautiful baby in May

    Baby Annabelle Clare arrived safely into the world 10th May 2013 - Let the fun begin!!

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