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    last minute help with my sway!!

    I've been referring to this site for a couple months as I gather info on my sway.....Thanks for all the great info! I have learnt so much and feel it's helped me prepare well....most questions I've had have been answered just by reading past forums but just wanted to join properly to get some last minute tips and advice as I'm planning to attempt to get pregnant next a bit about me....I have 2 sons and would love a third child. I was pleased when my second son was a boy but now I'm trying for last baby I'd like to at least see if a girl is possible. Here's what I've done /changed/ think will help conceive girl:
    I'm 35 so age is in favor
    Hubby has become obsessed with cycling since last I guess all those tight, hot lycras might help girl swimmers win!
    I've followed a plan for last 2 bananas , potato, hardly any red eat, no process foods ( I'm generally a very healthy eater but looking at when boys conceived I was eating a lot more " hearty food" which would've favoured boys)
    I'm slight with a bmi of 18.5-19 so didn't want to go crazy with diet and ruin chances of getting pregnant... I'm taking magnesium and calcium... eating more dairy, green and light coloured vegetables, berries, cranberry juice and lots of peppermint tea.... I've cut back from 4 to 1.5 coffees a day and switched to white wine instead of red ( impossible to abstain from alcohol as loads of events at moment as well as holiday coming up.....also done research to learn that wine in general can assist conception) I...I've avoided salt and snacking and eaten white rice, pasta rather than whole grain, more nutrient rich options.....I've lost a little weight but can't really afford to lose more.
    On the other side of things I've done some ion stuff, lots of lavender products and oil burning....wearing rose quartz earnings and have baby girl outfit under bed!
    I will ovulate in New moon next month and will be on holidays in warm climate by the sea when ovulation occurs.
    Hubby is going to take liquorice root tabs this month....he us 40, doesn't drink much but will have red wine the week of ttc . We plan to have sex every day from end of period til 2.5 days cut off with hot bath before....I will take Sudafed on day ttc and also do a vinegar douche before.

    This seems like a lot but I'm wondering if I've missed things?? Advice would be appreciated. I

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    with hubby cycling, that is one of the most scientifically proven sway tactics there is with very good studies showing more daughters conceived to men who cycle.

    There are a lot of nitpicky things that I personally disagree with in your sway (it's more of an old school InGender type sway, which is fine and totally at your discretion) but I will hit the biggies:

    We are finding both coffee and alcohol to sway pink for us. The idea that coffee swayed blue has been TOTALLY 110% debunked and I hate to see anyone cut back of caffeine for a sway because you may end up inadvertently making yourself more fertile and swaying blue.

    White wine is dandy for TTC a girl!

    Don't lose any more weight, I like people at your BMI to hold steady where you are.

    Your husband should leave out the licorice IMO because at his age and with that level of cycling, I fear he will really harm his sperm health by adding the licorice on top of those things.

    DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT have sex every day. WE are getting 70-75% success for pink with ONE attempt. Having all those attempts will not help you get pregnant (because your husband will very likely be shooting dust by then!!) and it may sway blue. we don't know why having more attempts is more blue friendly, but that has been overwhelmingly the case for us and it's just not a great idea.

    Sudafed has been linked to strokes in younger women and should be avoided. If you see visible CM, you can use antihistamine like cetirizine 6 hours before or diphenhydramine 1-2 hours before instead.

    I am not a huge fan of douching but that is one of those things that is up to you - if you do go this route, I would leave out the Sudafed/antihistamine and just do the douche, not both. One douche 4-6 hours before attempt, do not do the lime tampons or frequent douches after sex that the otehr sites recommend.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks so much for your quick reply. I have read so much online that it's become overwhelming with the conflicting information put there. I'm glad to hear your thoughts on the Sudafed and douching....those ore extreme aspects of swaying were not sitting well with me. Also glad about the coffee...I'll go back to my 3 per day this month.
    I'll follow your advice with hubby not taking liquorice root and try for 1 attempt next cycle. Is 3 day cut off best? I bought a ov test lit last month and had faint lines 3 days and then strong line on day 15. So I'm estimating that I attempt on day 12 or when I get faint line. Is this correct?
    Also, just in relation to diet...I'm not skipping breakfast but have changed my diet significantly. Is this enough? Is there anything I should especially focus on in this last month....and in the 2ww? Anything special I should do then?
    I really appreciate your response... you seem to be very knowledgeable and respected so I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  4. #4
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    Hi again Tabitha.

    Timing doesn't sway at all (and most of us have 2-3-4 or more timing opposites to prove it!) IF you want to use a cutoff, I strongly suggest no more than a 2 day cutoff because 3 days or longer is really going to cut your odds of conception considerably.

    You can't tell based on what happened in previous months, the type of pattern you'll get on your OPK. There is no "rule" that they stay consistent for anyone from month to month and swaying has dramatically changed the patterns that people see on their OPK. Do you have regular cycles? If not, if possible I would hold off till you get a line that is dark, but not yet positive. faint lines can literally go on for weeks without ovulating (and if your hubby were to pee on an OPK - he could get those faint lines too!!) Faint lines do not necessarily mean anything.

    I can never say what is enough, my darn crystal ball is broken down right now. But I do believe that any changes yu make in a pink-friendly direction will only help your chances. The LE Diet is NOT the type of diet where you have to do EVERYthing or you have no chance. Any changes you make will help. I put a lot of stuff into the diet for the handful of people who want to do everything, but it really is fine to stick with the things that feel "right" to you - right meaning...things you've seen other girl moms do, things that you know you'll stick with, things that may have been different from when you conceived your boys - you don't need to compare to any other swayer, just do what you feel good about doing.
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks again for your help. The suggestion to do the opposite seems to make sense given that my diet and bedroom routine were very similar with both boys. I have been pregnant with a girl previously which I sadly lost at week 13. This was in between my boys ( they're a few years appart)....the lead up to this pregnancy was very different as I'd gone through some big life changes....I'd lost weight and had been on a vegetarian diet for 3 months prior( lifestyle choices....nothing to do with swaying then as I just wanted a second child) so in hindsight perhaps that diet had supported an xx...or just luck of the any case I suppose it does make me feel like I have the ability to conceive a girl and perhaps why I still feel my family us incomplete without any case....I'll take the advice all on board and see what life has in store for e.

  6. #6
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    Just don't carry "do the opposite" to extremes - Do the things that have worked for most people, most of the time, and then only on the things you are really not sure about, you can try doing the opposite. (Like, you could say, I ate eggs every day with my boys, this time I will not do that).
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  7. #7
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    My af has arrived a few days early which has me a bit panicked.....just because I feel like it's closer to my first attempt. 1 attempt was suggested due to hubbys age. Should he be realeasing in next week ? Is 7 days abstinence recommended before my attempt or is his cycling every other day enough? I am now skipping breakfast which I told myself I can handle for 1 months so will continue this til hopefully I get a bpf! When af leaves I'll wait til darkish line on opk and then have 1 attempt with antihistamine..... very nervous and exciting..... we'll be on holidays together in the 2ww so be great to get a bfp....just want to make sure make the right decision with frequency as don't want to jeopardise my attempt.

  8. #8
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    Frequency has not gotten the results to justify its existence. Most people want to use it at first but should be one of the first things to drop if BFN.

    Since you are 35 I am assuming hubby is that old or older so I never use abstain with any men over 35 except in very rare cases (usually because the couple wants it). Just not my preference as it does not make the best quality sperm and may slightly increase risks of health issues with baby.

    If you must do frequency then most would have hubby release daily for 7-10 days before that one attempt. With the cycling that is probably going to give poor odds of conception but you may want to give it a try that first month just to be sure you can't get pg that way.
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  9. #9
    Dream Newbie

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    So just to be clear....he should release daily for 7 days but I should actually only have 1 attempt after this? I'm just confused because your previous reply urged me not to have sex every day...I'm assuming realeasing....sorry if TMI means nothing is actually going inside me until our 1 attempt? Sorry for all questions but I've only a few days to go and I've given us 3 months now to attempt after 10 weeks on diet before packing up the bassinet. Want to make sure I understand the final, important part or else I might as well go and eat a bowl of fries and banana pie!

  10. #10
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Him releasing is NOT having sex. Having sex is him completing the transaction inside you. Him releasing is him cleaning the pipes either on his own or with you, with a condom. Nothing goes inside you (with a condom is ok) until that one attempt.
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