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    Please can you lovely ladies help TTC girl

    Hi everyone! So I have spent so many months researching for a girl sway and I feel like I have struck gold with the gender dreaming website!
    Everyone seems so friendly and helpful and I would love it if I could get some help please.
    So I feel like I have a good grasp on the LE diet. I am sticking to a mainly vegetarian diet with some chicken in there once in a while. I am keeping my calories between 1500-1800 with the recommend 40-50g protein and 30-60g fat. I’m avoiding all the no no foods and not having full fat dairy. We aren’t cutting out salt but I won’t be adding it to my meals like I would have before. My bmi is 23.3 but i am about 12 pounds over my ideal weight. I exercise for an hour walking the pram each day or at least 5 times a week. My DH is also dieting and cutting out all the main no no foods but is having more calories than i am.

    My questions are:
    Is it ok to snack in between lunch and tea or best to avoid? Also snacks in the evening before 9pm?
    Should I be counting carbs as my app says i go over?
    Is it ok to each fat free cottage cheese and low fat cheese spread as this is still dairy and the protein is high? Daily or not?
    Should I be taking supplements and I’m unsure what mcg folate I should be taking?
    Should I be eating a large meal at tea time if I am fasting from my evening alcoholic drink at 8pm until around 1pm the next day. Or best to keep it smaller? I eat tea around 5pm.
    Is it best for me to cut out semi skimmed milk in my coffee (I drink 2 a day maybe 3) and go with a dairy free creamer or even soya?
    Am I ok to have herbs and spices in my food? Or are there some I should be avoiding?
    Is it ok to eat fruit after a meal or in between meals? What fruit is best or ones to avoid?

    With my 3 boys we ate a very high protein diet, high salt, lots of garlic, onions, potatoes and didn’t really drink any alcohol. I had cereal each morning with a banana. I had a lot of sugar in coffee and tea and also ate full fat everything. Nothing low cal or diet. I didn’t exercise much but have never really been over weight. We have incorporated an alcoholic drink each evening (I know it should be during dinner but this is just a little more relaxing when the kids are in bed).
    Any other tips would be so appreciated as I feel I’d like to give it my all! I am looking to make our first try in about 8/9 weeks and so hope this is enough time?

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  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Hi! so glad you found us!

    You actually may not need to cut out all fat free dairy foods, a lot of them have been pretty handy ways to get some fat easily and to maintain ovulation when dieting (something about that dairy fat is great for keeping ovulation going.)

    1)It is best to stick to 3 meals a day. No snacking.

    2)You don't need to count carbs. As long as you're eating the right amount of protein, fat, and calories your carbs will take care of themselves. Also, we do not count the protein and fat in fruits and high carb veg (the sweet and starchy ones) and low carb veg are free for everything, including cals. So do be aware that the apps count those things and compensate for that - you'll likely be able to eat a bit more, which is always good news!

    3)Without a personal plan I can't tell you what supplements you guys should be using per se. Most people take fiber with any meal containing fat or fat soluble vitamins A, D, E , K (this is usually skim dairy or leafy greens). I recommend 1200-1600 mcg folic acid or folate, taken all through the entire first trimester of pregnancy and then weaned off by spacing doses further and further out till down to the amount in your prenatal.

    4)Eat in whatever pattern of meals allows you to stick to 3 meals a day and have an overnight fast of 12-16 hours. That can vary by individual so I want you guys to space your meals and eat in the pattern that works best for you to be able to stick to the diet fairly painlessly.

    5)Semi-skimmed milk and even full fat dairy is fine in your coffee. Likely much better than soy milk. I would avoid soy milk for you (keep soy foods to 2-3 times per week) but your husband can likely have it 2-3 times per day, unless he has health issues, sperm issues, is on medication, or over 43 or so.

    6)Herbs and spices in dietary amounts are fine. I would not have any type of herb, spice, or tea more than 2-3 times per week (tho very common ingredients in small amounts like garlic and pepper are likely ok - like as ingredients in salad dressing or sauces, that kind of thing) What I mean by that is I'd not include turmeric every meal, and I'd not have many cups of peppermint tea, or a large amount of cinnamon daily, that kind of thing. Don't over think this, we are just trying to avoid medicinal quantities of herbs and spices in case any of htem have a negative effect on your ability to get pregnant or on your sway.

    7)Anything that contains calories needs to be WITH a meal. You can certainly eat fruit, but not between meals. It will raise your blood sugar to eat it. All fruit is allowed on LE Diet. There are no forbidden foods on LE, you can have any food within the limits.

    8)While we see best results with 12 weeks + on diet 8 + is still good results. If you're ready to try after 8 weeks, I'm fine with that just stick with one attempt to start with. For all you know you might not even get pregnant that first month anyway and will end up with plenty of time on diet.
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  4. #3
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    Thank you so much for responding, I so hoped you would be able to get back to me atomic.

    I feel that it can get very difficult to follow the LE diet when so many people have their own interpretation on it. I follow somebody on Facebook who has had 2 successful sways with gender dreaming but she is adamant you go vegan and cut all dairy out. Is this ok? I am absolutely fine cutting out dairy and switching to a vegan substitute but I don’t want to mess up ovulation as I have never had a problem before.

    I’m not a very big breakfast eater and so I don’t mind skipping that at all. I’m also fine not snacking as I’d like to lose some weight but I will be sticking to the recommended daily calories.

    As for supplements I’d love to buy the plan but atm I’m unable to with the current climate however if I am able to this is the first thing I will do! I don’t really understand the fiber aspect, what form does this take please?

    My husband is going to swap his milk for soya and I’ll just keep my semi skimmed or go for a non dairy creamer.

    Ah ok so it’s fine to add a little pepper or fajita mix with the veg but not everyday and in excess.

    As this is my final baby I’d really love to give it my all!! I do feel that the more I read up on it the more confused I become.

    Thank you again for taking the time to help me out, you honestly can’t imagine how much it means to me!

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  5. #4
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    The LE Diet is MY DIET. I invented it based on over a decade of research, I have helped people use it for swaying for 10 years now, and anyone saying anything else is the one steering people wrong (and feel free to tell her to come speak to me about it personally because she is not only making my job harder, but is actually probably harming people's sways by saying that stuff. Or, if you feel comfortable let me know her name so I can post on her FB page myself.)

    You do not need, and in fact many people should not, be dairy free vegans when swaying pink. Anyone who has trouble with insulin resistance for example will be getting too many carbs, and their blood sugar and testosterone will rise - swaying BLUE. This also is highly detrimental to egg quality and can make a lot of people have issues with irregular cycles.

    The reason I mention the plan is just that I can't guide you on that specifically, not because I'm trying to get you to buy a plan. I help everyone who needs help regardless of their ability to pay, it's just htat I can't give you personalized information if that makes sense. But we don't use many supps anyway. Fiber is just any dietary supplement fiber like chitosan or metamucil. Take it about a half-hour before eating any meal containing fat. If you're not eating fat, don't take the fiber.

    You can have dietary amounts of spices. I don't want you for instance having turmeric tea 2-3 times a day, or eating massive amounts of ANY spice several times a day. Just eat a normal amount of spice intake. Things like herb tea should be kept to 2-3 times a week for any particular type.
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  6. #5
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    Oh and it's my pleasure! Just let me know how I can help!
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  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    The LE Diet is MY DIET. I invented it based on over a decade of research, I have helped people use it for swaying for 10 years now, and anyone saying anything else is the one steering people wrong (and feel free to tell her to come speak to me about it personally because she is not only making my job harder, but is actually probably harming people's sways by saying that stuff. Or, if you feel comfortable let me know her name so I can post on her FB page myself.)

    You do not need, and in fact many people should not, be dairy free vegans when swaying pink. Anyone who has trouble with insulin resistance for example will be getting too many carbs, and their blood sugar and testosterone will rise - swaying BLUE. This also is highly detrimental to egg quality and can make a lot of people have issues with irregular cycles.

    The reason I mention the plan is just that I can't guide you on that specifically, not because I'm trying to get you to buy a plan. I help everyone who needs help regardless of their ability to pay, it's just htat I can't give you personalized information if that makes sense. But we don't use many supps anyway. Fiber is just any dietary supplement fiber like chitosan or metamucil. Take it about a half-hour before eating any meal containing fat. If you're not eating fat, don't take the fiber.

    You can have dietary amounts of spices. I don't want you for instance having turmeric tea 2-3 times a day, or eating massive amounts of ANY spice several times a day. Just eat a normal amount of spice intake. Things like herb tea should be kept to 2-3 times a week for any particular type.
    I am sorry, i didn't mean to insinuate that the diet wasn't yours. Only that many people whom follow your diet have done so and maybe included some things. Which as you mentioned is so very confusing. I follow the TTC gender sway group on facebook and the lady Tiffany dawn seems to really advocate your diet and has used it herself twice successfully. She just said the strongest sway was a vegan non dairy diet as this worked for her. I feel the more i read up on other peoples successful sways from other sites the more confused i get.

    I would like to draw a line and just stick with yourself. As we already have 3 boys this will be my last and so i would like to give it my all however i dont want to obsess and cause the stress to give me an opposite.
    I am currently eating around 1400-1600 calories, 40-50g protein, 30-60g fat, i keep my saturated fats low. Me and DH are mainly vegetarian with maybe chicken once a week. As you have advised i will keep dairy in my diet in a form of low fat soft cheese and maybe fat free cottage cheese. I have also read you mentioned to avoid dairy, so would this be just to have a few times a week or to stick to low fat? I have read a post by yourself that said milk keeps the blood sugars high and so would you be able to suggest a good alternative for my coffee please? Would almond milk be better or even just cutting milk out altogether (i am fine with this). I dont want to mess us my fast as i am stopping eating at around 6pm and then my first meal is at 12 but i have been having coffee with a sweetener and some milk in the morning. Should i just go for a black coffee and drop thee sweeter?
    For DH he has also gone vegetarian and has dropped his milk and is having soya. I am trying to keep his weight up and not to lose any really. We aren't really into any supplements except the antihistamine as i do have a lot of EWCD and this may have contributed to ours boys. Also i have added in thee fiber and will take one if my meal contains fat.
    Would you say quorn is ok? or better to stick to veg and small amounts of chicken.

    Thanks again for your help!

  8. #7
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    No not at all, I didn't think you were insinuating that. It is simply that a lot of people often think that the LE Diet came from somewhere else and that I am the one steering people wrong based on things they read on Facebook - but it's other people who are telling people inaccurate info, I'm the one to listen to LOL. Sorry, I hope that makes more sense!

    It is honestly ok to use some full fat dairy if you need to to get up to your fat intake. I'm not sure where you read to avoid dairy, it is just that it isn't free and unlimited like it is on some of the other sway diets. You do have to keep it in the limits. If I wrote that somewhere it is likely an old post or for someone who was in a specific situation.

    A small amount of milk or cream in coffee does not keep blood sugar high. Some people have a latte or whatever with 2 cups of milk, and THAT can keep your blood sugar high. but a small amount of milk or cream is fine. We all do that and have good results.

    You don't need to have black coffee, with artificial sweetener and milk or cream is fine.

    Yes quorn is great!! Absolutely allowed within limits.

    with what hubby is doing, sounds great.
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  9. #8
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    Hi Atomic

    I just wanted to come back and give you the biggest thank you ever!! My sway worked and we are expecting our first girl after 3 boys! I have had my nipt come back girl and now a ultrasound to confirm.

    I always had so much faith in your methods and spent a long time praying alongside.

    Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart, I never in a million years dreamt I would write a status like this

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  10. #9
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    HUGE congrats Ashley!! So happy for you!!!

    Enjoy every second, they sure fly by!
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  12. #10

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    I just want to drop by and say congratulations on your 3 boys and good luck on swaying pink. You seem to have your weight well maintained congratulations on that too.

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