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July 10th, 2013, 08:18 AM
I've rolled the dice on boy five times now. EVERYONE is now telling me I can't have girls. Although I don't want to believe it I'm beginning to think they are right. Maybe I could have 20 pregnancies and they'd all have willies :(

I wouldn't take my boys back for the world... But was one girl too much to ask?? Obviously it was :( :( :(

July 10th, 2013, 08:37 AM
No it was not to much to ask! You have every right to feel that way! It's not fair and really it makes no sense. You can and should vent here, I know you will love this little guy but you also have to let yourself grieve for what isn't to be this time! Take time and be good to yourself! Maybe get your nails done and go by your new guy a really super cute outfit! ((((Hugs))))

July 10th, 2013, 09:57 AM
I just said the same thing to my DH and hour ago. Why is it that so many get lucky and then there are others like me that try so hard and don't. I wish we could all be lucky and hear the words we have longed to hear for so long. It doesn't make sense to me. It is not too much to ask at all!

I really hope that your new little boy brings you so much joy and happiness. I second the shopping, it always helps a little. HUGS!!!

July 10th, 2013, 10:09 AM
I feel your hurt. I wish I could find the magic words that would bring comfort at a time like this.
You must have the magic touch when it comes to raising boys.

I Love Ladybugs
July 10th, 2013, 10:39 AM
I am right beside you in this post....lots of hugs!!!!!

July 10th, 2013, 03:02 PM
I agree I would just like 1 boy four girls is great but I only want one little blue it's not to much to ask

July 10th, 2013, 06:36 PM
I know how you feel. I just want little girl to complete my family, but I don't know if it's possible. I love my boys, but I would love a little pink in my life.`

July 11th, 2013, 06:44 AM
Hugs honey I know how you feel and I wish no one felt like I do xx

July 11th, 2013, 10:04 AM
I know exactly how your feel!!! I was there 2 last year when I was told boy yet again. I have 4 kids all are boys & one older lady {in her late 60s} Told me that I would have seven boys before I have one girl because all I make is boys. Boy, did she crush my soul. After I cried & let it all out I was starting to feel better little by little. Ill admit the shopping 4 the new baby boy helped!!! Hugs to you it'll get better!!!

July 11th, 2013, 04:50 PM
Aw, sorry you feel this way :( I am not sure what to say but I have a soft spot for Mums having their 4th boy because that might be me one day and I can;t imagine right now that my one last chance could not happen.

July 12th, 2013, 05:39 AM
I have just joined this page for reason's you have expressed in this thread. I feel exactly the same as you and started to tear up reading your post. I feel so guilty having these feelings-you are you alone in wanting a girl to share the special female bond with. xx

July 13th, 2013, 12:56 PM
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to make a comment. I know I am not alone in feeling this way and although I wish it wasn't the case for all you lovely ladies to be experiencing the same I am grateful for the understanding :) thank you x

July 19th, 2013, 05:27 AM
3 boys, I really understand how you're feeling. I've had a sicky feeling in my tummy since finding out yesterday that I'm expecting ds3! I feel so teary but at the same time sooo bad for this little darling boy who didn't ask to be conceived. He is very much wanted but I'm scared my chances of ever having a girl are tiny now even if I get to try again. Huge hugs to you x x

July 19th, 2013, 06:28 AM
I'd love to say it goes away but it doesn't really. DS3 is due next month and I am really excited to meet him but still sad we didn't get a girl this time. It's odd how you can feel two such strong but different feelings at once.

July 23rd, 2013, 05:19 PM
Just got back from my gender scan and found out I am having my fourth boy.... and last baby. I feel so sad. And then I feel sad for feeling so sad. I dream of having a daughter and now have to come to terms with it not being in my future. I am hoping time will heal this broken heart. I wish I could drink wine:)
There is a reason why we are given what we are given. It is nice to have a place to vent and not feel so alone. Thanks!

July 23rd, 2013, 05:23 PM
Just got back from my gender scan and found out I am having my fourth boy.... and last baby. I feel so sad. And then I feel sad for feeling so sad. I dream of having a daughter and now have to come to terms with it not being in my future. I am hoping time will heal this broken heart. I wish I could drink wine:)
There is a reason why we are given what we are given. It is nice to have a place to vent and not feel so alone. Thanks!

I am so sorry!!! I really do feel your pain. I was told this is a boy, so for about 6 or so weeks, I was having to come to grips with having 4 boys!! I took it pretty hard the first few days, but then the idea of having 4 awesome boys and how much fun it would be started to excite me. However I later found out he is actually a she, but for 6 weeks I knew exactly how you felt. Give yourself some time to heal you need to feel your emotions and be able to mourn the loss of a dream. But boys are so awesome and special!!!!

July 23rd, 2013, 10:08 PM
Thanks, Thorz300! I wish my boy bits would turn to girl bits...:) I know things will all work out, but for now I am going to allow myself to be sad. It is so nice to know others have gone through this and come out on top. My boys were so excited to hear they were having another brother which softens the blow. Thanks again for your kind words.

July 23rd, 2013, 10:27 PM
Just got back from my gender scan and found out I am having my fourth boy.... and last baby. I feel so sad. And then I feel sad for feeling so sad. I dream of having a daughter and now have to come to terms with it not being in my future. I am hoping time will heal this broken heart. I wish I could drink wine:)
There is a reason why we are given what we are given. It is nice to have a place to vent and not feel so alone. Thanks!

You ladies having their 4th boy and last baby I feel for because one day I could be you. I hope you can come to terms with not having a daughter and we are all here to support you. Goodluck with the rest of your pregnancy and meeting your new special man.

July 24th, 2013, 05:44 AM
I'd love to say it goes away but it doesn't really. DS3 is due next month and I am really excited to meet him but still sad we didn't get a girl this time. It's odd how you can feel two such strong but different feelings at once.

I had terrible GD with DS3 throughout the whole pregnancy. Thought it would never be any better but it did go away when he was born! I hope it does for you too weeziewoozles. ((Hugs)) x