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September 23rd, 2013, 01:13 PM
Her arm is delivered!? That sucks so sorry thorz... But on the bright side your little girl is prob here now! Can't wait to see her

September 23rd, 2013, 01:25 PM
Sorry to hear about the C-section. I have had three now and they are never fun. Hope all is well with you and the baby and update when you get a minute!

September 23rd, 2013, 02:01 PM
Is there only one delivery left now?

September 23rd, 2013, 02:10 PM
Thorz! Hoping the c section went well hon! And I bet little. Macie is just beautiful! Hope you're recovering well and can't wait for an update x x

September 23rd, 2013, 04:00 PM
Hi ladies, I haven't been around for a while (visitors and little one keep me busy!) Congrats to ladylaura and to DLTAG, your little ones are beautiful.

My little Diana will be 4 weeks this Thursday and sleeps at night v well, so I feel pretty rested. Problem is in the evenings when she just wants to cry and I hope it's not a sign of colic.

Thorz good luck today and can't wait to hear your news!

September 23rd, 2013, 04:38 PM
Thorz stalking for news!

Agh girlsway Naomi is the same! so I put her to bed at 7 only trouble is I get shorter sleep but an hour or so when they are all in bed with dh and peace is kinda worth it ;-). Must get off phone and sleep ;-)

Mum to three girls
September 23rd, 2013, 04:58 PM
I'm stalking too!

I'm getting a bit over my sleeping issues. After the first wake up to go to the bathroom I can't get back to sleep. I'm still having loads of painful tightenings that don't turn into anything. My OB is examining me and doing a stretch and sweep today, hoping it'll get things moving a bit.

September 23rd, 2013, 05:03 PM
yay mum to three!!!! i hope it kicks start things for you :)

thorz i hope everything is okay!!! im getting worried :s im sure your just recovering from surgery

September 23rd, 2013, 05:26 PM
Hope everything is going ok for you thorz, stalking for your update x

September 23rd, 2013, 05:39 PM
Fish, that's a good idea about putting baby to sleep while getting others ready for the night. How do you manage she always sleeps at 7pm? Diana is very restless at that time and I can't get her to sleep at all from 6pm to 8.30pm. But then she sleeps beautifully till 8am, with only 3 short feeds in between.

September 23rd, 2013, 05:50 PM
Lennon likes late awake time so he usually goes to bed at 11... And then wakes between 4-5 am he's a good baby but now that my milk has completley dried up thanks to my breast reduction he is on an all formal diet and it's been making him gassy it's only been three days of all formula... He's such a happy little dude tho he's always got a little smirk on him

September 23rd, 2013, 08:15 PM
Girlsway tbh not totally sure she had bath and story with the boys then a feed once they are in bed and so far - touch wood - she has been happy to go to bed......I remember ds1 got a second wind about that time and I couldn't get him to bed before 9 for ages

Wag I'm sure Naomi's smiling too already! Or maybe it's my sleep deprived mind tricking me!

Thorz hope all okay xxx

Mum to three girls
September 23rd, 2013, 09:27 PM
Well, after never being a fan of "social" inductions I was surprised to find myself begging my OB for one! I've had too many days of niggling pre labour, no sleep and feeling horrible. My cervix is soft and I'm 2-3 cm and she agreed but for tomorrow because she's hopeful that the s and s will move things along. I must say it's a big relief to start planning etc and it means I can get things for the big girls organised. She's planning to start with just breaking my waters so hopefully I'll be like WAG and that'll be all I need.

Thorz, hope you're holding your little girl now.

September 23rd, 2013, 11:19 PM
Mum to3 how exciting! I had to have gel (can't remember name) to soften my cervix enough for them to break my waters then I went into labour on my own and that was fine . Fx it'll go smoothly for you..... How exciting!

Thorz hope you're snuggling your beautiful bubba x

September 23rd, 2013, 11:22 PM
Yay! And your the last of us right? Hopfully yours turns out just like mine :) fingers crossed for u

September 24th, 2013, 03:53 AM
Oh mum23 how exciting, hope things go really smoothy for you :D

A week of no sleep has really caught up with me today, thought i was doing great but i'm worn out this morning. Back to bed for me and Evie i think :)

September 24th, 2013, 04:59 AM
Sorry for the delay...... I ended up not having a section. They called my dr in after finding her arm and hand out and my dr decided to try and push her arm back in first. They had the operating room all ready to go though, I had signed all the papers for the c section and was super scared. Dr wasn't very hopeful that she could get her hand back behind her head. So with zero meds/pain relief, I went through the worst pain of my entire life. My dr put her whole hand up to almost her elbow up my vagina and pushed baby's hand and arm back in and up behind her head!! I've never in my life felt pain like that. I got an epidural right after so just in case her hand came back out, I would be ready for the section. But after her hand was put back in place, everything went smoothly and baby Macie was born at 3:01pm with only 2 pushes. She is tiny, by far my smallest baby, 6lbs 8oz and 20in long. She is so sweet! She latched on almost immediately and is quite a hungry little thing! My phone is dead so I may have to wait until I get home to post pics.

September 24th, 2013, 05:13 AM
Oh gosh thorz you poor thing glad it went it smoothly in the end congrats cant wait to see pic of your lovely lill lady!

Mum to three girls
September 24th, 2013, 05:36 AM
OMG how dramatic, Thorz! I'm pleased you're both well. I'm sure she's very sweet.

I've had the craziest day of stop/start cramps and tightenings. Just when I think things are all go I rest and everything stops. It doesn't help that my mother, who is now staying with us, keeps freaking that things are really happening (I know they're not) all because her own 4th baby, my little sister, was a short and easy labour.

September 24th, 2013, 05:47 AM
Thorz big congratulations, brilliant you didnt have to have the section. I can't wait for the pictures.

September 24th, 2013, 07:33 AM
Congrats thoz! That's awesome that you didn't need a section!

Good luck mom to three!

September 24th, 2013, 08:10 AM
Oh Thorz!! What a scare!! But soooo happy for you to hear baby Macie is here safe and sound!! She sounds like a perfect little parcel. Well worth all the pain and discomfort of your pregnancy!! Here's hoping you start to feel back to normal soon. Can't wait to see pics of your little princess!!

Mum not long now!!! How exciting-what a whirlwind of a month and a bit for us all!! Can't believe the time has come that we all (bar 1) have had our precious babies.
Darcey will be 4 weeks tomorrow, I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. It's going too fast, I just love this newborn stage and totally adore her. I wish I had more time to just sit and look at her. To cherish every moment. Knowing it's my last newborn is really sad to me. I'm only 28 and have got all 4 kids done in 5 yrs. I just love the magic of being pregnant and delivering, I'm still coming to terms that I won't get to do it again. I'm happy with 4 kids, 5 is too many for us, but just sad that's all done and dusted now!!

September 24th, 2013, 10:08 AM
Wow thorz, that must have been really scary. Glad you didn't have to have a section too. Huge congratulations on the birth of your little princess x

Salsa i know just how you feel, i'm 24 and have 3 little ones now and me and DH are defo done having children, i'm enjoying evie as much as i can as i know its the last time it will happen. It almost feels like the end of an era and we are opening up a new chapter in our lives x

September 24th, 2013, 10:10 AM
Im having the same feelings salsa... I had all my babies at the age of 25 and it makes me wonder if I should really finalize the whole thing... But then I think... I've had two sets of kids I have my older pair and my younger pair... Would I really want to start this over in 5-10 years... Maybe hormonally I would but really shouldn't I concentrate on myself at that point... I have some very high need kids and I'm trying to focous on the fact that I will finally be able to have some time for me and maybe me and DH can learn to like each other Again... I love the whole pregnancy thing and delivering the baby and seeing them for the first time... I don't think the moment will be anything the same with grandchildren... At this point I feel like I'm 50 lol... The last ten years have been a roller coaster and in that sense I know I'm done... I don't want more... But I'm sad that I will never experience these moments again...

Mum to three girls
September 24th, 2013, 06:28 PM
Well, I'm 40 now and I'm done!

In labour ward, just had further s and s and some prostin gel. Because my cervix was very soft after my s and s yesterday I think my OB was hoping that'd be all I needed but although I'm uncomfortable I'm not really contracting yet. She'll be coming back soon to do an ARM.

Wish me luck for a successful VBAC!

September 24th, 2013, 08:13 PM
Mum to three I had that too and no contractions till they broke my waters so don't stress, it was less than three hours from then till she was born good luck! Stalking!

Mum to three girls
September 25th, 2013, 06:14 AM
Yay! New baby arrived safely.

It was pretty intense and not as quick as some of you had. My waters were broken at 10 30 after which I still didn't get proper contractions so had some iv synto put up which of course meant really close monitoring due to my previous section. This meant I couldn't move around much but they did find some telemetry monitoring which meant I could sit on a birthing stool in the hope that his head would come down. Four hours later his head was down further but I hadn't dilated much (only to 5cm) but the following two hours were incredibly intense and he was born after about three pushes about six hours after my waters were broken. i used gas for the first time which was great, especially given how quick the transition was. The only drama was a vulval varicose vein which seems to have ruptured so I've got an egg sized lump and an ice pack!

He is very sweet, we're too exhausted to talk about names yet. I'll have to wait till I'm home to post some pics. Oh, and he's 3.52 kg (7 pound 12) and quite long. So not too big for 39 weeks at all. I was planning on going home tomorrow but might give it another 24 hours so I can properly rest and let this swelling settle. Luckily I didn't need stitches as well.

Thorz, how are you doing?

Mum to three girls
September 25th, 2013, 06:15 AM

September 25th, 2013, 06:35 AM
Aw huge congratulations mum23, well done on your VBAC too. Glad everything went well for you and hope the vulval varicose vein isnt too painful :) x

September 25th, 2013, 09:47 AM

We are officially done!

September 25th, 2013, 11:39 AM
Congrats Mum to 3 !
It seems all of us are done with having any more. Diana was definitely our last one.

September 25th, 2013, 12:10 PM
Congrats mum23 glad all went smoothly ugh vain sounds nasty hope not painful can't wait for name and pics! Xx

September 25th, 2013, 03:05 PM
Mum a big congrats to you! What wonderful news!! And well done on the vbac!
Hope the swelling subsides for you soon

Can't wait to see pics x x x

September 25th, 2013, 04:30 PM
Congrats Mum23!!! How exciting I think we are all done!

Macie and I just got home from the hospital an hour ago!!! It is nice to be home, but I am still having hip pain and it is hard to walk. Macie is BEAUTIFUL and so super sweet, just a perfect addition to our family! Here are a few hospital pics....14340

September 25th, 2013, 04:49 PM
Thorz she's a doll and you look too well ;-)

Congrats what handsome boys too!!!

Pleased your home xxx

September 25th, 2013, 06:33 PM
Congrats Mum23 and love the pictures Thorz. She looks very sweet and you look fantastic too. Post some pictures Mum23 when you get a chance.

September 25th, 2013, 10:53 PM
OMG I forgot how bad postpartum contractions/cramping can be!! I didn't have it at all with DS1or DS3 but I had it really bad with Ds2 and now again!! I'm practically in tears! My mil just got into town so we have a really full house! I just want quiet time by myself. Between DH, my mom, and my MIL here to help with the kids, I should be able to rest but the truth is, no one can do it like me, lol and I can hear them struggling to get the kids to eat or do as their supposed to or they can't find things and need my help! Just shows there is no replacement for momma! Lol I don't have time for these awful contractions/cramps.

Mum to three girls
September 26th, 2013, 12:23 AM
I've got them too. Apparently they get worse each time.

My parents will be here for another two weeks and I'm struggling too - we completely need help but at the same time we prefer having our house to ourselves. DH is not taking time off while they're here so a hand is essential, especially while things heal down below.

September 26th, 2013, 02:09 AM
Thorz I had them this time too only lasted a couple of days have you tried some paracetamol?

Can u get all the grandparents to take boys out for the day so u and dh can have a day with macie? I know what you mean help is nice but they're your boys and really you just want to do it all, however you've just had a baby and not had an easy pregnancy you need to let go for a couple of days and rest - earplugs???

September 26th, 2013, 06:46 AM
Aw thorz beautiful pics and you look so well, well done :) I know what you mean about family too, we had FIL over for 3 days and while i'm very grateful for his help he turned the house upside down lol x

September 27th, 2013, 01:58 PM
RLT works wonders for after pains

Beautiful baby thorz!

September 27th, 2013, 08:40 PM
Well I guess that might be one benefit to having a C-section. If my post cramps are bad I don't notice because I am so medicated from surgery.

I had my MIL here for two weeks and it was a long two weeks. She didn't help with much except for holding the baby. She couldn't even change a diaper?? Rather irritating and she even had the nerve to say "it has been so nice to not have to cook or do anything while I have been visiting you." I wanted to slap her but it would have hurt my incision too much:) At least she doesn't live here and she is gone now. I was feeling horrible while she was here but as soon as she left I felt much better. She is a really nice person however, when you have just had a baby and a really bad C-section the last thing you need to take care of is an adult!!

September 27th, 2013, 10:58 PM
Oh sorry Wanting Pink that sounds not so fun, I cannot believe she said that.

My after pains are a lot better today, at least they are tolerable. Tomorrow is my moms last day here. My MIL is here until the end of OCT. and my BFF is flying out for a week in Oct. I LOVE my mom she is great, but she is getting up there in years, and hasn't been the kind of help I was expecting, so I think I am ready for her to go back home. My MIL is very helpful at the moment, but she just got here, so we will see how long that will last. My BFF is AWESOME!!! I cannot wait to see her. It has almost been 2 years since we've seen one another!

Macie is so wonderful, really just a super duper sweet beautiful baby! I'm nervous for DH to go back to work though, 4 kiddos is a lot! I really haven't rested at ALL though since having the baby, so I cannot imagine what it will be like when I am on my own. I'm a bit scared.

Here are some pics I took of Macie today..... DH teases me that I treat her like a doll to play with! How can I not!!! She is too cute to not dress her up and take her pics!144081440914410

Mum to three girls
September 27th, 2013, 11:27 PM
WantingPink, I had that with DH's grandmother after DD3, his mum came as well and she was great but his Nan was really hard work. I was in tears to DH about it all and vowed never again! Of course my parents are here now but we've an end point to their visit (in a week) and they've actually been very useful.

Mum to three girls
September 27th, 2013, 11:30 PM
Thorz, just seen your pics - she is adorable! I'll post some later today. I'm nervous about four by myself too although the big two being at school will help.

September 27th, 2013, 11:36 PM
I love those photos!! She is so adorable. I too dress Peyton up and put bows and headbands in her hair. The neighbors kids call her an American Girl Doll:) I can't wait until I can really do her hair and paint her nails. So much fun!! DH thinks I have lost my mind but I remind him that now I won't do that kind of stuff to the boys and that seems to make him happy and he stops making fun of me:)

Wow Thorz... your MIL is there till the end of Oct? I am glad she is helpful for you. If she is it will be nice to have her around since DH probably won't be around as much as you would like. I was very lucky to have my DH at home for 5 weeks but now I am all on my own. I was so scared when he left but so far things have gone fairly well.

September 27th, 2013, 11:50 PM
Mum to three I am so glad you said that about your grandmother. I felt kind of bad for feeling that way. I haven't said a word to my DH, only to my own Mom. I don't think I could say anything to DH, it would probably hurt his feelings. But seriously, all she did was hold the baby!! When I say all she did was hold the baby I am serious... she would hold her from the time I got done feeding her and changing her until she needed to be fed again. Then, since she was use to being held all day long she would fuss all night and I didn't get any sleep. To get sleep I would have to hold her until she was sound asleep. Then my MIL would wonder why she wasn't sleeping at night. Really??? That went on for two weeks. Needless to say that changed when she left and now Peyton is sleeping very sound for 5-6 hour stretches at night. Sorry for my MIL rant... haven't really said anything to anyone except for my Mom. Ever since she left I have been feeling a lot better physically and mentally.

September 28th, 2013, 04:45 AM
Thorz I have 3 at home and dh went back last week really not been too bad only downside is I haven't had a chance to dress her up n take pics lol think I better find time nxt week macie looks super cute and they only look newborn for so long!

Wanting pink weldone for not telling her where to go lol I would have told dh he had to make her leave ;-)

Wag n southern need pic updates of your handsome boys please ;-)

Oh so pleased all babies now safely here with no major dramas now the hard work starts ;-)

September 29th, 2013, 04:44 AM
We had influx of visitors and frankly long visits are very tiring. A friend stayed all Sunday and at 7pm I had to politely tell her to leave. She has no children and didn't realise we had 1000 other things to worry about before bedtime.

Thorz lovely pictures, I have to get organised to take some.

Mum to three girls
September 29th, 2013, 07:11 AM


I hope these work! My milk is well and truly in now, hoping for a more settled night.

September 29th, 2013, 11:58 AM
Mum to 3 what a cutie ;-)

September 29th, 2013, 12:47 PM
Love the baby pics!
I will try and get some up soon...

I still need to make my 6 week check up appt :s I'm so bad when it comes to worrying about myself.... It's been almost 5 weeks already I can't believe it... So bitter sweet... I will miss never having a little babe again but at the same time I'm very excited for him to start laughing and sitting and exploring his world

I had my first post partum sex yesterday... I don't know about you guys but I literally couldn't hold out any longer... It's all ive been thinking about for a few days now lmao... I've been doing loads of kegals since birth so it felt like things were back to normal! Other than the fact I hate condom sex... Still about a month til the vesectomy and then I thnk it's another 6 months til the test sperm count

September 29th, 2013, 12:51 PM
Just weighed Lennon and he's 11 pounds exactly!

September 29th, 2013, 02:03 PM
Ha ha wag tell you a secret waiting 6 weeks is an American thing I only know what you mean from something I read on Pinterest! Have to say with each baby dtd has been a week later post birth thou lol! 1 week 1st time 2 second three 3rd ;-) don't think dh would agree to a 4 ;-)

Here they say to give it a go before 6 weeks so you can tell dr of any issues at 6 wk check! Xx

September 29th, 2013, 02:18 PM
Really eh..l interesting..l I'm in Canada but i can see it being the same in the states...

It was good ;) lol I did spot a tiny bit after but I felt fine...

September 29th, 2013, 04:44 PM
Ah wag sorry ;-s

September 30th, 2013, 12:04 PM
Lol it's okay fish... So quiet around here now :( I guess we will slowly drift apart now that we are done :(

September 30th, 2013, 01:39 PM
Aw mum23 very cute, your girls look like they are going to be great big sisters :D

I think i'm quiet a long way off doing the deed yet lol. As much as i'd love to my scar is still pretty sore and it also looks awful :(

Little Evie was so worth it though, shes so good. The only time she really cries is when she goes in her car seat, she does like to have her play time at 2am so i'm pretty worn out.

Its gone so quiet on here now too, everyone must be so busy with their little bundles :)

October 1st, 2013, 03:06 PM
I'm still so tired!! Lol 4 kids is a lot, but well worth it! I think I might be experiencing some postpartum blues, I can't figure out why or put my finger on what it is that is making me sad. I honestly think it has to do with the weather getting gloomy again, and the fact that I am still hurting when I expected my hips to be back to normal as soon as I had her. I want to exercise and fit into my pants again lol. Macie is perfect though I couldn't ask for a better baby!

Postpartum sex wont happen for me until 4-6 weeks because that is how long I can hold DH off, I don't really miss it right now, and I think that has to do with my PP blues too and the fact that by the time he gets home, all I want to do is sleep. Once I start exercising again maybe I'll feel more energetic which should help my moods! It is very quiet on here now, and I am sure it is because we all have our hands full with our growing families!! I hope all is well with everyone, thank you ladies for being my support during these hard last 9 months!!!

October 1st, 2013, 05:59 PM
Its so busy during the day, especially my boys are not in school yet. Next year when DS1 starts will be easier. I hope everyone is getting enough sleep!

October 1st, 2013, 06:14 PM
Umm yeah I have been very busy and that's with three kids, so I can't imagine how those of you with 4 are handling things! Evan nurses around the clock during the day and at night his stretches go anywhere from 2-5 hours (closer to 2 though, lol). We've had a rough few days here because last Thursday I came down with a gum infection above my wisdom tooth. I had to start clindamycin on Friday, which is so powerful it wipes out all the bacteria. Well even though it's approved for breastfeeding, Evan still came down with diarrhea and a nasty diaper rash. :( Thankfully the dentist told me today I can stop the oral antibiotics and switch to local (otherwise I would have two more days left of that stuff). Both Evan and I are taking tons of probiotics as well and I have been taking Motrin around the clock for days now, or else the pain would radiate all the way to my ears and throat.
Let's just say that I am very paranoid about thrush as well because nursing is finally getting much better now that my big crack on the right side has healed. Turns out I was allergic to disposable nursing pads!!! After I switched to cotton and bamboo reusable ones, I started to heal! I wish I would have known that with DS1 and 2 because nursing was an absolute nightmare with them for the first 6-8 weeks (at which point I tend to ditch pads because I no longer need them, but I am only seeing the correlation now!).

Well it's been too quiet on here so I figured I'd write a novel to "entertain" those who still visit this board.

DS2 looooves his little brother. :)

Mum to three girls
October 1st, 2013, 07:27 PM
I'm not getting much sleep but it doesn't matter this week - next week the big kids will be at school which is a sort of mixed blessing - great that they're entertained for the day but it will be chaotic in the mornings. I THINK we've decided on Nicholas James for a name (after a week, lol) we both really liked Archie but it seems more of a baby/child's name than a grown up one. He's feeding a million times a day but I'm pretty good now at latching a baby and doing a few other things at the same time. My parents go soon but I must say they've been helpful when it comes to looking after the big kids while I get to know the baby.

My VJ has settled down after the burst vein but still sore and there's a black bruise over the mons pubis area. I don't think I'll be having sex for another few weeks! I can't wait to run again as well but the hospital physio said it's actually better for your pelvic floor to wait as long as you can so I'll give it the full 6 weeks.

Thorz, it's understandable that your mood is flat - you had a complicated pregnancy, a traumatic birth, continuous visitors and a husband who's constantly working. Can you organise things to let you get out with just Macie (or by yourself) for an hour or so? I think it's important to have some "me time" to look forward to.

Anyway, DH has taken the morning off and has taken the kids to the park. My parents are going to explore (with a shopping list, lol) and the baby is asleep so I'm going to hopefully join him.

October 2nd, 2013, 02:20 AM
Girlsway that's what I think too but at the same time it's nice that they have a year together before ds1 starts school

Thorz everyone has read me the riot act re post partum blues do you have a friend you could chat it through with, you have had a rough road and its always stressful and disappointing to realise it was all baby weight some of it seems to be here to stay ;-) planning my first run today at 5 weeks it'll be very light. Give yourself some space to cuddle your beautiful bubba

Southern lovely name I'd go for it ;/) hope your getting some shut eye

Daltag whoop for washable breast pads, Naomi has the glue from a throw away one stuck on her hair!!! No idea how! Nappy change in the dark! Hope your big boys enjoying school
Love you awesome ladies

Southern Butterfly
October 2nd, 2013, 11:23 AM
Hi ladies I've been MIA and I know I've missed a lot. My dad passed away very unexpectedly last week and I've just been reeling from the shock. He was at DS1's soccer game that Saturday (he NEVER missed any of the kids games) then Sunday night I got a call from the hospital that he was on life support, by Wednsday he was gone. We were extremely close, talked on the phone everyday and never went for more than a few days without seeing each other as he lived close by. I'm just absolutely heartbroken that he's gone. I was by his side holding his hand as he passed away for which I'm grateful but I've never experienced heartache like this before. As an only child I've been completely overwhelmed planning his funeral and memorial service all by myself. He was too young for this. My boys were so close to him and it breaks my heart Julian won't remember him.

I want to say a very belated Congratulations to Thorz on the birth of Macie, she is very beautiful.

Here are a few pics I took this morning of Julian. As you can see he is all belly

October 2nd, 2013, 12:04 PM
Southern -- I am so very sorry for the loss of your dad. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you begin to deal with this tremendous shock. I can't imagine how hard it must be to go through this without siblings.
I do have to say though that Julian is such a cutie! I am sure your gorgeous family will be a great source of comfort in the months to come.

I also just backtracked a bit and realized one of my posts never made it up. It was right after Thorz had Macie. I'm so sorry for the late congratulations Thorz! Macie is just gorgeous! :) I hope you will start to feel much better soon, physically as well as emotionally. Cut yourself some slack as far as keeping up with the household and the boys goes. The more you sit back the first 2 weeks or so, the faster you will bounce back. I know it's much easier said than done, especially with a DH who works as much as yours does. Please lean on the support from your church friends! And don't hesitate to seek professional advice if those baby blues are just too hard to chase on your own.

October 2nd, 2013, 02:01 PM
Oh southern I'm so sorry for your loss what a massive blow that must be, I'm an only child and really dread being the only one left so I do really feel for you, your poor boys too lovely that they were close but sad they have to experience this loss

Julian is sooo cute! How big is he now he looks the same size as Naomi I haven't had her weighed thou but think she's about 8lb


October 3rd, 2013, 04:35 AM
Hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA. It's pretty busy here. But all going really well with little Darcey. She's a placid little thing - thank goodness!! Thorz, I always have the baby blues for a good 2 weeks. This time round I was upset I'll never have another baby. Even though my mind tells me I am done! The baby blues are so strong and I'd cry every time I'd think about it. But feeling more in control now of my emotions and definitely feel complete with my 4 beautiful children. Will always be clucky around pregnant women and newborns though. I just have to live with that!! Lol
As for sex, I am still not the least bit interested. And even though I never get my period while breast feeding I'm not risking it until I get my IUD put in at my check up in 2 more weeks. It would just be my luck that the firs time I DONT want to fall pregnant I will!!

October 3rd, 2013, 04:50 AM
Sputhern, I'm so sorry to hear this about your dad. I hope you're holding up ok. Thinking of you x x x

Mum to three girls
October 7th, 2013, 10:32 PM
I'm sorry about your dad, Southern. Hope you're holding up ok.

Where is everyone? A new baby = a busy time though.

October 8th, 2013, 04:54 PM
Very sorry to hear about your sad loss Southern, if its any comfort I my self am a funeral arranger if you need any advice or support with anything please feel free to message me :bighug:
Looks to me like all our little bundles are gaining weight, at 24days old my chubby Eadie had gained a whole 39oz!! Shes now 8.11 from 6.4 at birth. This week she gained just over 1lb!!! Very suprised for a fully breastfed baby.
I do have a question for anyone who may be experiencing the same or previously experienced it, Eadie seems to be perfect through out the day will feed quickly and settled until her next feed 3 and a half hours later but when it comes to 7pm she is so unsettled until around 11pm, she just wants to be latched constabtly to my breast, I thought maybe colic but shes not showing signs (knees up ect) she will scream until i put her on my breast wven if shes just had a feed. But come 11pm she will take her last feed and sleep soundly until 3/4am x

October 8th, 2013, 05:13 PM
Hey Laura ds1 and Naomi both did this that's why I put her to bed at 7pm ;-) she's usually up around 2 and 4.30 which I guess might be an extra night feed but for me it's worth not to have a sad bubba all evening. I don't think either of them actually had colic thou ds1 might have he had reflux so hard to know! Just so unsettled ;/(((

October 8th, 2013, 05:58 PM
LadyLaura, that's totally normal and called cluster feeding. A lot of babies do that. It's awesome for your supply (the continuous nursing when you are already probably running low tells your body to produce more milk) and it helps her amass calories so she CAN sleep a longer stretch at night. I know it's exhausting for you but try to keep going and just feed her on demand. The crying to be fed is normal too and not necessarily a sign of colic. They just know what they want! My DS2 and DS3 are like that and I literally sometimes switch DS3 side to side (with mere 5-10 min breaks) for hours! Proof that you are doing the right thing is your LO's beautiful weight gain. My babies (all breastfed) always gained tons of weight from the get go and were VERY chunky around 4-6 months (without any solids). The cluster feeding should slow down significantly after the first 6-8 weeks though. :)

Mum to three girls
October 8th, 2013, 09:53 PM
Very sorry to hear about your sad loss Southern, if its any comfort I my self am a funeral arranger if you need any advice or support with anything please feel free to message me :bighug:
Looks to me like all our little bundles are gaining weight, at 24days old my chubby Eadie had gained a whole 39oz!! Shes now 8.11 from 6.4 at birth. This week she gained just over 1lb!!! Very suprised for a fully breastfed baby.
I do have a question for anyone who may be experiencing the same or previously experienced it, Eadie seems to be perfect through out the day will feed quickly and settled until her next feed 3 and a half hours later but when it comes to 7pm she is so unsettled until around 11pm, she just wants to be latched constabtly to my breast, I thought maybe colic but shes not showing signs (knees up ect) she will scream until i put her on my breast wven if shes just had a feed. But come 11pm she will take her last feed and sleep soundly until 3/4am x

Mine all cluster fed too. The explanations I liked the best were 1) that they are stocking up on the higher fat hind milk before their night time sleep and 2) it's a time of the day when they're tired and insecure so they're seeking out comfort.

It doesn't last forever, I tend to just go with it as well.

Southern Butterfly
October 8th, 2013, 10:31 PM
Julian does the same thing, usually between 8-10pm-ish he is more fussy and likes to nurse more. Sometimes I'm able to calm him with a really tight swaddle, white noise and a passy to hold him off long enough for me to get some things done. He's otherwise a very content baby. I agree it's very normal so try not to worry.

Julian was a whopping 10 lbs even and 22 in at his 2 month check up. He's growing so darn fast!

Thank you for all the kind words. The reality of him being gone is just now really sinking in. Today was his birthday, normally I would have baked him his favorite brownies and gone out to lunch but instead I was putting flowers on his grave :(

October 9th, 2013, 02:16 AM
Soz maybe wasn't clear yeah feeding all evening normal ds2 did this my other two have not wanted feeding just been really sad ;-((( don't put her to bed if she wants feeding.....Naomi just doesn't I'm a bit sad its nice to have them up when te house is all quiet and you can just snuggle them with no one being jealous ;-)

October 9th, 2013, 02:19 AM
Southern so pleased to hear Julian doing so well Naomi has her check with the specialist baby dr tomorrow she seems totally normal to me (just on the fussy side but not abnormally so I don't think)

Hope my instinct is right, I'm not prepared for them to say anything s wrong with my princess ;-s getting a bit nervous about it now...

October 10th, 2013, 09:32 PM
Yeahy Naomi declared all normal! They are going to do an ultrasound of her brain just to double check ;-)

It's oh so quiet here, hope everyone's bubbas well xx

October 13th, 2013, 06:05 AM
That's wonderful fish. So glad to hear Naomi is healthy. It's chaos at my place most of the time. With 4 kids 5 yrs and under in really pushed every day!! Little Darcey is a gem and doing good stretches over night so at least I'm getting some sleep!

October 13th, 2013, 12:50 PM
Lennon is more fussy in the evening too... He's perfect all day and through the night bu he has a couple hours of being high maintenance... He wakes depending when he goes to bed once or twice... I fall a sleep every night when I feed him which he loves cause he gets to sleep ontop of me for a,few hours lol

Southern I'm so sorry about your dad... He looked like an awesome grandpa! Do mind me asking what happend? My grandma had a very fast unexpected passing she went to the hospital to fin pancreatic cancer and was given a few years she lived 6 days :(

My neighbour told my utistic son that he's a fucking retard yesterday! I could have killed her! I called the cops and he said who cares! I'm livid! This is harassment! She refered to my four kids as three retards and a fat pig!

She also went on to say that I need to close my legs and stop having kids cause she's sick of her tax dollars paying our way... We are not on financial assistance DH works really hard to provide for us so I was quite offended... And even if I was what would make it any place for her to say anything! also I'm a whore cause I have four kids... I've been with DH for almost 10 years lol and apparently I'm fat :( lol this is a full grown woman acting like a 13 year old it's really pathetic she was giving me the finger and she was dancing around on her porch lmao it was quite a sight lmao she also said we are bad parents cause cps has been to our house...umm I told her well and crazy person can call on anyone so whatever helps u sleep at night

I emailed the news channel cause I have been seeing so many stories regarding autistic people being mistreated so thought they may be interested

October 14th, 2013, 01:05 PM
Salsa keep telling me that lol I had 2 under 2 now have 3 under 4 need to keep hearing not to go for another ;-s

Wag she sounds like a loon, so sad that she has nothing better to do than share her lack of understanding with u and your kids,

October 14th, 2013, 09:44 PM
Had to call the cops again she verbally attacked me when I was getting home saying she hopes my kids die! Cops said they cant do anything and we should move! I'm gonna call the court house to apply for a peace bond... Pray to god it gets approved! I can't even go outside now :( and nothing can be done about her

October 15th, 2013, 08:14 AM
Oh wag this is the last thing you need with a baby poor you, why should u have to move?!?

October 15th, 2013, 10:43 AM
OMG WAG this lady is a piece of work!!! I wish there was something more that could be done about harassment! You should not have to be the one to move.

Things have been so darn crazy here. My MIL brought her dumb dog and it has been chewing up my whole house and getting my brand new carpets dirty (even though MIL promised me the dog would never be on the carpet and that she doesn't chew things) I've been really frustrated! But on the bright side, I will have my house back, free from visitors next week. Also, my sister is paying for me and Macie to fly out to Utah next month because she really wants to see the baby! I'm excited for that.

Macie is such a sweet little baby and never fusses.........well during the day, but at night she struggles because she has a hard time pooping, and for some reason she only does that at night. Once she gets it out aroud 2 am she sleeps peacefully. But Im always exhausted from staying up until 2 with a fussy girl.

Im still struggling with a little pp blues, but I think its getting better! Here are a few pics I took of my little ones yesterday!
Just Macie

October 15th, 2013, 11:51 AM
Third pics are too adorable I need to take more! Make sure you get help with the blues if you need it honey maybe having the house to yourself will help. I'm not a big dog fan I'd hate to have to live with one in my house, especially your house its so nicely done ;-s

Ladies lets have update pics please ;-) will take some tomorrow it's 5pm here and happy baby pics unlikely now!

October 15th, 2013, 12:38 PM
Thorz sorry to hear you are having pp blues and about your MIL dog!! That is crazy. Why the hell did she bring her dog? I love dogs and have two of them however, I think bringing your dog to someones house is kind of rude. Especially if it chews things up. Doesn't she have a crate for the dog? Can't it go outside? I am sorry cause I am sure the last thing you need with pp blues is that kind of chaos. Hope you aren't overwhelmed!! On a better note, your pictures are fantastic! Your kids are super cute!

October 15th, 2013, 01:48 PM
Very cute pics! Have you tried some b vitamins to help your mood?

October 15th, 2013, 02:32 PM
The dog spends most of her time outside in the backyard, but has chewed up all of my patio furniture and my boys outside toys! She sleeps in a Kennel in the house during the night. We only have carpet upstairs and my MIL said that she would carry the dog up to the kennel each night (to protect my brand new carpet from dirty dog paws). But I'm constantly having to ask DH to remind her of that.
I haven't taken anything for the PP blues, maybe some vitamin B might do me some good. I have seasonal blues anyhow so adding pp blues on top of my normal seasonal blues, might not make for a happy winter time for this momma so I better get to taking something that will help me asap. Winter is right around the corner!

Southern Butterfly
October 15th, 2013, 06:31 PM
Southern I'm so sorry about your dad... He looked like an awesome grandpa! Do mind me asking what happend? My grandma had a very fast unexpected passing she went to the hospital to fin pancreatic cancer and was given a few years she lived 6 days :(

Thank you. He hadn't been feeling well for a few days but seemed to be getting better. I saw him on Saturday morning as he came to cheer on DS1 at all of his soccer games. We chatted and watched the game together then he headed home. I talked to him later that afternoon on the phone and that was the last time I spoke to him. Late Sunday night he called 911 having trouble breathing. By the time I got to the hospital he was in ICU on life support and never woke up. They believe he had a massive infection in his intestines which caused him to become septic and his organs just all failed pretty rapidly.

As his only child I had to make the agonizing decision to stop life support after several days. I stroked his hair and held his hand as he took his last breaths. I knew it was the right thing to do because he wouldn't have wanted to be left on machines suffering with no hope of survival, but letting go of him was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I was always a daddy's girl, he did everything for me. We talked everyday and saw each other at least every other day. My mother and I never had a close relationship, it was always me and my dad. On top of that he was an absolutely devoted grandpa to my boys. Rowan (who is 3) keeps asking for him and it breaks my heart.

Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since he passed away but it feels like years have passed since I saw him. It's so hard to accept him being gone. how do you go from seeing someone almost everyday to never again?

Every step in this process is on me alone and it's so overwhelming. From choosing a casket and planning a funeral to my current tasks of going through all of his things and figuring out what to do with his house. He worked very hard to leave us some money and I'm grateful but I don't want money, I just want my dad back.

I'm sorry for the long "downer" post but I'm just so very heartbroken.

Here he is in the week before he passed away. I miss him so much.

Southern Butterfly
October 15th, 2013, 06:39 PM
Fish- I'm so glad Naomi's apt went well.

WAG- That's terrible that you can't do anything legally to stop this woman's harassment. I can't believe the police won't do anything!

Thorz- Sorry to hear about the pp blues. Hopefully it will soon lift for you. Love the pics, Macie is gorgeous and your boys are so handsome.

October 15th, 2013, 07:38 PM
Oh wow Southern, I missed your post on your dad earlier....I just went back to get caught up and saw your post a few pages back. I am so very sorry! I cannot even imagine your heartache! I wish I had the right words to make it better but really there are no words for that. It sounds like he was a wonderful man, and a really great father. I am so sorry for your loss!

Southern Butterfly
October 15th, 2013, 08:23 PM
Thank you for the kind reply Thorz.

On a lighter note... has anyone gotten halloween costumes yet? I ordered this really cute bunny outfit for Julian, just couldn't resist.

October 16th, 2013, 06:57 AM
Hello :D its been a few weeks since i've been able to get on. We moved house on the 5th (Yay our first ever owned house) and its been crazy with 3 kids, a house move and decorating on top but i'm back now.

Evie is soo good and is 4 weeks old now. I cant believe how quick its gone but i'm treasuring every moment. I've healed really well after the section too and have been up ladders painting for the past 2 weeks.

Southern i'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. Thinking of you and your family at this sad time x

Thorz such cute pics, i've lost the camera in the move so havnt been able to take many pics but. You might start feel better once your house is empty. How are your hips now too?

WAG your neighbor is a nasty piece of work. I cant believe anyone would say such horrible things.

Fish so glad to hear little Naomi is healthy and got the all clear.

Heres a recent pic of my little princess :) 14785

and heres a pic of our new house :)14786

Mum to three girls
October 16th, 2013, 07:01 AM
Southern, I'm sorry about your dad. Mine died a year ago and I'm still very sad. He was very fit and healthy but developed a very rare and aggressive cancer and was dead only a few months after diagnosis. It sounds like you had a fantastic relationship with him though, I was very close to mine and I do think it makes it easier to grieve.

Thorz, love the pics. I'm sure your mood will improve once the guests go- after DD3 we had guests continuously for over a month, mainly DH's family who were hard work and I was a miserable, weepy mess while they were here. I think there's a settling in period for the whole family once a new baby comes and relatives, no matter how helpful, interfere with that. Once they left I was fine. We ate more cheese on toast for a few weeks (his relatives did help with the cooking) but we were all much happier.

WAG, is that the same neighbour who put your cat on the roof? She does sound very very difficult. What a nightmare.

Things are pretty good here, Nicholas is reasonably settled (so far) although still feeds loads overnight so I'm tired. He's only three weeks though so I don't expect too much from him at this stage! His big sisters are fond of him although their lives haven't changed that much-it's still all school, swimming, friends etc but DD3 is much more interested. Every now and then I'll pop him in the bouncy chair only to have her cover him in toys and blocks etc. DH, who was not particularly helpful when I was pregnant has really stepped up and is doing loads more in the mornings before school which has made a huge difference. I'm actually getting there earlier than I was before he was born!

I can't wait to run again but for the sake of my pelvic floor I think I'll wait six weeks, the hospital physio was adamant that it was better to wait a bit. I do feel hugely fat-luckily my scales are broken so I can't be horrified by how much I've got to lose although I can tell some of it is being fed off me (lol).

DLTAG, congrats on your move! And your pics are gorgeous. (I've just seen your post).

October 17th, 2013, 08:50 AM
Yes the same one that put the cat on the roof lol... She's def a piece of work...

That's terrible southern! I can't imagine doin all this alone :( I hope you have a good support system through friends

November 6th, 2013, 07:48 AM
Oh my goodness its gone quiet on here. Thought i would check on and see how everyone is doing and theres no new posts :(

Hope all the mummies and babies are doing well :) x

November 30th, 2013, 11:11 PM
DLTAG you are right, it is so quiet, especially for a group like us that was on everyday. Well I for one have been so busy that I can't see straight 4 kiddos is hard especially with all the Holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) and 4 birthdays all during this time..... Anyhow, I thought I would get on and share some pics of Macie, she is 2 months old now and such a sweet little girl... Here are two pics I took of her in her blessing dress for church (sort of like a christening).15517

I really hope everyone is doing well, and that you all have a wonderful Holiday Season!!

December 1st, 2013, 09:57 AM
She is adorable Thorz, very girly.

It's crazy how busy things get with an extra little person around. I have the first weekend just with Diana and its a breeze looking after one only.

December 2nd, 2013, 10:51 AM
It's been soooo long since I've been on! How is everyone?

Dh is fixed... Yay!
I got engaged after 9 years with dh lol, he got me the tacori ring I picked many years ago ;)

But now my mother is making me get married in July and it's too much for me and I don't know how to say I don't want to... S I guess I will just go with it...I'm her only girl after three boys so she's been waiting for this I think :(