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Thread: kid with OCD?

  1. #11
    Big Dreamer
    CherryBlossom's Avatar
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    How is your son now AS?
    Asking if you think this was an age thing or maybe a copying thing?
    Although my sons love making a mess with their toys. My eldest ( also noticing things with my youngest but he's a parrot and copycat lol) does very similar! Even if my partner leaves a plate in the lounge my son picks it up and takes it to the kitchen. Shoes laying around he puts side by side near the wall or in the spare bedroom. I've noticed it a while ago now. No complaints at all of course haha. He will play in dirt but he's very neat about it and once done he doesn't like the dirt on his hands. Painting he will get pain on his hands and gets upset.
    I've decided to work with it. Go out get messy with paint. Draw all over the side walk with chalk. Let the boys play with dirt.
    He's also the same with his clothes and hair.

    My family are extremely OCD. I don't live near then thank goodness. Or theyde be down my throat half the time. My grandmother stayed here. First night it rained. 830 in the morning she was down my throat about dirt from the garden on the sidewalk =/ telling me I should have cleaned it up.
    My partners family are the same not like mine. But very very clean and tidy. Mostly from his dads side.
    My partner and I. Well the older I'm getting the more organised and cleaner I am. However if there's a few toys out, paperwork on the coffee table. I can leave it for a few hours or even till the next day! My partner is the complete opposite of OCD lol.
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  2. #12
    Big Dreamer
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Wow thank you all! He's only 2 1/2 years old so I guess I should just wait and see...he is a kind of intense little character and when things don't happen in a way in which he expects he is prone to freaking out! But, it's like a lot of nice qualities seem to go along with it! I wouldn't trade him, that's for sure.

    This again is similar to how he is too. He sees a pediatrician next month
    2008 2010 2013

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    'You can only toss heads for so long before a tail is bound to come up!! ' - atomic sagebrush

  3. #13
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Oh sorry I just spotted this - he is still very very orderly and is one of those kids that doesn't like it when things don't go his way (some may remember I have previously called him a combo of Adrian Monk and Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones LOL) but I am following the same strategy that you are, I try to make lots of opportunities for him to get dirty and have lots of experiences while he's still fairly young. I hope that if he learns that he can get dirty and the world doesn't end now while I still have some manner of control, when he's older he may be more flexible than if i was sanitizing him constantly like I did with my first son LOL

    Last night he was not happy because we had pizza with square pepperoni but I cajoled him into eating one and he was like "oh this does taste good!" It was like he never realized that things can look different but still be the same. Win for the mama.
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  4. #14
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    I think it is an age thing too, just watch it and see how it goes, if something that upset him a couple of weeks ago but he is OK with it now, is a good sign.

    My 3 year old has some OCD traits but I don't think it is a problem just yet, this is when they start learning rules and how things are mean't to be. He used to clean a lot, if something messed he would clean it, now he has moved on. He has to have socks on when he goes to bed, otherwise he won't go.

    He also has to have 3 pacifiers in the cot, it's OK if there is more than 3 he is fine, but if he doesn't have 3 we hear about it. I think for him it is a phase. I think we all have a bit of OCD in us

    He has a lot of little things like this but they tend to be a phase rather than a full on OCD.
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  5. #15
    mrs magoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Thank you! Yes, he's also a car-liner-upper guy too.
    this is my DS big time!

    on her way in 2014

  6. #16
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    Last night he randomly decided to floss his teeth. He saw it on TV and was like hmmm I better be doing that too.
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  7. #17
    Dream Vet

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    I think those traits make them more self-sufficient at a young age which is actually nice to see...esp when you have alot of kids to take care of but your oldest is so nit-picky, he has to get things done "right".

  8. #18
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    I hope so! My older boys are both slobs so it would be nice LOL
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  9. #19
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    My son is a little ocd and but I am not sure if it is just personality, he only likes certain clothes and certain socks etc. poor little fella I too am not sure when to worry.
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  10. #20
    Dream Vet
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    My DS1 who is now 5 is a little OCD - definitely likes to line up cars and always has done. Likes to be clean but has let a lot of that go since starting school Ive noticed. I think some are just a little more like that than others. he definitely takes after me in that regard. The other day my DH went to give him an apple and DS1 said "Did you wash that apple first daddy" lol (Daddy hadnt) totally gross to me but I didnt want to make a big deal out of it as I know what DS1 is like so let it go and DS1 ate it - after getting my nod of approval lol.. Anyway I do think it is just different personality types but if you see it becoming a problem with his behaviour then by all means speak to your ped x
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