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Thread: Folate

  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi all,

    I’ve got my BFP this month - it’s our first month of trying so I’d only been on the diet for 9 weeks at the point of conception (swaying pink), and am not holding out much hope that this will be a girl, but it is what it is, and I’m just glad we were so lucky for it to happen so quickly.

    I was taking 1000mg of folate during the sway and have found it really hard to get hold of a prenatal now with folate instead of folic acid. I finally found one (Garden of Life) and have been taking it for a week but today realised it has 1300mcg of vitamin A in and recommendations here (UK) are not to take a prenatal that has Vitamin A in. So I’m now worried that I’ve done damage with this and also back to the drawing board regarding folate. If I take one of the commonly used prenatals like Pregnacare that has 400mg folic acid, alongside the existing 1000mg folate, is that going to be a problem? So confusing!!


  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Huge congrats!! 8+ weeks still got good results, just not as high as 12+weeks.

    Ugh I hate the Garden of Life ones for that reason plus a variety of others. Pregnacare isn't my favorite but far better than Garden of Life.

    As long as you don't have MTHFR or any similar issue with tolerating folic acid, it is fine to add folic acid to what you are already taking. It is only a small minority who has to completely avoid folic acid. So please just add the prenatal to what you're already taking and take that (1400 total) all thru the entire first trimester, then wean off the 1000 by spacing doses further and further out till down to just the prenatal.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks so much for the super speedy reply!

    I’m so annoyed at the ridiculous price I paid for the Garden of Life ones and my husband has had to calm me down after my (probably hormone induced) panic that I’ll have damaged the foetus by taking them. He’s gone straight out now to get some Pregnacare for me! Despite it being my third pregnancy, I’d somehow forgotten how many decisions there are to stress out over when you’re pregnant!

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  5. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    You weren't on them long enough to cause any harm. No worries, all is well!
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