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  1. #1
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    Thumbs up DS2's birth announcement and birth story!

    I thought I'd come and let everyone know that my new little boy, Oscar, arrived safely on 29th September at 38+1 (exactly the same gestation as his brother turned up on).

    I'd swayed pink this time, and despite having what I believe to be a strong pink sway my adorable DS2 was meant to be and I have to say I'm not disappointed in the slightest

    ETA - sorry, I hadn't realised how long this would be!!

    Soo... birth story. Firstly a little background knowledge. I was doing hypnobirthing and had also done this with DS1 and seen the benefits so was keen to do it again. Also, I have a weird cervix that likes to dilate pre-labour. With DS1 I actually had a silent labour (was contracting regularly and dilating incredibly slowly without feeling a thing) and reached 7cm before they broke my waters to get me into active labour.

    This pregnancy I'd had threatened preterm labour at 30 weeks and was told I had a 75% chance of delivering before 32 weeks. Somehow I held onto my baby but was mentally prepared for him to arrive at any point.

    A midwife friend advised me to check my own cervix for signs of dilation given my previous silent labour, and I was able to manage this this time. At around 36.5 weeks I could feel myself start to dilate a few cms - I could feel the shiny/slippery surface of the sack and if I pressed lightly on it I could feel baby's head. At 37 weeks I was sure I was now around 5cm dilated (by my estimate) but I was getting sore and impatient from carrying a baby and chasing after my toddler so at 37+5 I took myself to the day assessment unit for assessment.

    37+5: I was popped on the monitor and they found I was having frequent tightenings (2 in 10), which I knew because I could feel my bump going hard this time around although I couldn't feel all of them. She examined me and found me to be 6cm dilated! They sent me to the local birthing centre... and worried that I wouldn't make it there in time. I didn't feel like it would be anytime soon as I didn't believe I was in active labour so I can't say I rushed. I was really happy to have been put in the pool room as I was really really keen to have a water birth this time as I'd longed for it with DS1. After being there 4hrs they examined me again and I was still 6cm - which didn't surprise me because it had progressed so slowly last time. I was given a sweep and sent home because they didn't want to break my waters and "induce" me if I wasn't in active labour. I reluctantly went home hoping the sweep would do something, but feeling increasingly anxious about a fast unattended delivery should my waters spontaneously go at home.

    38+0: The sweep hadn't worked, and I was feeling even more anxious. I didn't think the stress was helping anything so went to DAU to assess for progress at around 12PM. They found me to STILL be 6cm and still having irregular tightenings. We talked about my options and they were cautious about breaking my waters and inducing me as I wasn't 40 weeks yet and if it didn't work I'd need a proper induction, but she would ask if the labour ward would do it or if I could have the community MW do it in 3 days time at my home so I could try for a homebirth (I was keeping my options open). I was about to go to the cafe to discuss my options with my husband when she offered me a sweep, so I accepted and she proceeded to give me the roughest sweep ever and it was actually very painful!! It did the trick, though. Whilst drinking my cup of tea to discuss the plans I noticed the tightenings were even closer together - every 2mins or so, but not any stronger. We decided to wait and to give the sweep time to work before having my waters broken. We told the DAU our decision and they said the consultant wasn't keen to do anything that day anyway.

    At home, my mum and sister were still out for the day with DS1. By the time I got home my tightenings had gone back down to about 7-10mins apart. I went into nesting mode and thoroughly cleaned the bathrooms and decluttered our bedroom (it has never been so tidy), and then lay down to have a rest. I couldn't sleep, so instead timed tightenings and noticed them becoming more frequent and accompanied by backache and cramps. I couldn't keep still during them anymore and kept making trips to pee during them (which was how labour with DS1 had been once it got going). On advice from friends on facebook I rang the local birth unit and asked if I could come in. My husband wasn't sure about going, but I insisted and my mum said she knew then that we'd have a baby soon.

    We arrived at 7pm having dodged rush hour traffic, and they assessed me again. I was still 6cm but stretchy to 7cm with waters bulging during contractions so had progressed a little!! However, due to the discomfort level I knew that this was it! They had filled the pool up whilst I'd been travelling but had to get more MWs in from the local hospital so I couldn't get in.

    In the delivery room, which was very comfy and home-from-home with comfy chairs and soft lighting, I made myself comfortable. At 8pm I sent my husband off to the shops as he was restless and it was irritating me. Almost as soon as he went contractions picked up a notch and were now 2-3 mins apart. I coped by breathing through them and concentrating on a visualisation of balloons blowing away. I spent the whole time waiting for the new midwife looking longingly at the pool and desperate to get in it.

    Eventually at 11pm the new midwife arrived. She was really lovely and bubbly and assessed me again, telling me I was now 8cm, which I already knew as I'd started shaking and feeling sick. I was allowed to get in the pool and it was bliss! I continued breathing deeply and slowly through each with my husband vigorously rubbing my lower back which helped a treat. Between contractions I floated in the water and physically rested and relaxed, and during contractions I held on to the sides.

    At 1AM I started wondering how much longer, but recognised this as transition so knew I was nearly there. My waters still hadn't gone and it was frustrating knowing they were slowing things and contractions were so overwhelmingly uncomfortable (wouldn't say they were painful, though, I didn't feel a need to ask for pain relief at any point not even gas and air, but the uncomfortableness was sickening).

    Finally at 1.45AM I was examined. I was virtually fully dilated with just a lip left, and I begged her to break the waters which she did with difficulty. It seems I make thick sacks as they had struggled to break it with DS1 too.

    I literally ran back to the birth pool afterwards and 10mins later I started to bear down with each contraction.

    The feeling of baby starting to descent made me feel very sick, my insides being pushed out of the way...but I took it slow (because that means the perenium area is more likely to become numb). Crowning wasn't half as bad as last time, it stung but wasn't particularly painful. I didn't actively push at all and just let the natural contractions slowly ease his head out. During the next contraction he came out into the water and came forwards in front of me, I saw his pale flailing arms under the surface and reached down and picked him up myself! He was slimy and bigger than anyone had expected given my petite stature. He made one short "wah" cry and then settled very calmly.

    I was thrilled to get my water birth and have needed no pain relief, although due to his size I did have a 2nd degree tear which I hadn't felt happen. The birth made me feel so empowered and was just how I'd hoped it would go. It was longer than my first birth, but I felt in control the whole time and that made all the difference. He has taken to breastfeeding like a pro too, and is generally calm and relaxed possibly because of his calm birth.

    Here's my gorgeous boy, born weighing 8lb3oz and with a "massive head" according to the midwife!
    7 days - 1.jpg

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    He is gorgeous! That is a great story as well, how nice that they were willing to let you proceed more at your own pace.
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  3. #3
    rainbowflower's Avatar
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    thank you!
    yes, it was much better them leaving me to get on with it. I wanted that the first time but they interfered a lot then and stressed me out (which of course hinders all the calming birth hormones). I think a lot of hospital-based MWs are that way which is why I wanted to avoid a hospital birth this time. Saying that, my first birth wasn't bad it was just disappointing as I knew it could have been better had they listened to me and taken a step back.

  4. #4
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    He is so beautiful, congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of your wonderful baby boy. Sounds like you were in total control and did a wonderful job.

    We feel blessed and happy that our family is complete.

    Mammy to two angels in heaven.You will always be missed and loved.

  5. #5
    Big Dreamer
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    Congratulations! He's gorgeous!
    DS1 - 5.5
    DS2 - 3

    It's a girl!

  6. #6
    BeadinMom's Avatar
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    He is absolutely PRECIOUS!!! You guys must be thrilled
    So happy for you and your family!!! XO
    Proud mom of 3 sweet boys...
    and one BEAUTIFUL little girl!
    (Thanks Atomic!)

    Guess my nub? LOL...

  7. #7
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    Awesome! Just awesome! Well done!
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    and my IVF/PGD

    It's better to look back on life and say: "I can't believe I did that" than to look back and say "I wish I did that".

    New to IVF/PGD for Family Balancing? Read this- Understanding IVF/PGD- a HT Guide for those New to the IVF/PGD Process

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  8. #8
    Dream Vet
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    He is gorgeous. Congratulations!!!
    DS(2004) DD1(2007) DD2(2012)

  9. #9
    TTC5's Avatar
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    Congrats he is beautiful!
    Fathers Day baby!

    Busy Mummy of 5 now working from home:

  10. #10
    Dream Vet
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    Congratulations! Sounds wonderful x
    2009 2011 2013 (failed sway)

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    Our beautiful baby girl was born in September 2017!

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