
Entries with no category

  1. Just took my last BCP... possibly forever.

    I have such mixed feelings. I just took my last birth control pill. It may be the last one I ever take for the rest of my life. DH informed me, long before my sway started, that he was ready for a vasectomy, and a condition of allowing me to sway was allowing him to have his vasectomy after a healthy pregnancy. He may even get it done before the baby I hope to conceive is even born, so I could possibly be done with birth control of any kind.

    Why would anyone who has completed ...
  2. Channeling my inner "Mary"

    I'm a Martha. I know I am. I'm a hyper-competitive, politically-charged news junkie who wants to be able to verbally take down any argument that disagrees with my worldview. I've been to protests, campaigned for people, and I frequent FaceBook threads that I disagree with just to flex me intellectual muscles and spew out the facts and statistics that I troll the internet daily for. Seriously, that's been what I do for fun for the past few years. I listen to NPR, comb through the archives for ...
  3. It's been forever, but I'm ready to give this a go!

    It took a year to convince my DH to let us try one last time, but it was worth it. Ever since I discovered Gender Dreaming, I knew LE was going to be the way I went for my daughter. IG was too restrictive, and made me feel ill and crappy, while LE just makes more sense to me.

    I have conceived three boys, and I feel like I now understand why. I'm a typical alpha-female, competitive, aggressive, high strung and loud. I never shy away from a debate, listen to the news instead of ...
  4. It's been forever, but I'm ready to give this a go!

    It took a year to convince my DH to let us try one last time, but it was worth it. Ever since I discovered Gender Dreaming, I knew LE was going to be the way I went for my daughter. IG was too restrictive, and made me feel ill and crappy, while LE just makes more sense to me.

    I have conceived three boys, and I feel like I now understand why. I'm a typical alpha-female, competitive, aggressive, high strung and loud. I never shy away from a debate, listen to the news instead of ...
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